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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2017 in all areas

  1. Yes, that is the study, although it still isn't the full results of the study. There have actually been scientific studies on how to conduct scientific studies. In this particular study they used 181 subjects broken down into 5 groups of groups of 36-37 subjects per group. If the individual group results were the same across each entire group (i.e. - everybody in group 'A' displayed the same or very similar results; group 'B' displayed the same or similar results, etc) then the size of the group was adequate. Without knowing the specific results of each group and what the range of results was (if any) then we really can't tell. The fact the study was measuring something different than the one in the JoP is precisely the problem in. The FDA, CDC, legislators and anybody else with an anti-vaping agenda only want to see what they want to see. It isn't about comparing the two studies, it's about using one half of the whole story to support a specific view or stance while pretending there ins't another half to the story that is in direct contradiction to their view. Basically, it's politics at it's finest. Anecdotally so can thousands upon thousands of other former smokers, myself included. Unfortunately that's precisely what it is - anecdotal evidence. As far as getting people to fund the studies, it's more than just big tobacco that would like to see vaping go away. It's also big pharma (don't forget, it's more profitable to treat a problem than cure one) and it's legislators. Legislators either want to outlaw vaping altogether and essentially force people back to cigarettes or they want to tax vaping across the board because of the revenue being lost due to people quitting smoking. My opinion only - the propaganda being spewed by those with an anti-vaping agenda is geared toward bringing in tax dollars. It has nothing to do with whether or not they truly believe vaping is dangerous or hazardous to public health.
    2 points
  2. The most important thing to remember about using TC is to make sure the coil is at room temp before locking in the resistance. From what I've read on the subject, the mod assumes the locked in resistance is the coil being at 20c or 68f, if the coil is hot or cold when the resistance is locked in the TC will be inaccurate. The problems I have encountered using TC has been user error on my part, locking in a warm coil, wrong mode for wire used, or a combination of both.
    1 point
  3. I have 5 TC mods, all Kanger so I can't say if some mods handle TC better than other mods, some mods may do TC better than other mods made by the same maker, but a different model. Different models made by the same manufacturer have different chipsets, and so may do TC differently.
    1 point
  4. Don't have a Pico or a Tsunami, but am going to chime in anyway. I told myself a long time ago that I wasn't going to drip, but a few months ago I got a Kanger 160w dripbox from the VT store. I didn't like the RDA that came with it so I got a aspire RDA (also from VT store) Been a happy dripper ever since. I run dual SS coils that test out at .32 ohms, and run 370f - 380f. I did try a Tsunami that I borrowed from a friend, but kept flooding it to the point where juice would leak out the air intake holes. (squeezed the bottle too much) What I find is convenient is the 7ml bottle is built into the mod, and no reason to carry a bottle of juice around with me, I can even drip and drive with it. The batteries only last about 1 bottle full of juice, but that is probably due to the coil configuration.
    1 point
  5. And you are doing a great job of keeping everyone here in the loop. Per above, you are already providing a save sensible manufacturing environment. When a person has to provide a photocopy of their driver's license to purchase a dropper bottle from one site because it is vape related while the same bottle on another site requires no proof of anything other than payment, there is a real problem with someone's thought process.
    1 point
  6. Reading this I'm going through the steps of grieving. I'm somewhere between denial and very angry. I remember when I was in my teens. My parents owned a floor covering business and I was working on an install. I was trying to clean some glue off of a seam and it wasn't working. I told my dad the new cleaner didn't work. He told me the guberment had banned carbontetracloride because someone made a bomb with some in it. I've seen the guberment do this soooo many times in my lifetime. This is the most egregious to date. I had abandoned the concept of quitting analogs. The only endgame I see is ludicrous prohibition activities and another form of conspicuous consumption for the wealthy. Time to quit writing. Anger is setting in. Nothing but a rant could follow.
    1 point
  7. We've completed the first steps of PMTA. But it counts for about less than 1% of all that is required. In order to carry only Vapor Talk Black Label (drop all of our classic liquids) and carry only one or two pieces of hardware we own, we're looking at around 5-10 million dollars. The issue is, there is no guarantee the FDA will approve our application and we could be forced to run through the procedure again... (That's the real issue here) That's a lot of responsibility over my head. After going through this one or two times, you can see how the costs could quickly ruin a person. At some point you have to decede if it's worth investing in the US market. (We could do a full blown marketing campaign with some of the best marketing companies in Europe, open a corporate office, take a vacation with Richard Branson and invite all the VIP members on the forum and still have more money left over when you compare the cost to PMTA) My heart is here, I want funds in the US economy. But when a government agency requires 5-10 million for your product to be on the market with a "then maybe we'll let you sell but maybe not" as a result... it's a difficult decision to make. We're not by any means big tobacco. Not even close. The margins on products these days are not nearly enough to cover those costs. But at least at the moment, we are continuing forward with PMTA. One step at a time. We're working with a couple of consulting firms and once we've settled on one and a group of experts really help us understand the complete direction, I'll have a better idea of where we'll be in two years. That's about all I can say on the matter at the moment
    1 point
  8. Tam

