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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2017 in all areas

  1. Someone on Reddit just told me that I have been using my CE4s clearos way too long and the discoloration I found is likely "burnt silica". *headdesk* I can absolutely confirm that I've been using them too long. I didn't realize. Just been putting up with the slightly off flavor until it gets so burnt tasting I can't stand it. This may stand as the dumbest thing I do in 2017. LOL
    3 points
  2. Thought this would be a good thread to give us an idea of what we all use and what new stuff we all try. Last night i bought a 30ml of TVR Ginger's RY4, and for my free 3ml i picked Strawberry Cheesecake. Both at 18mg and 75/25 vg/pg. Love TVR juice, still the best i've ever tried, and they're prices (which are amazing) and the fact that it's 100% sourced and manufactured in America is awesome.
    1 point
  3. christinaj

    Staining in your mouth??

    Is it possible to get discoloration on your tongue or teeth from vaping? I've been searching around for answers on this all morning. Some folks think certain liquids especially those that are dark or saturated in color can discolor your mouth. Some folks think that a dirty coil / tank could cause crud to end up in your mouth. I started vaping in January but I would still call myself a total newbie. Had an experience last night where after vaping a dark brown juice all night found my tongue had a large dark spot on it and my teeth looked discolored as well. I also realized that I think I have been using my CE4 clearos too long so that may have something to do with it? Scraping my tongue removed the spot. Brushing seemed to reduce what's on my teeth a little, but I might need something more abrasive to get that off completely. I am seeing my dentist soon anyway so I can make sure it isn't something more serious. Any experience or insight?
    1 point
  4. theclaw20

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    Has anyone here ever wrapped a vape mod with a vinyl wrap? Not one with pre-existing cutouts; just a rectangular wrap. I want to wrap my Wismec Noisy Cricket II-25 with a copper metallic vinyl wrap. I can get 10" x 10” vinyl sheets for pretty cheap online, which should be more than enough material. Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Adversarious1


    If memory serves me correctly, the Griffin has an adjustable pin. Just use a screwdriver to back the pin out a bit. Try a 1/4 to a 1/2 turn and put it on your mod. If it fires, problem solved. If it doesn't, back it out another 1/4 to 1/2 turn and try again. If you get to the point where you have backed the pin out 1-2mm and it still isn't firing, then it is likely not the atty but an issue with the mod.
    1 point
  6. I've been bad. Goon clone. Just in case anyone wondered what a Goon and a Gremlin looks like on a Predator.
    1 point
  7. Ok, I know nothing about the mod or the tank but you did a fine job using the wire calculator to end up with .3Ω. That resistance is perfectly safe in anything I vape on. The leg length is the length of the legs from the coil to the hold down post. Usually less than 5mm but you will see if you change the leg length between 1mm and 5mm the difference in resistance in negligible. Not to worry. Set your mod power for the vape you like. Start low, maybe 30 watts. The vape will probably be week and lacking flavor. Turn up the power a couple of watts and try again. You will find a sweet spot you like best. When the power gets too high you will start loosing flavor and eventually get a harsh vape. Using a .3Ω build you will have a large range of power that will produce reasonable vapor.
    1 point
  8. Tam


    No, don't disassemble. Take the center pin of your atomizer and gently pull that out just a tiny bit. That might do the trick if you can't move your center pin of the mod.
    1 point
  9. From my observation of our government, the train of thought is usually fix it til it breaks Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. Tam

    New to this all

    No need to feel dumb, we all had to start somewhere. As for the baby beast, I just recently got one and didn't care for the hot vapor even after I tried all the tricks to get it to work the way it's supposed to. It could be that you need something different for your own vaping style. In my opinion? I'd never start a new vaper with your kit, I'd go with something much easier and no subohm. My latest protoge got started with a couple of Vision Spinner batteries (that's what I had on hand to pay forward, not that I'd necessarily go this easy for most people starting out), and a couple of Kanger ProTank mini 3s with 1.8 ohm dual coils. Once he had that for a while I moved him to an Eleaf iPower 80W and a Kanger Aerotank 2. He's not interested in subohming, just wants off the smokes for now and is happy moving slow. Your mileage may be different.
    1 point
  11. It's so hard to make recommendation. For one, I'm a vaping mess right now struggling with changes in my palate. Second, folks vaping preferences are so widely varied. I have a friend that vapes everything over 120 watts and he gets clouds for sure. I've tried his rigs and he gets some massive blasts of flavor as well but the heat is horrendous for me. I don't care for the trailing dry vaper taste either. I have a .24Ω build right now in my baby beast obviously using the rba head. I hit it at about 45 watts and I am quite happy with both the volume of fog and the flavor production.
    1 point
  12. There is an increasingly large amount valid research to support vaping as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes and there is a lot of propaganda still being spread based on old and flawed studies. The propaganda is being spread largely by people who are either ignorant to the fact they are citing flawed studies or by people who would rather see smokers continue to smoke traditional cigarettes because of the tax money it generates. Asking on a vape forum whether ecigs are dangerous to your health or not is probably not the best place to get a fair answer to that, though. The vast majority of us, (and by vast majority, I would guess better than 99% of us on this particular forum), started vaping to quit smoking and we will tell you all day long vaping is safer than smoking. We will tell you that because we have seen firsthand how it has helped most of us.
    1 point
  13. This sounds interesting...Sort of half Avocado RDTA half and Kanger tank...... I copied/pasted this from another website: It was only about $17.00 Arymi Gille Tank A New Brand from Kanger! Rewickable Coils Kangertech is proud to introduce their latest brand called Arymi. The Arymi Gille Tank utilizes Kanthal EOCC 0.5 ohm Spring Style Coils that features rewickable cotton. The Arymi Gille Tank features a 3ml e-Liquid capacity glass tank with a convenient top fill design. The Arymi Gille Tank features many quality of life improvements such as four airflow holes, a leak resistant cup design and a condensation resistant design as well. Specs: 22mm Diameter 3ml e-Liquid Capacity 510 Threaded Top Fill Design Unique Rewickable Kanthal EOCC 0.5ohm Coils Coil Design Allows for Efficient Heating Surface Area Recommended Wattage: 20-50 Watts Easy Rewicking Four Airflow Holes Leak Resistant Cup Design Condensation Resistant Design Easy Coil Replacement Design 510 Drip Tip Compatible Replaceable Glass Includes: 1 Gille Tank 3 EOCC Coils 0.5 ohm NiChrome (Spring Style) (1 installed) 1 Glass Tube 1 Cotton for Rewicking 1 O-Ring Set 1 Box Packaging
    1 point
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