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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2017 in all areas

  1. Yes...yes it is. But that's the way...uh huh, uh huh...I like it...uh huh, uh huh. I'll occasionally build a 1.6 or 1.8 ohm coil for MTL vaping, but I'm usually in deep in the sub ohm area day-to-day.
    2 points
  2. Okay. ...vapor talk 95% of the time!! The only other places I have ordered from were for juice, and I got my griffin 25 plus at element vape ,they have really good prices on tanks but their hardware is a bit high. Why do I like vapor talk so much? Great prices,the best customer service I have experienced thus far. They ship fast, I have even screwed up a couple of orders and Christopher has personally fixed them for me,and *before* they shipped!! Also,the coils I buy are sold in 5 packs elsewhere, and here individually ,so I can buy what I need when I need it without having to buy excess when the budget gets low!! If you need something, you let Christopher know,and he gets it. I have never had a problem here,and I will continue to shop here first. NO I am not sucking up....if they did not earn this repute I would not give it!!
    2 points
  3. Christopher


    I like to think our Stinky Bun is like the ones at the mall and the homebrew recipes are when grandma makes them fresh.
    1 point
  4. Okay...so I found the mutation x v4 here at vt, the dripper I fell in love with....with a velocity deck...come on payday LOL.he's going to help me get a good solid long lasting build on it...woohoo!!!
    1 point
  5. What's the best coil builds for cloud chasing on a twisted messes and mutilator rda with a nemesis mod?
    1 point
  6. @Walt Ok Walt. You're in on the collaboration.
    1 point
  7. Check kbeevapes for wire. Free shipping and their larger spools are frequently lower than Lightning. I also use Amazon for a lot of my wire.
    1 point
  8. @Bebop Haha! I knew it! I'm runnin Cubase 9. I just knew you were into recording. Bravo! Vape and mix, mix and vape. Life is good!
    1 point
  9. Glad to hear you found a good option. I get what you're talking about. I happened to nail the Griffin right away. The Sense RTA2 was a whole other story. First build flooded like a river. I have no idea how many times I re wicked that thing. From then on out it was occasional dry-ish hitting and very limited power settings. This is where being and Old Fart comes in handy. I've got the time to tinker around with this stuff. Every one of these RBA's have a different personality for sure when it comes to wicking. Some of them are down right curmudgeons.
    1 point
  10. So I got my griffin 25 plus and loved it.....and then....well I ran into build issues,I ran into wicking issues @Walt I said you could not pry it out of my cold dead hands....turns out you can!! I got * so* sick of tinkering,losing juice, ect. That I asked my boyfriend if he'd swap me for his mutation x v2, which was well loved from the moment he let me borrow it, I used that thing for two weeks straight....no issue whatsoever,I got a burnt hit once,but dripping became second nature to me in about ten minutes! ! I told him I was about to rip my hair out!! While I hate to steal his dripper,he already has the original griffin 25, and has lusted after my tank, but not in a way that would make me want to give it up....I'm just not ready for rta life,it turns out,right now. I love building coils,but I have neither the time or the patience to install them correctly and keep tinkering right now. So I'm being *completely * lazy .the coil he has on there I can crank up or turn down to my preference. I know,because like I said, I used it for two weeks straight! ! I told him when I get ready to try building again,I will get a deck similar to the one I had to build on. I loved that dripper a whole heck of alot better than the griffin 25 plus,that I have not used in four days straight because I can't get it right!! Yes ,I am lazy, but if all I have to do is rewick, well I can live with that! When I get ready to build again,I will!! But for now I need something I do not have to mess with ,that I can use daily. This does not leak,has super nice adjustable airflow, nice deep juice wells doesn't even get hot rocking a stainless drip tip at 90 watts! I love it....and he's letting me have my way...yes vapers your s.o. 's gear is nice to steal sometimes!!
    1 point
  11. I remember us talking about that. I'd love to do that sometime.
    1 point
  12. Sounds peaceful. Whelp, guitar's all tucked in, and the DAW is shut down for the night. I'll leave you to the whisper of cooling fans .... I have to get you to record a track of that piano someday so we can collaborate on a VT soundtrack. That would be fun. I hope you're still playing.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. High wattage doesn't have to be hot. It can be but it doesn't follow absolutely. It's kinda like this. It takes a lot more power to heat up multiple coils or large coils with thick wire to the same temperature as a smaller thin little wispy coil. It's a numbers game. Much like it only takes 105 horsepower engine to move a Volkswagen along the road but you need 2,000 HP to even get a dump truck rolling. So as far as temperature goes you can't really compare coils like that. Same way you can't compare Horsepower to speed in every case. I'll bet you could beat a dump truck off the line in your little Volkswagen. But put a trailer full of cement on the back of your Volkswagen and you aren't going nowhere, lol. It's not a completely accurate analogy, but you get the picture.
    1 point
  15. It's counter intuitive to me, but I don't argue with what works. As I move along my journey and lower the resistance and raise the power, the vapes are more fulfilling both in therms of fog and flavor as I go.
    1 point
  16. lol - honestly, it doesn't mean hot. In fact, I get a cooler vape with my Cloud Beasts with the .15 ohm T8 coils at 125-130w than I do with a handmade 1.8 ohm coil in one of my MTL tanks at 15-20w.
    1 point
  17. Walt

    Tobecco Stargate RDA

    Not impressed. It's a dual post build deck with single screws using a clamp style wire connection. 22mm RDA that has a good sized build deck. It uses velocity style airflow from the bottom. Fairly deep juice well. It's the little things. First, I'm not a fan of clamp style wire connections. Holding the two coils in place while tightening down the screws is tedious. Second, they used philips head screws. Sloppy philips head screws. I could not find a bit that really fit the screws well. Third the posts are spaced quite far apart. Coupled with the clamp style posts, it was a real pain to get a seven wrap non-spaced coil in there without really long unmanageable leads. This might be much better with a flat would coil. The round wound claptons I used were a pain. Forth, the air slots in the outer shell were not milled smooth. They sheered off the O-Rings in a heart beat. I don't see this thing lasting long. Between the screw heads slipping and rounding and the O-rings sheering off, I think this is a soon to be thrown away RDA. Flavor and fog are fine. On par with something like the Tsunami. Kind of a shame. A little more attention to milling on the outer shell and some decent post screws and this would be a fine unit. The clamps I could live with.
    1 point
  18. I have a Smok GX350. I really enjoy the mod. For me it's all about the feel in the hand and the battery life. If I get the urge to play Locomotive Breath and fire up my Artic V12 @ 110W, I can do so and know my batteries won't be dead in a half hour. The more typical norm is vaping all day and having half the battery life left.
    1 point
  19. These are the product of my rebuild Thursday this week Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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