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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2017 in all areas

  1. Love the packaging!!!
    2 points
  2. Usually when using a rebuildable deck only the cotton needs to be replaced once a week or so. I can go longer, but I find after a week or so the flavor seems to be the issue, and replacing the wick after dry burning the coil makes it like a new coil.
    2 points
  3. Even after year of trying everything that was available, I was never able to stop smoking. One day, five years ago, I saw a co-worker outside sucking on what looked like a pen (eGo T 650 mAh) and exhaling plumes of what looked like smoke but smelled so much better. I stopped and starting asking questions. That night after work I stopped by the B&M and bought myself my first vape gear: an eGo-T 650 mAh battery, two CE4 tanks with 1.5 ohm coils with a 5-pack back up, an AC adapter, a charging cable, and three bottles of juice. Back then, it cost a total of $165.00 A few days later I went back and discovered that eGo had a new battery out -- a 650 passthrough! And Kanger put out a new tank -- a T2 with top coils/short wick. I started vaping and collecting more back ups, more juices, never really looking back. The six packs of smokes I had in the fridge remained there for another two years until I finally threw them away. The first six months or so, I'd tempt fate and would light up just to see if I still liked it or not. The answer would be... not. Haven't looked back since. Around the first six month mark, I was playing on the internet and discovered a different vape forum. It was too big, the people weren't very patient with "noobs", nor were they very kind or friendly so I continued looking around. Hey! Check out this new place I found! It's called Vapor Talk. The people were very friendly, very knowledgeable, and I felt welcomed here. It's where I call 'home' now. The people are wonderful, they are all about helping new vapers with their questions no matter how many times they answer the same thing. They enjoy derailing threads, but that only makes the conversation more interesting and the subject comes back around... eventually. Yes, we do periodically get some bad apples here, but it's rare and they usually get tired of our slower pace and go away. The good ones stay. Eventually, I was asked to become an admin here, and it was a scary thing, and I'm still learning. This long-winded thing is my way of saying a BIG THANK YOU! to @Christopher for starting this forum, to my fellow admins and mods, and to all the wonderful members here (both old and new), who make the forum a place to hang my hat. These days, after all this time, I no longer have any doubts that I'll ever go back to smoking. Vaper Talk has played a huge part in helping with this. Happy 5-year vaperversary to me!
    1 point
  4. Obviously up late works good for you. That is very sharp packaging. Begs the eye to explore.
    1 point
  5. Just got this in from VT - The Templar AIO kit (along with a sampler of VT Black Label Crown Jewels). Thanks to @Christopher!! Charged up. Filled up. Being vaped as I write this. First impressions to come later this weekend.
    1 point
  6. Dual Coil Ammit: Twisted Clapton 28/30 SS, 3mm, 0.25Ω. Wicking holes are HUGE. Packed them solid and it doesn't dry hit so far. Amazing. Flavor and Cloud: Very good. My first "post-less" and I'm kinda diggin it.
    1 point
  7. On pre-made coils like Kanger and Aspire... I have gotten days out of some, and some have lasted a month before flavor went south. Since I've been using temp-control and SS wire coils, I've been getting 3+ weeks out of each pre-made. When I make my own coils, I can get about a week before I change the cotton, and the coil is good for several weeks (4-5 minimum) if I clean the coil when I change the cotton. I agree with everyone above... I think if you're burning them up, you have the Wattage too high for your juice/air-flow?
    1 point
  8. Okay, for the most part with a premade coil, two weeks or a little more is doing good. If your new coil sat for that long and it still tasted burnt, I'm wondering how high the wattage is that you're vaping at? With a new coil or using new-to-you juice, set the watts low, vape. If that's not working for you, turn it up a bit, vape. Repeat until you get a slight burnt flavor then back it down a bit. That's the sweet spot for that coil and juice. Don't go by what settings others tell you to use, use your own judgement to let it tell you when the right wattage is (if you're using lower than what's recommended).
    1 point
  9. I don't know about a year, but I have been using some for a long time. Usually I change the coil when I want to change the resistance, I know I have been using a dual coil setup in one of my tanks for at least 6 months, just changing the cotton occasionally.
    1 point
  10. Just a few questions to satisfy my curiosity... What brand and model of tank are you currently using? How long is the coil lasting before you have to change it? What is it doing for you to think it's defective? What resistance is your coil? What kind of juice are you using (PG/VG ratio and is it really dark and/or sweet)? With the answers to the questions above we might be able to help you make a coil last longer. Dark, sweet juices will burn out a coil faster then light, not as sweet flavors.
    1 point
  11. Good luck to you with your DIY mixing, remember what tastes good to someone else might not taste good to you, and the other way around too. Draino is easy to mix, and also wet sock flavor.
    1 point
  12. Awesome, thank you! Yeah I figure there's a learning curve, once I find something that works, I can vape that for a while until I work some other flavors out.
    1 point
  13. When I get down to my last 30ml I mix up a 120ml batch, It usually sits for at least a week at room temp before I use it. From past experience the Bavarian cream needs to steep, like most other creams. The orange is usually ready to vape after mixing. After you DIY for awhile you will know which flavors need to steep a long time, and which don't need to steep very long. I mix a Big red gum flavor 3% cinnamon and 15% bubblegum, the cinnamon can be tasted right away, but the bubblegum needs to steep for a week to really taste it.
    1 point
  14. Thanks for posting! I read it earlier, but as educated Vapers, are we really surprised at the findings? I honestly wasn't. I don't Vape in the house because my wife doesn't want it around the kids, I understand that, respect that, and agree with it from an exposure and ethical standpoint. But considering the ingredients of what goes in our juice, by and large there's not a whole lot of "harmful substances" to begin with, especially when you compare it to the alternative. I want to see more studies like this for sure, because once enough study has FINALLY been done, maybe people will finally see the light, that Vaping isn't anything like big tobacco, not even remotely close. And to lump us the same category as that nonsense is imo, absolute nonsense. Keep, on vaping guys!
    1 point
  15. I mix a orange cream juice, I use 15% blood orange, and 5% Bavarian cream, works for me.
    1 point
  16. Congrats, @Bebop! Four years isn't anything to hide in a corner, you should've shouted from the rooftops. @VapeMama, glad to see you! And we need to see you more often around here, you've been pretty quiet lately.
    1 point
  17. Saw that the other day, it's an interesting article. We need more like this!
    1 point
  18. @Tam yep. Just passed 4 years myself. I agree this is the best place in town!
    1 point
  19. Congrats Tam
    1 point
  20. Contratulations Tam! This is the friendliest forum on vaping I found. That's why I stick around.
    1 point
  21. *Happy Dance* for Tam CONGRATULATIONS @Tam!!!!! You're an inspiration to all of us! I'm 12 days from my one year and can't wait ...Thanks to you and all the other wonderful folks here, it's been a piece of cake to give up analogs and vape to better health.
    1 point
  22. Happy Vaperversary Tam!!! ️. I brought cookies! im really happy for you Tam. And thanks for being the heart and soul of this place. Love you, dearie
    1 point
  23. Bebop

    Fidget repurposed!

    Aha. Thank you! My fidget toy has 6 strings and a whammy bar.
    1 point
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