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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2017 in all areas

  1. Earthling789

    Couple questions

    I no longer feel old (thanks to vaping), but my kids constantly remind me that I worked my way through college by photographing dinosaurs with my "polarock" camera
    3 points
  2. Adversarious1

    Couple questions

    I want to get to be that old (however old that is), which is why I looked to vaping to get me off the analogs in the first place.
    3 points
  3. Tam

    Couple questions

    Considering how many cigarettes I smoked before I found vaping, I'm kinda surprised I got this old, too.
    3 points
  4. Walt

    Couple questions

    That is the only I can look at it. I already feel much better after just about a month of vaping. I also enjoy vaping much more that smoking. As far as vaping not being perfectly safe, it doesn't matter to me. I have proven by trial that I can not quit inhaling nicotine. Best way I can describe it. Something in my hand. Something to inhale. Nicotine. All components of the addiction. For me it's a simple choice. I'm an old person. I don't anticipate any "long term" studies being completed in my lifetime.
    3 points
  5. Adversarious1

    Couple questions

    lol...KCAVO Keep Calm and Vape On When in doubt, consider this: so far there have been zero studies to definitively conclude vaping is dangerous to your health. There have also been zero studies to definitively conclude it is perfectly safe. But...there have been plenty of studies that show vaping is up to 95% safer than cigarettes.
    3 points
  6. so I'm on my back porch vaping, and I hear "enjoying your vape?" it was one of the construction guys next door doing a house. next thing I know, we're talking about rta's he has the geek vape griffin. I was telling him I had been wanting to try building, he said well you're welcome to come over and try it. well I went, and I looked at the build, it was super neatly done. I really liked the way it vapes ,we got to talking all things vape. He had to go get paint. I was super bummed he didn't ask for my number, things were going really good. Next thing I know,there is a knock on my door! It was him! He had his name and number on a piece of sheetrock. He asked if I would like to call him sometime, so I gave him mine. He's really cute! ! Now I have been online dating, going out with guys from there ,this is the first time in ten years a guy has asked for my number like that. It just made my day, I had to share! !
    2 points
  7. Edna

    Couple questions

    I resemble this remark LOL I'm older than @Tam (by a few months anyway) I never thought I'd make it to this age but I'm glad I did. Since I found vaping it's like turning back the clock a bit on lung volume and energy.
    2 points
  8. Congratulations young lady! Nothing says "i like you" like a sheetrock message! That in itself is a keepsake.
    1 point
  9. Thank sir for all the help but I think my pin is stuck quite deep down but I dont know why its work on Hellboy with heatsink but not with Troll here is the pic Sent from my iPhone using The Vapor Talk mobile app
    1 point
  10. No, it doesn't necessarily mean your Troll is broken, especially since you say the same thing happens with the Hellboy. It could be several things but is likely a connection issue of some sore. Try cleaning the 510 connector on the mod and Troll to see if that fixes your issue. Check to make sure the 510 pin on the mod isn't getting stuck in the "down" position (I have seen this issue with several RX200 series mods). Check that your coil(s) are not loose. Check to make sure the airflow ring isn't making contact with the coil(s) (this would be causing a short). Make sure you are in the correct mode for the type of coil you have on it. Make sure your coil resistance isn't too low. Make sure the screw on the bottom of the RDA is turned out far enough to be making contact with the 510 pin. Also, provide pics if possible. The old saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" is true. Sometimes people around here can tell what is wrong simply by looking at a picture and one of us may be able to give you a definite answer. Those are all of the suggestions I have off the top of my head, but I'm sure I'll think of more or someone else will chime in. People around here are good like that.
    1 point
  11. Bebop

    Couple questions

    If I could remember how old I am I'd be happy to you.
    1 point
  12. Well...I done went and did it. A video review of the TFV8 Baby Beast.
    1 point
  13. Ya got a damn good start right there! Can't wait to see more!
    1 point
  14. Tam

    Couple questions

    I'm older than dirt, Adversarious, and probably one of the few rare females who isn't afraid to say so.
    1 point
  15. Thank you, kind sir! I got a new GoPro for Christmas and am currently experimenting with it so I can do something a little more interesting than me just sitting in front of a sheet for future videos. I have several in mind.
    1 point
  16. Walt

    Couple questions

    Took me a lot of work to get this old! I'm actually pretty amazed I got this age, lol.
    1 point
  17. Tam

