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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2017 in all areas

  1. Whoa, cowboy. He gave an opinion just like you did, except he was friendly about it, unlike you. What works for you is fine. But clearly the OP is not as experienced a vape god like you and therefore his opinion is probably more valid than yours. So do us a favor and tone it down a notch before you jump on somebody's ***. And it might help you if you take a little time to get to know the site and make a few friends before you start pissing in the pool.
    1 point
  2. FXRich

    Kanger Cupti Coil flooding

    You may have gotten a bad batch of coils, it does happen. Being you are a gadget junkie you may check into the RBA that is available for the Cupti, you will have to rebuild it yourself, but it may not leak.
    1 point
  3. FXRich

    Kanger Cupti Coil flooding

    If your tank looses vacuum it will leak, even a slight air leak at the top of the tank will cause it keep supplying juice to a already soaked wick. It is possible the Cupti was poorly designed to start with. The Cupti uses the same CLOCC coil that other Kanger tanks use, and the other tanks don't leak. (to the best of my knowledge) I don't have any tanks that use CLOCC coils so I can't really say much about the coils.
    1 point
  4. @Adversarious1 Ok, bonded with the GX350 in a day flat. Obviously I can't speak to reliability over time but here is what I got: First thing I noticed on removing the mod from the box is that without batteries the battery door does not want to stay shut. No latching without batteries. Battery door is well marked for battery orientation and the batteries that I used fit nicely in the sleeves provided. It takes a fair amount of pressure to close the battery door with batteries installed. The battery door bows slightly with batteries installed. Sitting on a flat surface the mod will rock slightly from front to back. It sits flat from side to side. The mod is not easily knocked over. Griping the mod is absolutely perfect for me. I have fairly large hands. The shape of the mod fits the natural hand grip the best of any mod I've used to date. Very substantial feeling mod with no rattles. The firing bar is extremely stable with no movement beyond it's intended travel for firing. It is not extremely "clicky" but has a subtle but noticeable firing point. There is a very short delay in firing. Seems instantaneous to me. Obviously the mod has some weight to it per four 18650 batteries. I have carried it in a fleece jacket pocket but it is a lot of bulk for most pockets. I really enjoy the top mounted screen. I like looking at the screen after most every vape (no idea why) and it is very handy. It also came in handy testing TC. Too close to focus on while vaping but I could tell when it was going in and out of firing. A friend who works at a vape shop mentioned that other top screen mods have had failures on top mounted screens due to juice getting into the display. Time will tell. The screen is raised. I have up to 25mm tanks and they fit well. A 25mm is close to max without hitting the screen. The center pin on the 510 is stiff. I have one tank that will not screw flush with the mod. Zero problems with connectivity to tanks/RTA's/eieio. The screen itself displays all necessary information including a puff time which latches between puffs. There is a puff counter but to view it you must enter the menu system. The puff counter also latches and must be reset via the menu. The mod is designed to detect atomizer changes and query input, new or old tank. I find this somewhat accurate. I like to fire the device once without a tank between changes to ensure the new atomizer is recognized. In TC the unit appears to be using the initial atomizer resistance as a base line as there is no facility for locking resistance. Temp control is simple. NI, TI, and SS. The menu prompts you for available wattage and TCR value. I am using a value of 88 for 316L and am getting a very smooth, very well regulated vape without obvious on and off periods. In TC the temp itself is the primary display and is adjustable via up/down buttons on the mod. There is no ramp adjustment in TC. Both TC and VW modes latch. Most menu adjustments can be achieved with only the fire button using either short or long presses. Values have to be changed via the up/down buttons on the mod. The up/down switches are under a rocker style button which can be pressed in center to lock the mod. I have found no facility to lock settings while allowing the mod to fire. Pressing the fire bar along with up or down button will take you to short cuts for changing wattage and mode in TC. In VW mode the short cuts are ramp strength and mode. The mod powers up with five clicks and powers down via menu. I am estimating battery life to be between 700 and 750 vapes. Low wattage vapes ( 30 - 50) @ approx 6-7 seconds, high wattage vapes (90 - 110) at 2-3 seconds. The USB port has a rubber cover. IMHO, nice touch. Paint; Smok and paint; I already have three small chips in the paint. Although tiny and on sharp edges, I am assuming it isn't the best paint job on the planet. Opinion: I love using this mod. Fits like a glove and all functions work well and are easily accessed. I actually like the weight. Feels substantial. Sits well at the desk or end table. Rides nicely in the console of the car. It's small enough for me to palm shift while driving and holding the mod. I think my other mods are going to get lonely.
    1 point
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