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  1. i prefer a smaller logo on the left breast personally and I'm with @Tam on seeing some hunks with the T's on.
    2 points
  2. Christopher

    Fidget repurposed!

    I love these things. My son brought one home from school a week or two back. I just ordered a bunch of them to put up in the VT store.
    1 point
  3. Walt

    Fidget repurposed!

    Always wondered what those were.
    1 point
  4. bhonshell37

    Fidget repurposed!

    Good idea Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. I read this in a blog called Vaping Post this morning. Thought it quite interesting seeing that it was done in the good ole USA. (I wanted to copy/paste the link and my computer wouldn't cooperate.) Air Sampling confirms secondhand vapor is harmless Results obtained from an air sample of a small non-ventilated vape shop, clearly indicate that the amount of toxic substances present in the air where a lot of vaping is taking place, are of insignificant levels. The California Department of Public Health has been carrying out air sampling in vape shops throughout the state, as part of its initiative to determine the health effects of second-hand vapor exposure. Earlier today in his blog, Public Health Expert Dr. Michael Siegel pointed out that the results for this report were obtained from a relatively small and non-ventilated vape shop, where many of the employees and 13 customers were actively vaping while the sampling was taking place, hence what would be considered a situation presenting a high level of exposure to second-hand vapor. However, given all these unfavourable conditions, the results still reported no dangerous levels of exposure to any hazardous chemicals. The main results of the air sampling go as follows : Nicotine: Not detected Glycidol: Not detected Formaldehyde: 7.2 ppb Diacetyl: Not detected using standard method 2,3-Pentanedione: Not detected using standard method Acetyl butyryl: Not detected using standard method Acetoin: Not detected using standard method Acetone: Not detected Ethyl benzene: Not detected m,p-Xylene: Not detected o-Xylene: Not detected Toluene: Not detected Acetaldehyde: Not detected Acetonitrile: Not detected alpha-pinene: Not detected Benzene: Not detected Chloroform: Not detected d-Limonene: Not detected Methylene chloride: Not detected Methyl methacrylate: Not detected n-Hexane: Not detected Styrene: Not detected Finally putting fears about formaldehyde to rest? Dr. Siegel pointed out that the level of formaldehyde detected, is consistent with the levels normally found in indoor and outdoor air levels under baseline conditions, adding that the only other chemicals detected were ethanol (alcohol) and isopropyl alcohol. “This study, although conducted under very high exposure conditions in a small, non-ventilated vape shop with many employees and customers vaping and clouds of vapor visible, did not document any dangerous levels of exposure to any hazardous chemical. Nicotine exposure was essentially non-existent. Formaldehyde exposure was no different than in many indoor and outdoor environments at baseline. Acetone, acetoin, other aldehydes, toluene, benzene, and xylene were not detected. Chemicals that have been associated with “popcorn lung” were also not detected by the standard method.” stated Siegel. No justification for governments to ban vaping “This study adds to the evidence that under real-life conditions, ‘secondhand vaping’ does not appear to pose any significant health risks.” concluded the public health expert. He added that whilst he himself has been behind many of the smoking bans that took place, based on this current evidence he fails to see a reason as to why governments should ban vaping in public spaces. “With regards to vaping, I just don’t see any reasonable evidence at this time that it poses any significant health hazard to bystanders.”
    1 point
  6. Yeah @Walt, I said that tongue-in-cheek, with a hint of sarcasm... I have full faith that every politician with a vested interest in upholding their cash-cow of tobacco taxes, will fully rebuke this study and tout it as tainted or bias... and sweep it under the rug! The author of the study will likely be drawn-and-quartered on the capital lawn... or at least fired.... Which is why I forwarded the link (and text) to my Representatives and Senators at the state and Federal levels, as well as my state Attorney General, local and state Health Departments, and a few hundred of my friends. CA says breathing causes cancer, so a study from CA that says second-hand vape has NOTHING in it that is harmful (moreso than normal air)... is HUGE info, and must get out there!
    1 point
  7. Yeah, all these states that ban vaping (the same as smoking) in public places, outdoor venues, and even in your car (unless you're alone in the car or it's a convertible with the top down)... will need to re-evaluate their logic and reasoning behind such totalitarian edicts that restrict FREEDOM of AMERICAN CITIZENS!
    1 point
  8. Tam

    Vapor Talk Vape Gear Feedback!

    I'm with @Walt about the models. I would like to see a hunky beefcake model one of the men's t-shirts, please.
    1 point
  9. ok so, something more like this?
    1 point
  10. Tam

    Vapor Talk Vape Gear Feedback!

    Personal preference? That would be the first logo and not the distressed one. Guess I'm old school and don't care for the "distressed, it comes looking like the screen printer had an off day" style. On t-shirts, how about one with a small logo on the right breast area only? I would love to see totes with the logo on one side only. That would get lots of use from me. Have you looked into possible vape gear organizers? That with the VT logo might be something to consider? Don't know how many people would be interested, might also do a survey here to see?
    1 point
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