    Couple questions

    You're not alone, Walt. I'm an old fart too, and don't mind saying so!
    1 point
  18. Bravo! Seriously, bravo dude! Sweet editing, intro, segues, as well as review!
    1 point
  19. Not sure if it is relevant, but I picked up a couple of Eleaf Lyche's with notch coils. They both spit like crazy. Edna and Tam recommended some drip tips from FastTech that have screens in them. Helps a lot! Still hear it popin away in there but it doesn't reach my mouth. I also found a technique to "blow" out the coil when it floods that helps a lot. They are usable tanks now.
    1 point
  20. The biggest retailers in flavors are Wizard labs, and Heartland vapes. The reason I say they are the largest dealers is because they handle many different brands of flavors. As to the particular flavor you want to mix, I have never tried that flavor, and wouldn't know which flavors are in it.
    1 point
  21. Adversarious1

    Couple questions

    In a word, yes. There is nothing specific about strawberry flavoring unless you happen to be allergic to strawberries and the flavoring is naturally extracted from strawberries. The strawberry flavor you read about was most likely cited from an old story about a particular liquid that was found to contain (at the time) a high amount of a chemical called diacetyl. The liquid in question was Mother's Milk manufactured by Suicide Bunny. Even if you are vaping that now, they have since changed their formula and no longer use diacetyl in any of their products. There are a lot of myths and misinformation being spread around the internet. But there are also a lot of ways to debunk those myths and get the real story behind the information. Hitting up the forums and asking is one way. Google is another. Trust me, for every negative story out there about vaping in general, there is a story to debunk the bad information in it.
    1 point
  22. As far as I know its still NI200 only
    1 point
  23. Im only basing the following opinion on what I know about notch coils. Ive never used them. They are designed for high flow of juice and have more surface area. They are also designed for a quick ramp up of heat. Guess what. Combine those two principles and you have a recipe for spitting. So overwicking could be a factor. But overwicking isn't necessarily a bad thing unless you are underpowered or not enough airflow. Underpowered it may just boil the juice and not immediate vaporize it With enough power and great airflow it should handle overwicking. Having enough airflow is key to producing vapor. You might try ramping up the power but also really pulling harder on that to increase your airflow. It might seem counterintuitive to pull harder on the coil that's spitting but it might work. Just be careful. Try using a drip tip with a screen if necessary. Just a few ideas.
    1 point
  24. Fair enough. Juices can vary so widely - the contents of which vary brand to brand - it can still be a factor in spitting or popping. I've never used the notch coil so I can't speak to that.
    1 point
  25. No time like the present to start stockpiling... a little at a time... new tank here, mod there, battery or two, liter of liquid supplies... and in no time you'll have a nice shelf-full of goodies (and a freezer full too)! @Adversarious1 I've lost count on my mods and tanks, but I can tell you there are 5 regulated mods (3 TC and 2 VW), a dozen 18650's, and 15 tanks on my desk at the moment... plus two mechs and a dripper within an arm's reach I do know there are 2 each unopened TopTank Mini kits and Subank mini kits on the shelf too... not to mention all the things I don't use anymore (or very often), lol. I make my own juices and have enough PG/VG/flavor supplies to make about 2.5 gal of liquids (and enough Nicotine to make 20 gal of 6mg or less). Last count of coils exceeded 200 sealed (horizontal 1.2 and 0.5 Ohm ST-mini coils) and plenty of wire to re-build my empty heads or go back to building RBA or RDA coils. I could use a few more gallons of PG/VG and a few liters of flavorings... and another 1000' of wire, but I think I'm good to go for a few years!
    1 point
  26. Yes, yes you are. What are you going to do to rectify this?
    1 point
  27. Maybe I'll talk you into what I'm going to review next, @Tam. The shout out was my pleasure, @Christopher . VT service has been top notch and you personally have gone way above and beyond in getting the latest and newest products people want, frequently within just a few hours.
    1 point
  28. Adversarious1

