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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Pricey stuff... but diluted down to 100mg/ml ($23/L of 100mg/ml) that is still about $10 less than I've been paying per liter. I just wouldn't want to be the one to cut it down from 1000mg to 100mg/ml without a clean-room and haz-mat suit with respirator. I'm shocked they are selling to the general public at that strength!
    4 points
  2. These are rough figures and are meant for demonstration. I am not advising you to do this pure nic is 1000mg per milliliter. 1 drop is approximately .06 milliliters therefore 1 drop is equal to 60 miligrams of nic. If your tank holds 2 mils then you would be increasing your nic level to 30mg plus whatever you nic level is in your juice already. If it's 12 then it would become 42. VERY DANGEROUS TO DO! When dealing with pure pure nicotine I wouldn't even consider adding it to less than 30 mils of juice. 1 drop added to 30 mils of juice would roughly increase it by 2mg. If if you have to ask this question, then you shouldn't be handling pure nicotine!!!! sorry to be so blunt but it's a fact!
    4 points
  3. I'm new to DYI e-juice and the advice given per this thread leaves one obvious choice. Call a hazmat team to dispose of the stuff!
    3 points
  4. @Bebop Here it tis!
    2 points
  5. Vaping a bowl...that's one I have not heard before!!
    2 points
  6. I've recently started using a different ejuice that I absolutely love the taste of and want to continue using but my coils are burning out within a day or 2 sometimes less. Should I turn my wattage to a different setting? I'm at 12.5 W right now. I'm using 1.8 aspire nautilus bvc coils in my aspire nautilus tank Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. As a mouth to lung vaper who consistently uses a 1.8 ohm coil with a semi-high VG dark, sweet, coil killing juice, I alternate between 7.9W and 10.4W depending on what resistance my coil is at. When brand new, the coil reads around 1.8 - 2.0 ohms. When I'm there, I go with around 7.9 - 8.4W. As I use the tank/coil and the coil gets gunked up, the resistance goes up. As the resistance of the coil goes up, I also increase the power to compensate. I also have the airflow open about 95% of the way. You're getting very good advice from @Bebopand @Walt. You're in good hands here.
    1 point
  8. Why not just buy a higher a higher NIC juice from a shop
    1 point
  9. Nicotine is a Poison! The active ingredient in e-liquids is very dangerous in concentrated form and if not handled with care and understanding, it can be fatal. Before attempting to make your own e-juice it is highly recommended you familiarize yourself with what you are handling. Xeno from www.vapersforum.com has written the Handling of High Concentration Nicotine Juice for Dummies guide which lays out the precautions that should be taken before and during the making of e-juice and when handling nicotine in any dose. Listed below are some excerpts from that guide. If you have an IQ below 100 ("average" intelligence) don't even think of going near any nicotine liquid above 36mg If you have children or pets keep your liquid somewhere where they cannot get a hold of it. On top of the refrigerator IS NOT a good place... any 2-3 year old with any climbing skills can get up there. LOCK IT UP! DO NOT attempt to vape high concentrations of nicotine liquid. The liquid is meant to be cut down!! When handling it wear protective clothing (rubber gloves, goggles/face shield, apron, even a chemical suit if you got it). If you get this stuff on you it can KILL YOU... at the very least make you blind (if you get it in your eyes) or make you extremely sick. Be mindful of the pipets/syringes and other tools you may use for mixing. The nicotine residue on these tools would probably be enough to at the very least get a small child or pet really sick. Lock them up too. If you happen to get uncut nicotine juice on you. IMMEDIATELY wash the affected area thoroughly. Don't wait until you are done mixing... GET UP AND WASH IT OFF!! If it gets on your clothes.. IMMEDIATELY remove the clothing, and get it washed off of you! Use common sense I would personally also recommend that anyone attempting to make their own e-juice take a look at InChem's Nicotine (PIM) page for a further understanding of nicotine and the dangers associated with it. Happy and Safe Mixing! **** this is from kriticalmass.net****
    1 point
  10. Okay...I'm starting to get the feeling that this post is a ploy to get a rise out of some folks in the know about such things as DEADLY POISONOUS LEVELS OF NICOTINE!!! I don't even know the proper procedure for disposal of something so deadly, but you need to find out, and then you need to do it. IMO, anyone asking questions like you did obviously doesn't know the math necessary to DIY safely, and owes it to anyone who might enter a room in your house where you've broken the seal on pure nicotine to get rid of it promptly and properly before somebody dies.
    1 point
  11. Alright, not to be an ass but I feel I must jump in here. If you even have to ask the question you should not be dealing with the product. 100% nic is VERY dangerous. Now with that warning out there if you want to be the next Darwin awards winner............
    1 point
  12. That is correct. An ml = 20 drops of liquid. 0.2 drop would make 6%. One full drop would we way too much!
    1 point
  13. @Tam that's exactly why I did not post them outright. With the huge sale here, who would want to go anywhere anyway....wonderful guidance as always!!!!!!
    1 point
  14. This is just my opinion but I always felt like the nautilus coils faded really fast compared to other tanks. They can take a good amount at the start but then they burn out. I don't think your wattage too high but it's in the high band for that coil. here are some other things to consider: darker sweeter juices in general and certain juices will clog a coil faster, particularly juices that have a lot of sugar. Just the nature of the beast. low airflow will also fowl them quicker. This is particularly true if you are a mouth to lung vaper. not letting the coil properly prime itself first will burn them out quicker it could be your juice. I used to get this Brazilian coffee juice that was absolutely tasty as could be. It wasn't even that sweet, but it was a coil killer so I gave it up only for that reason. You could try a 1.5 coil I believe in that tank, but I wouldn't expect that to solve your problem. you might have some luck with Temp Control coils. Pretty sure your 40watt mod is TC?
    1 point
  15. If you add that 10ml to 90ml of VG you would have 100ml of 100mg base, much safer to work with, or you could mix it with 190ml of VG, and get 200ml of 50mg base. Doesn't matter much if you add it to VG or PG.
    1 point
  16. Well, maybe it wouldn't be too bad if you had a full hazmat suit on...
    1 point
  17. Being a klutz, and totally aware that I'm a klutz... there's no way I'd get near that with a ten foot pole. Give me the diluted version, it works well enough for what I want anyway.
    1 point
  18. Walt

