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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2017 in all areas

  1. FXRich

    The deed has been done!

    I lost count on how many flavors I have, yesterday I ordered some flavors I was getting low on, and I had to add 2 more flavors that I don't have, peanut butter, and bubblegum. Why I ordered bubblegum I have no idea, but didn't have any so I got some.
    3 points
  2. Walt

    The deed has been done!

    The last piece of the puzzle. I have ordered my first batch of flavors. Blahahahahahaha
    2 points
  3. @Adversarious1 thank you for that info I really needed to learn as well. I was enlightened and was sitting over here like oh yeah that makes sense. I ran the lush on a cuboid for a year and the isub tank on the cool fire 4 and kept going back to smoking. Then I found the baby beast and I have been in love with the flavor since day one. I have now been smoke free for 3 months and don't even crave ciggs. I still like to play with my other vape toys and build my coils but I and using my V8 stick 90% of the day. Sent from my SC-1010JBBT using The Vapor Talk mobile app
    2 points
  4. http://townhall.com/columnists/jacobsullum/2017/02/15/study-confirms-health-advantages-of-vaping-n2285875 Article today from Townhall.com.... which refers to the earlier study I quoted from UK researchers
    2 points
  5. I don't know what I'd do without peanut butter and bubblegum flavors... you can't make a decent PB cup or milkshake flavor without it, lol... and PB Banana cream... YUM! My fiance's ADV is Juicy bubblegum (TFA) mixed with Cinnamon ACL (TFA)... it's like chewing a piece of Big Red and a piece of Juicy Fruit at the same time... and quite good Regular bubblegum is good by itself, or mixed with fruit or mint flavors (watermelon, strawberry, spearmint, etc) for a different taste, and the gum becomes a great after-flavor on the exhale... I've no idea on how many flavors I have in 30ml or smaller size (probably 100?)... but I can say I have a little over 3 dozen flavors I use most often, in 4oz sizes
    2 points
  6. About 10-12 years ago, I needed a bridge, and the dentist I went to refused to install it because I was a smoker... citing some crazy study that smoking/nicotine would degrade/dissolve the cements and would degrade the stainless steel and ceramic. That was pure BS! If your dentist is suggesting you quit smoking for reasons of implant failure, find another dentist.... Now, if he is suggesting you quit smoking by switching to vaping for your overall health... he is correct. Vaping has been proven by several, reputable sources to be at least 95% less harmful than traditional smoking, and many European studies agree 98% or higher. If you are a current smoker, you will NEED the nicotine, at least for a while, as you ween yourself from the toxins found in traditional smoking. If you are quitting Nicotine cold-turkey, you may as well not vape at all, IMO. As @Christopher said, regulations have placed a gag-order on vendors/sellers/suppliers/manufacturers to restrict their ability to say anything regarding health benefits, but there are plenty of studies online to help you make your own decision... but I'd suggest reading the reports from the Royal College of Physicians (UK), as opposed to anything put out by the United States' CDC, FDA, or any of our Physicians Journals... as most of those studies are tainted by funding from Big Tobacco.
    2 points
  7. I just ordered one so I'm interested too! @Adversarious1 is very good at getting folks to spend their $$$ along with @Tam and @Earthling789
    2 points
  8. I have the big baby beast on the v8 stick and 2 little baby beasts the coils really depend on the air flow u enjoy. I still can't remember the names so I just say stuff like the one with only one hole in the coil or do u have the one with 4 little holes in the coil. Lol Sent from my SC-1010JBBT using The Vapor Talk mobile app
    2 points
  9. Ditto Tam here. We have a lot of sharp people on this forum. I'd love to see the questions I will have in two years.
    2 points
  10. Thought I'd start a new thread on this because I'm looking for specific info from you flavor wizards. im not looking for WHAT flavors you prefer, but what flavor SUPPLIERS you prefer. And I don't mean secondary suppliers but actual manufacturers of the flavoring. I think the main players are Capella, The Flavor Apprentice, Flavor West, and LorAnns. There may be some others. There seems to be quite a jump in price in Capella over the others. Is this a case of "you get what you pay for" or are they over priced? What manufacturers do you prefer and why? Please give details What have you noticed about the different manufacturers as to their quality, or consistency? If you have preferences like "company A has the best banana" or "company A has the better flavor but you need more of it" or "company A tends to be more sweet" etc, I would like to know those details. Are there any manufacturers that you just don't like? Why? Do you find that even though you have picked a flavor that should be "sweet" or is thought of as "sweet" that you have to add additional notes of basic flavors to achieve the flavor you are going for. For example, do you tend to stock a " sweetener" flavor or a "bakery/bread flavor" or a butter/cream" flavor separate from you other flavors to enhance them.? What are you "staples" - flavors added to other flavors to enhance or improve them? Geez, I know am asking a lot. Lol, Please contribute to the best of your ability. I realize this is probably just as subjective as flavors themselves. So feel free to just voice your findings even if you feel they may conflict with what other DIYers have said. This is an open discussion designed to be full of opinion. So let it fly! Also, feel free to add any points I may not have covered or asked for. Thanks!!!
    1 point
  11. 2/3 of my flavors are FW, about 1/3 are TFA, I have not tried Capella because the price is double that of other flavors, don't know if it is better or not. I pay close attention to the ingredients in the flavor, sometimes one manufacturer has a ingredient I don't want and another manufacturer has the same flavor without the ingredient I don't want. Also there is the coil killing to look at, most chocolate flavors are dark and are coil killers, the double chocolate clear by TFA is not a coil killer. One of the flavors I like is coffee, but so far have not found one that is not a coil killer, if someone knows of one please let me know.
    1 point
  12. FXRich