    Sigelei Fuchai 213

    I recently found myself wanting a new regulated box mod with at least 150 watts in power mode and TC (temp control). Although I only use TC occasionally with a handful of specific liquids, I am slowly switching to all SS wire for my DIY coils and SS coilheads (when available) for my tanks because it can be vaped in both power and temp mode. I looked at several that mods that were within my budget and finally settled on the Sigelei Fuchai 213. I know Sigelei caught a lot of flak over their original 213 in that it supposedly didn't go all the way to true 213 watts, but the highest I vape is between 125 and 150 watts, depending on the coil I'm using. Yet I kept thinking back to my first Sigelei, a 100w +. Even though it was simple in operation, that thing has been and continues to be a workhorse. It is on the verge of having to be put out to pasture because it has been knocked over and knocked off my workbench more times than I can count, but even after a year and a half it is still chugging along. Before settling on the Fuchai 213 I looked at others. When it comes to mods I typically don't make purchases for the sake of making purchases. I like to go to shops and actually look at them. I like to hold them and see how they feel in my hand. I like to screw a tank or RDA onto the 510 connector to see how good the threads are. I like to click buttons. Basically, I want to know if I'm going to like a mod before I buy it. Nobody wants to have something that ends up being relegated to the Vape Graveyard because it ended up not being comfortable or because it just didn't feel right in their hand. I'll admit it was a tough choice. I looked at many but it really came down to two that were competing for my dollars; the Sigelei Fuchai 213 and the Wismec Reuleaux RX200S. The thing that ultimately did it for me was the fact that the RX200S uses three 18650 batteries. Some may like that. In all honesty, I actually like that too, but it would have actually ended up being more of an inconvenience than I wanted to deal with at the moment due to the way I vape. [NOTE – This was BEFORE I knew the RX 2/3 was being released. I'm still thinking about one of those as well.] The Size – Size was one of the deciding factors when I was narrowing down my decision. I wanted something small enough to easily slip into a pocket and not be uncomfortable but at the same time big enough to feel it's presence in my hand. Both the Fuchai 213 and the RX200S fit that bill. The Fuchai 213 ended up being just a bit taller but was smaller in overall dimensions compared to the RX200S. The Fuchai is 88mm tall x 29mm wide by 44mm deep vs RX200S at 84mm tall x 40mm wide x 50mm deep. I included a couple of pics to give you an idea of the size. The pics are of a Sigelei Fuchai 213 next to a standard 18650 battery case. The Features – The Sigelei Fuchai 213 is a regulated box mod operated by two 18650 batteries. It features an aluminum body, plastic but sturdy buttons, a spring loaded 510 connector and is available in four colors: black, gunmetal, blue and orange. The display is a .91" OLED display that may sound a little small at first, but it has proven to be more than adequate and is bright enough to read outdoors on a sunny day. It also displays a lot of information. It has a micro USB port that is supposed to be for updates that haven’t been released yet, but can also be used for charging the batteries. The battery compartment is accessed via a small cover at the bottom that swings out of the way, This is a feature I have found to be rather convenient for when I'm on the move, as I don't have to worry about holding on to or keeping track of a separate cover as I change batteries. The .91" OLED screen displays all of the information you would expect a screen to show: mode, current wattage/temperature, ohms, volts, amps and battery life. Additionally it displays the current voltage of each battery separately. Resistance range is from .1 to 3 ohms. Wattage is from 10w – 213w. Temperature range is from 100C – 300C/200F-570F. Included in the box with the Fuchai 213 are the standard user manual, warranty card, authenticity card, USB cable and it also includes a silicone sleeve. The Functionality – I'll start by saying there is no "on/off" functionality for this mod other than physically removing the batteries. As soon as you insert batteries, the mod powers on. That may be a turn-off for some, but for me it's no big deal. You can lock the fire button, though, so that may be an acceptable trade-off for not actually powering off. In addition to locking fire button, you can also lock the wattage in power mode or the temperature in TC mode. It's a nice option to have, but I honestly haven't found myself inadvertently bumping the wattage or temperature up or down. The buttons are solid and have thus far shown they need to be pressed intentionally in order to change the settings. That isn't to say you need to mash down on them, because you don't. But you can put it in your pocket without locking the wattage or temperature and reasonably expect the watts or temp to be unchanged when you take it out. Finally, there are a total of six modes on this mod; power mode plus five TC modes: Ni200, Ti, SS, TCR and TFR. By now most of us are familiar with how Ni200, Ti and SS each work in TC mode. TCR and TFR are two additional options for more advanced vaping/fine tuning for your specific wire, but explaining what TCR and TFR are and the differences between the two aren't the point of this review. I will say that there are a ton of options in both TCR and TFR mode and you can really set this up for the specific type of wire you happen to be vaping. For now I will also say they work. I have tested them and vaped in both modes, but I have primarily stayed in power or SS. I have gotten away from Ni200 and Ti wire completely, so I can't provide any input on how this mod performs in either of those two modes. The Experience – So far I've enjoyed this mod. It's not a brick, isn't too heavy but it’s heavy enough to remind you it’s there and the display is easy to read. It does what it's supposed to do and more. I was