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  1. Don't worry @Walt, your track record won't stay at zero forever. As far as your daughter wanting confirmation that vaping is perfectly healthy, it will never happen. We are still inhaling foreign substances. However, perhaps you can share this tidbit of information with her: My health insurance is with Kaiser Permanente and therefore I have a Kaiser doctor. KP is a huge opponent of vaping and will do just about anything to prescribe meds to their patients. After about 30 minutes of arguing (yes, actual arguing) with my doctor in which I told him more than once he was an ignorant @#$! who needed to do more objective research rather than "tow the company line and support Big Pharma". During that same visit he tried to convince me to try gum (been there, done that, causes heartburn), patches (been there, done that, causes horrendously violent dreams if you accidentally fall asleep with one on - a story all in itself), lozenges (been there, done that, causes mouth sores), Welbutrin (been there, done that, didn't do a thing for me) and Chantix. He actually wrote me a Chantix prescription AFTER we had the argument and I, in my less than tactful nature when I'm ticked off, told him I didn't need any toilet paper. I wadded the prescription up, told him I was not going to put anything in my body that is KNOWN to have a potential for causing suicidal ideations. He finally relented and admitted I had some valid points and that he would rather see me vaping than smoking. In other words, of course your daughter's best friend is going to be anti-vaping. Her livelihood depends on prescription drugs.
    4 points
  2. Cloud-9

    Vaping Technique skills?

    Thank you all for such great input. I've learned a lot with the different topics at the VT forum and appreciate how helpful and thoughtful the folks are here. I went on YouTube to view how to make coils and ejuice, but it's not something I'm keen on at this time. I did learn a lot about the differences between RBA, RTA, RDA & RDTA's as well as cartomizers, clearomizers, tanks, batteries, 510 system, mods, chargers and health and safety. I was so intimidated and overwhelmed by it all but now find it pleasurable and exciting when I shop at the VT Store. I suppose we all were noobs at one time and a little patience and education goes a long way to rid of anxieties of the vaping world. [emoji1360] Sent from my iPhone using The Vapor Talk mobile app
    4 points
  3. @Edna (and everybody else) is correct. If you want a lot of cloud, you are going to go through more juice. However, a lot of cloud to you might not be a lot of cloud to me. The Baby Beast is one of the best tanks I have ever used. I have at least one in rotation daily, generally reserved for my drive home. They hold 3 ml of liquid and I can easily go through that in the hour and a half to two hours I spend on the road during my commute each afternoon. The coils do last me a long time, but that is because of the way I vape. I am constantly rotating through tanks (at last count I have 11 tanks I regularly rotate through). So yes, when you aren't using it as a daily driver the coils will last quite a while. However, over the holidays while I was on vacation I used my Baby Beasts as my daily drivers and the coils both lasted the entire 17 days of vacation. One of these days I'm going to convince @Tamthat lower resistance and sub-ohming does not necessarily mean warmer vapor. Spare batteries are always good to have on hand.
    4 points
  4. It's a shame you had to drag him through mud for a half hour to get him to admit what he knew all along. I will share this with Audrey. At the same time, I can't pressure. I taught her to be an independent thinker and I need to honor that even when the disagreement is with me. She is a sharp individual and I am sure she will make the right decision for her. I also need to stay cognizant of my enthusiasm and wanting to share that. I drive my friends nuts with showing them my new mod and the amazing new tank. I'm rattling on about the accuracy of the temperature control and they are going comatose.
    3 points
  5. I would absolutely love to see a reporter doing a story on an exploding mod ask the "victim" what type of build and what brand of battery they were using when it "exploded". Chances are this was not just a sub-ohm, but sub .1 ohm. Seriously...WTF are some people thinking building down to .05 ohms or lower? They might as well grab a revolver and start playing Russian Roulette. On the flip side...it might be Darwin's way of thinning out the idiots.
    3 points
  6. Adversarious1

    Drip Tips

    Yep...everything @Ednasaid. Just remember, wide "bore" isn't the same thing as wide "mouth". You will come across 510 drip tips that are wide "mouth", but are still 510 tips. A thread from a few months ago if you want to read a little bit more. http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/topic/30379-wide-bore-vs-wide-mouth-drip-tips/#comment-266164
    3 points
  7. Adversarious1

    Good news!!

