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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2017 in all areas

  1. I was thinking the same thing... but hey, I'll take it! A little common sense is a good thing in this industry, and some common-sense-directives from the FDA are a welcome thing
    5 points
  2. Hi Folks, The FDA has made some policies changes that affect local brick and mortar stores. Previously, retail associates were unable to assist customer in just about any way shape or form due to PTMA guidelines. Naturally, when a customer comes in with a problem and the associate is unable to help, it creates a dangerous situation. (For example, if a customer comes in stating their mod is warm, obviously a battery issue may need addressed asap) Previously, many vape retailers interpreted the regulations as being such that they could not perform services including changing coils, assembling a device and discussing how it functions, along with performing simple repairs and general troubleshooting. The FDA has made some updates - Without qualifying a vape shop as a tobacco manufacturer, staff can explain how to use a store product, employees can clean and perform maintenance on a purchased product, they can replace coils with new and identical ones, and they can assemble a product for the customer from the components packaged with the device. The FDA Is now also allows retail associates to assist customer in refilling their tanks so long as no modifications are made outside of what is recommended by the product's manufacture. For more details see following PDF document HERE
    4 points
  3. Are you sure this came down from the FDA? It actually makes sense...
    4 points
  4. TroopX

    Thanks Vapor Talk!

    I just realized, while talking to CigarBabe, that today is my 6 year vapeversary. I wanted to say thanks to VT for being the help that it was when it was needed. Met a lot of great people from this forum. Thank you! Vape Happy! Troop
    2 points
  5. OK...turns out I should have dived a little deeper into the escribe software. It will do everything for me as far as calculating overall efficiency based on the way I vape. As an added bonus, it looks like it will also simulate different settings, so I may be able to run simulations based on how others vape so I can make a somewhat educated recommendation to people who are looking at a DNA equipped mod in the future.
    2 points
  6. Not necessarily. It could easily be a set-up issue in the machining where a batch milled out of spec.
    1 point
  7. Mine leaked from the air-holes too... because the glass allowed air in (breaking the vacuum seal)... but if it's not your glass or o-rings, the only other possibility is a defect in manufacturing tolerances of the steel portion of the tank...
    1 point
  8. With the FDA's deeming regulations, we've seen a few good online stores closing down lately. Our own Vapor Talk store is a good source for juice and hardware. @Christopher keeps the prices down and give excellent customer service! I also order regularly from EC Blends for juices, at last count I believe they had over 4000 different flavors and you can customize your juice quite a bit.
    1 point
  9. Adversarious1

    Puff Counters

    It has been a few weeks since I plugged it into the computer, but I'm pretty sure with the escribe software (DNA chip software) I can calculate the average puff length.
    1 point
  10. Walt

    Puff Counters

    I'm interested enough to give it go one of these days. I have an IPV8 with a YiHi chipset and a counter. I am amazed at the battery life of the Istick 100W TC. Amazed enough to calculate the tank I'm using and the set wattage. At 100% and avg. 5 sec draws, I come up with about 300 vapes. Just as a swag, that seems reasonable to what I am witnessing. Unfortunately no puff counter on it. On the other hand my pico seems to suck down batteries. Of course that could be because I have a wide variety of coils and a wide variety of wattage settings. Being an overenthusiastic newby it's pretty ordinary for me to hit 5 tanks and 5 or more flavors a day. So nothing scientific here. No controls in place, lol. During the day I am vaping fairly infrequently and the wattage is up fairly high per preheating a cold unit. In the evening I hit it pretty hard and the wattage goes down as the unit stays preheated. I'm game. I'll give it a go here soon and let you know what I come up with.
    1 point
  11. On either coast a firearm will have people sitting in corners playing with yoyos and petting ponies. Anywhere in the center states you're pretty much ok.
    1 point
  12. Took me a couple of seconds to figure out what a 'watzit" bottle is. I like that description better than unicorn bottles.
    1 point
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