impressed with this mod enough in the first two weeks that I ordered a second and am considering rounding out the collection by purchasing the two colors I don't own yet. I have used a variety of tanks and RDA's on this mod so far. From .15 ohm coils up to .5 ohm coils. When I first got it, I used my Triton V1 with a .4 ohm coil and a 30/70 PG/VG liquid. The two brand new Samsung 25R batteries I put in the mod upon receiving it lasted me 4 full days with moderate vaping before I had to recharge the batteries. By comparison, the same batteries, moderate vaping, tank, coil and liquid on my iPV4 only lasted 2 and a half days. I did notice it can get a little warm when chain vaping, but not hot. When it got the warmest was when I was vaping in TC mode with a SS316L coil. But TC mode for me was a dream. It ramped up to temperature quickly, but gently. It was definitely a nice experience. The particular juices I vaped were vaped between 490F and 510F, just my preference. By comparison, in power mode I have vaped everywhere from 40w to 125w. It didn't get as warm in power mode as it did in TC mode. It also has a pre-heat setting for TC mode that is adjustable from 10w to 213w and from .01 seconds to 9.99 seconds. Finally, one feature that was a new experience with me was the fact this will ramp back the wattage in power mode if one or both batteries drop to a certain voltage. My only other experiences with regulated mods have been that they simply won't fire at all and will display a "Check Battery" message. This will display a "Check Battery" message as well, but the fact it ramps back the wattage rather than simply not firing was a surprise. It still let me take a hit, though at a lower wattage than what I expected. It was definitely noticeable. The only real drawback I noticed, which can be a pain in the butt, is the button clicking necessary to lock or unlock the fire button. The manual says five times in three seconds. I quickly learned those five clicks can't be too fast. They need to be five deliberate clicks with a short but noticeable pause between each click for the clicks to register. Initially I was clicking so fast that my clicks weren't registering or it was only registering three clicks and I kept putting it in setup mode. More of an annoyance than anything, but once I got used to it muscle memory took over and I haven't had an issue since. It fits nicely in my hand and, as an added bonus, it also fits nicely in the tackle box I use to store vape gear when I'm traveling. Not too heavy, not too light. It is nicely balanced. I did test the USB charging functionality to make sure it works. I will likely never use it because I have I have well over two dozen 18650 batteries. I carry extra batteries with me in case I happen to be away from a charger for an extended period of time. But if for some reason the Zombie Apocalypse or worse, Vapocalypse, happens and all of my backups (and backups for backups) decide to die at the same time, I know I can use the built in USB charging if it comes down to it. Ultimately I would recommend this to anybody who may be in the market for a new mod. I’ve seen them anywhere from about $45 to $60 online. They are running $70 to $80 in B&M’s, so shop around if you decide to buy one. It’s insanely easy to use in power mode and if you’re new to TC, the learning curve for figuring out temp control isn’t that steep if you have experience translating broken English. If you don’t have experience, never fear, many of us around here do. The Score – 8 (out of 10). It's a nice little mod. It isn't cumbersome, it's easy to operate, it has a lot of different options function-wise, it's sturdy and it's convenient. The battery cover being attached is a plus because that's one less thing to have to juggle and potentially lose. The threading on the 510 connector is smooth. The finish on both the blue and the orange versions is really nice. I would recommend it to anybody, even if you don't use TC mode. I'm knocking off the two points for a couple of reasons. First, for the fact there isn’t an “on/off” mode, only a fire button locking mode. I bounce from device to device, especially on the weekends. I have been known to forget to turn a device off because of a switch, then not get back to it until much later than originally anticipated. Usually the batteries have been dead and in a couple of instances, they were dead beyond resurrection. The other reason is because of the temperamental nature of the button clicking to lock or unlock the fire button. Again, the button clicking isn't a huge deal; it was more of an annoyance until I became used to it. I shouldn't have had to get used to it, though. All others I own will register my clicks as fast or slow as I want and long as all of the clicks happen within the prescribed amount of time. Additional colors would be nice, perhaps a red or a green or even a pink or purple for those who like those colors, but the lack of colors doesn’t take away from the fact it is a very functional device. In fact, if the lack of color options ends up being the only thing stopping you from getting one, the selection of wraps available for it is almost endless.
    1 point
  29. jasonculp

    Sigelei Fuchai 213

    I like it! I am definitely in the "Crank it up" camp
    1 point
  30. Adversarious1

    Sigelei Fuchai 213

    You may have talked me into it Tam. I have to get a couple of things worked out but... Warning...turn down the volume if you don't like loud, aggressive guitar intros a la Five Finger Death Punch. If you do, then crank it up!
    1 point
  31. Tam

    Sigelei Fuchai 213

    What an impressive and thorough review! Now, if we can get you to do these in vids... I think you could give some of the "big names" on youtube a run for their money. Good job!
    1 point
  32. Then you did not get the right hemp fiber my friend this has no tast at all and I don't have to drip often at all sounds to me you did not get Degum hemp fiber if that's the case I can see why you would say that. And I can buy 5 kilos from my wholesale vender for 60 bucks that's cheep
    1 point
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