    The deed has been done!

    Another thing to consider when making juice is the use of distilled water. I use distilled water in some of my juices that are coil killers, and it helps a lot, about a year or so ago I tried some flavors that were water/alcohol based, and got a lot of spitback. I blamed it on the water, and as usual was wrong, the alcohol probably caused the spitback since the flavoring had 45% alcohol. Lately I have been using 10% distilled water in my coil killing juices with no spitback, and the coils last longer. I normally make 30PG/70VG juice with 20% flavoring, and 10% PG, the flavoring being PG brings the ratio up to 30% PG. Now I substitute water for the 10% PG. The water thins the juice more than PG, and water vaporizes at a lower temp than PG so it makes for a lower vape temp, and makes less throat hit. I don't recommend city tap water because it has chemicals in it, our water comes from a well but don't know what is in it so I get distilled water which is really cheap, less than $1 per gal.
    1 point
  13. Never fear, the apparent resident expert is here. (Those are other people's assertions, not mine. I just happen to love the TFV8 line of tanks and have done a lot of research on them). Before I go into detail with an answer to your questions, I'll start by saying that @DWrainbowvaper36basically hit the nail on the head that the biggest differences in coils are airflow. Honestly, the airflow differences between the coils are the biggest differences. Now, the more subtle differences in the coils have to do mostly with the actual number of coils in the assemblies. I'll break it down by the name of each coil for you: T8 coil: This is an octocoil (this means there are 8 distinct coils in the assembly). The T8 is rated at .15 ohms and can handle anywhere from 50W - 110W, depending on how warm or cool you prefer your vapor to be. With the octocoil you are going to get most likely get the most vapor. There is more surface are contacting the cotton and the higher wattage capability of this coil will vaporize more liquid as a result. However, due to the higher wattages necessary to run this coil in an effective range you are going to experience a faster drain on your batteries. T6 coil: This is a sextuple coil (6 distinct coils in the assembly). It is rated at .2 ohms and can handle anywhere from 40W - 130W, depending on how warm or cool you prefer your vapor to be. Contrary to what physics would tell us about the resistance and how many watts should be able to run through it, this coil can actually be run slightly higher than the T8 coils, thus producing a warmer vape. With the sextuple coil you are going to get vapor that is almost but not quite as prevalent as the octocoil. The flavor will be slightly better. The assembly is identical to that of the T8, so airflow is the same. X4 coil: This is a quadruple coil (4 distinct coils in the assembly). It is rated at .15 ohms and can handle anywhere from 30W - 70W, depending on how warm or cool you prefer your vapor. The housing is different than that of the T8/T6 housing and has less restrictive (more) airflow. If you like higher airflow then this particular housing is the way to go. With this coil you will get a nice balance between vapor and flavor, but if you are a mouth to lung vaper then it definitely isn't for you. (In fact, if you are MTL then the baby beast probably isn't for you anyway, although it is possible.) Q2 coil (both options): The Q2 coil is both unique and confusing. It comes is two different resistance variations, a .4 ohm dual coil and a .6 phm dual coil. The .4 ohm version is rated from 40W - 80W while the .6 ohm is rated from 30W - 50W. Both coils use the same housing as the X4 and have a lot of airflow. Flavor is, in my opinion, superior with these coils but vapor production tapers off considerably compared to the T8, T6 and X4. These will also produce a much cooler vape than the others mentioned so far. There are two new drop in coils coming out that will also be confusing, the M8 coils. This is another dual coil that is available in resistances .15 and .25 ohms. I would imagine these are probably going to be rated in the same range as the X4, but I cannot confirm that at this point. From pictures I have seen they also seem to use the same housing as the X4 and Q2 coils, so airflow will be high. RBA deck: The RBA deck for the Baby Beast comes with dual claptons pre-installed. The dual claptons are rated at .35 ohm resistance and can handle anywhere from 30-60 watts. The claptons will help with both vapor and flavor production because of the way they are constructed (more surface area and the "why" a clapton works better than a standard coil is an entirely different topic). After the claptons have run their course you can pretty much build whatever you want on it, which is nice because it means you can use nickel, titanium or stainless steel and use the Baby Beast on a TC mod (unless you have one of the very few mods on the market that will run kanthal in TC mode). To sum all of that information up, higher resistance will mean less vapor, but better flavor. Lower resistance will mean more vapor, but flavor will be sacrificed. However, as someone who has used the Baby Beast extensively, you really can't go wrong as far as flavor is concerned. If you have seen my video review of the tank, they should have called it the "Flavor Beast", because it really packs a punch where flavor is concerned no matter which coil you are using. You will have to make sure the mod you are using will fire down to .15 ohms, but most mods that have been introduced in the last couple of years will fire down that far. With the lower resistance/higher wattage combination you are going to be drawing more amps and the length of time your batteries last before needing to be charged will be less than with the higher resistance/lower wattage. You will also notice much more liquid being consumed with the lower resistance/higher wattage coils than with the higher resistance/lower wattage coils. Add in the fact the Baby Beast is only a 3ml tank and you will be refilling it often, even if you choose to go with the .6 ohm Q2 coil. Hope I cleared things up a little bit and didn't make anything any muddier than it was. Really the choice is going to be based on how much airflow you like, how warm or cool you prefer your vapor and the amount of vapor you want to produce.
    1 point
  14. FXRich