    Hot Coil/Tank Question

    Good for you! Persistence and troubleshooting will serve you well as you learn more about vaping. Don't forget to ask questions. We're here to help.
    1 point
  9. Why not start your own thread with some questions you might have? You'd probably get some really good info rather than have the info hidden in this thread. Other new vapers might also benefit from the answers you get.
    1 point
  10. Rodneymiston


    Just made my first batch of ejuice. Omg. What was I waiting on. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using The Vapor Talk mobile app
    1 point
  11. Adversarious1, it looks like we pretty much agree! Except about the sample size, anyway. Comparing apples to oranges seems to be the trend these days, especially by those with a political or financial stake in the matter. And spinning study results is an art form.
    1 point
  12. Tam


    I would presume you were waiting on the nicotine, flavorings, PG, VG, beakers...
    1 point
  13. Hmmm, they don't cite the study itself. I'm assuming they're referring to this one: http://annals.org/aim/article/2599869/nicotine-carcinogen-toxin-exposure-long-term-e-cigarette-nicotine-replacement. The sample size is small so it'll need a few others to replicate before it's taken at all seriously. It's measuring something quite different from the study in the Journal of Pediatrics so there's no way to compare the two. And it doesn't appear that this study records what type of e-liquids were used. Anecdotally, I can say after (almost) two years that I feel better, my lungs are stronger, and my blood pressure is lower. And there's no question vaping is helping me stay off cigs. I'm really hoping there will be several studies soon that can more definitively say whether the results of the Lion Shahab, PhD and the others are accurate. And a check for other potential health issues related to vaping. But yeah, it's hard to get anyone to fund the studies since the tobacco companies really want vaping to just go away.
    1 point
  14. Thanks a lot for the great information. One thing the article talked about was taking out your coils and cleaning them. I have in the past cleaned coils that are working perfectly and I have been using but if I was going to change liquids and wanted to get the old juice flavor out, I will put a clean one in at the moment but put the one im going to clean one up until I need another coil. I have always been told to rinse with hot water, soak in alcohol overnight, rinse thoroughly with hot water again and let dry completely before reusing. Other then that if I can make a coil last until I am changing juice and it has already served me a month I just change it out to a new coil and trash the old one. If problems like leaking juice, tasting bad or burnt taste, etc. I figure cleaning wont fix that so I put a new coil in and toss the old. These coils are getting so expensive these days. I use to buy a box of 5 for less then $5.00. Now there 12.00 to $15.00 for a box of 5. If you see anything that looks like I could be doing better please advise. I love advice. : )
    1 point
  15. Instead of linking to an online store that also has "articles", would you please just post your message here so it doesn't look like you're trying to spam the forum? Thank you for your cooperation.
    1 point
  16. Tam

    Hot Coil/Tank Question

    Looks like you're being well cared for so I'll just add one thing. Might think about trying a variable voltage/variable wattage mod? There are some that are easy to use and you get to lower or raise the power level to match the resistance in your coil. I'm also a mouth to lung hitter and frequently chain vape. The one thing I do not like is warm or hot vapor so I use a 1.8 ohm coil at anything from 9.4W to 10.7W depending on how old the coil is. As you use it, the coil will get gunked up. When that happens, you'll want to add a little more power to get the same draw from your tank. Just a thought. Welcome to Vapor Talk!
    1 point
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