To celebrate my 3 year vape-versary (Feb. 8th) I bought myself an Innokin Coolfire IV TC 75W mod, a new Limitless Plus RTA, and some assorted vaping "stuff". I'm not a high-wattage vaper so I'm hoping to get the same good experience with the Coolfire IV I've gotten with my EVic mini. 40-50W suits me fine, at least right now. That may change, maybe not. Who knows. Hmm, may need more batteries...............
If anyone had told me 3+ years ago that vaping would get me off the stinkies for good, I'd have probably reacted with "yeah right". Thank goodness for the co-worker that talked me into trying vaping. I've felt physically better than I have in years, my allergy medications have been cut in half, now just to get the extra weight off. >>sigh<< Despite all the money I've spent on vaping gear, I know I have still SAVED money not buying stinkies.