    The deed has been done!

    When I first started making juice I ordered 30ml bottles, didn't take long to figure out I needed to order 4oz bottles. Some flavors like butterscotch, strawberry, vanilla custard, and some other flavors I order in 8oz bottles. I reuse flavor bottles to make juices. I rarely make 30ml batches anymore mostly just for trial batches.
    1 point
  15. Edna

    The deed has been done!

    Since The VT Store doesn't sell flavors yet .... (wink wink) I don't feel bad letting you all DYIers know I just got an email from Heatland saying they're having a flavor sale use code FA10 in the cart for the discount. I just stocked up from Wizard Labs a couple of weeks ago so I'm not shopping but I thought I'd pass it along
    1 point
  16. @Earthling789 Excellent article, I am happy that the study showed "long term vapers" having such good results. Thanks for sharing Now, I'm going to forward it to my Congressman and Senator !
    1 point
  17. Ahh, the Arctic... I received one free for review... It was mediocre at best, but lack of being able to disassemble it for cleaning or replacing the glass if it broke were the biggest turn offs initially... and then there were the insane costs of coil replacements... yep, it was one I used ONLY through the coils that came with it. My Subtank mini's out perform it, and the coils don't cost as much as a used Toyota... lol
    1 point
  18. While we await the return of Obi-Wan I will offer this. It seems confusing because it is confusing. In general, per the electrical characteristics of a coil, lower resistances require more power than higher resistances. That is one consideration. As per @DWrainbowvaper36 every coil has a different airflow, consideration #2. I have seen some coil designs that are simply a bad idea. Horizontec Sextuplet coil comes to mind. Three tiny coil builds that mount into one base and don't make a good connection all of the time. And of course there's cost. Some of these wiz-bang coils cost an arm and a leg. I like to use google to check out the cost of a replacement coil before buying a tank. A friend gave me a HorizonTec Artic. I found out why. I had to take out a mortgage to replace the coil.
    1 point
  19. Uncivil11

    The deed has been done!

    Looking forward to personal reviews and experiences Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Lol he's the reason I have two!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. Tam

    The deed has been done!

    Oh Lord help us now, lol!
    1 point
  22. @FXRich I just found "Tigers Blood" (Best Bela Lugosi Voice) on e-liquid recipes. I'm hooked!
    1 point
  23. DWrainbowvaper36

    Nobody cares

    [emoji26] [emoji26] [emoji26] After 20 years of smoking I have finally done it. I don't crave them at all and the smell kills me. I used to think ppl were just being big babies when complaining about the smell. Well I guess I'm the baby now. Its so bad some days I think I am not attracted to my honey cause it stinks so much. Lucky for me I keep in mind I just have to adjust. Then I am the only one so my friends and family don't care to hear about my "Vape stuff". I try to talk to my honey cause he smokes and vapes but he could care less. So if anyone wants to just talk about vaping and make a new friend I am easy to talk to. Sent from my SC-1010JBBT using The Vapor Talk mobile app
    1 point
  24. Walt

    Nobody cares

    1 Smok Alien 1 Eleaf Pico 1 Eleaf Aster 1 Eleaf Istick TC100 1 Vaperesso Tarot 1 Pioneer IPV8 1 Eleaf Ijust 2 Ego Aio 3 RTAs 3 RDAs Bunch-O-tanks 1 bad case of shineyitis Sent from my iPad using The Vapor Talk mobile app
    1 point
  25. Tam

    Vaping Technique skills?

    And with new stuff coming out all the time, even us "old timers" are "noobs" all over again.
    1 point
  26. Bingo! And someday you will find yourself chiming in to help other noobs by sharing your own knowledge, experiences and opinions. It's the least expensive and one of the most effective methods experienced vapers have to "pay it forward" to new vapers and make sure they are successful.
    1 point
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