    0mg liquid

    I have to agree as well. If you could vape with zero nicotine and once in a while enjoy a vape like some folks buy a cigar once a month or so, that would be one thing. Everybody is different. I know a few people who do not get addicted to nicotine but the vast majority of the people I know that have started using it have become addicted. While vaping is much more enjoyable than smoking, I still have to carry my vape stuff with me as I will get nasty cravings for the nicotine if I don't. Had I not smoked, I would not have taken up vaping.
    1 point
  19. Where on earth did you get 100%??? You have to have a manufacturing license or hazardous materials permit/license to buy/possess 100%, pure Nicotine. I would personally not get anywhere near any concentration over 50% because it would be more dangerous than handling TNT or Sulfuric Acid, lol I think the highest strength anyone can buy without a license/permit is 100mg/ml, which is 10% solution. I may be wrong, but it's the highest strength I've been able to find, and I've looked for 20-25%!
    1 point
  20. @Savchambo I'm going to defer to @Earthling789 on this one. He is much more knowledgeable than I on this issue.
    1 point
  21. @Earthling789 I'm not sure what he is using. He states 100% Nicotine at the top of the thread. You think it's really 100mg?
    1 point
  22. 100mg/ml is 10% strength Nicotine and it won't kill you unless you are bathing in it or drinking it... but momentary contact to your skin can give you an increased heart-rate, heart palpitations, sweating, and/or nausea.... and if you have sensitivity/mild-allergy, it could put you in the hospital. All Nicotine should be kept FAR away from children and pets! All that being said, yes, dealing with any concentration beyond 3% Nicotine strength should be done carefully and with surgical gloves, sleeves, eye, and face protection... no matter how careful you are, you WILL get some on you at some point in time! I've been a chemist for 35 years, and have had some pretty nasty stuff spilled/splattered on me in my days... and I still gear-up when handling my Nicotine
    1 point
  23. Earthling789

    0mg liquid

    Personally, I'd never pick it up if you never smoked. It is a great way (probably the best method) to quit smoking, but in all honesty, long-term effects are not known. Seriously, I'd find something else to invest hundreds of dollars into that may be more beneficial to your lifestyle. If you must, you must... but please take @Foofightervapegirl's advice and DO NOT GET ANY ELIQUIDS WITH NICOTINE IN THEM, if you do pick up vaping.
    1 point
  24. The Crystal Ball has arrived.
    1 point
  25. Wow! I would not mess with that. I would never be satisfied that the nic was fully suspended in the rest of the solution for one. #2, everything I've read warns against that great of a concentration level for anything beyond lab use. That's some lethal liquid IMHO. Granted, I could be naive here, but it would scare the baJesus out of me.
    1 point
  26. What is the desired amount of nicotine when you're going for? In other words, when you buy premade eliquid now, how many milograms of nic do you get? I'm vaping 3 mg of nic now so even 1 drop of pure 100% nic inside a tank would probably be too much for me. YMMV
    1 point
  27. That sounds like a lot of nic in a small tank
    1 point
  28. Hi Folks, I noticed this forum has gotten a bit messy. Just a friendly reminder that this sub forum is for posting new devices you've found, factory releases, etc. Questions and show off your builds should be posted in their own respective sub forums unless otherwise appropriate for the post
    1 point
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