    Just saw this story linked to the NBS Facebook page. Sounds like great news for vape shops! And it is actually coming from the FDA!! http://vaping360.com/fda-rules-vape-shops/ In a nutshell, the FDA has issued a new interpretation that says refilling a tank, changing a coil and setting up a new mod does not constitute a manufacturer. Here is the actual FDA interpretation.
    2 points
  8. Hey All, I got a notification about the FAMILY TREE NOW website that is putting your very private information all over the web. I looked into it and chose to opt out. I'm very cautious with my personal information and was terrified that anyone could gain access to my addresses and such for the last 10+ years including my current one. Here's a link to the article from Military.com and towards the bottom is the instructions on how to opt-out. Thought I'd share because it's scary especially if you're a single mom with teenage daughter. It really freaked me out that this was out there. Link HERE http://spousebuzz.com/blog/2017/01/opt-out-of-familytreenow.html
    2 points
  9. Tam

    Vaping Technique skills?

    And with new stuff coming out all the time, even us "old timers" are "noobs" all over again.
    2 points
  10. Walt

    Drip Tips

    They dynamics of airflow is a science in it's own right. I know of it from being part of a team designing oxygen generators that utilized a pressure swing absorption means of creating pure oxygen. My knowledge of the science is very limited beyond understanding that it is very involved. Many of these tanks are engineering wonders, IMHO. Changing the tip is one small part of the equation. The ego aio is designed through and through to deliver high level nicotine at a limited volume, mimicking an analog. Numerous considerations go into a cloud chasing machine. High VG content, low impedance coils with large surface areas to heat more juice at once, a high wicking capacity in the coil to supply enough juice, high constant velocity of air across the coil as well as to the receiver, as well as significant amperage to fuel the coil. I'm sure there are more considerations that I haven't discovered yet. I've only been at this a month and I already have a few different set ups for different vaping experiences.
    2 points
  11. Agreed wholeheartedly. Some of the YT guys are downright foolish with the way they pass on some of the information they pass on. If they don't know what they are talking about, they shouldn't be doing it. But to quote the late, great Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi: "Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"
    2 points
  12. Tam

    Vaping Technique skills?

    I know, but I just can't seem to set it up so that I don't wind up with warm to hot vapor and/or harsh throat hit. I'm doing something wrong but I don't have the patience to play around with it, lol. Come to Colorado and set me straight.
    2 points
  13. Edna

    Drip Tips

    Yes, they are. the "standard" driptip is a 510 which refers to the size of male end you stick into the top of the tank (more or less) a wide bore driptip has a bigger diameter than the standard or a MTL (mouth to lung) driptip which has a smaller diameter. The AIO has a 510 connection but is on the smaller MTL side. I just put a standard in my AIO and it fit fine and visa versa in my kanger toptank and my wotofo serpent mini
    2 points
  14. Bingo! And someday you will find yourself chiming in to help other noobs by sharing your own knowledge, experiences and opinions. It's the least expensive and one of the most effective methods experienced vapers have to "pay it forward" to new vapers and make sure they are successful.
    2 points
  15. Bebop

    Good news!!

    Just goes to show you when they originally wrote the regulations, they didn't know a damn thing about vaping! Wouldn't surprise me if some employee said "you know boss, you might wanna rethink this just a bit so you don't look like an idiot!"
    1 point
  16. Or a story where the reporter gets *ALL* the facts and details of the story, not just enough to sensationalize the evils of e-cigs. They never have details, they only say things like, "...it started to spark and then exploded when he put it into his pocket..." and "...he is now in the burn unit at the hospital and must have skin grafts because an ecig battery exploded like a rocket..." Never a mention about what brand of battery, what resistance his coil was, if the battery was loose with change and keys in his pocket, if the batteries were stacked in the unregulated mod, if the mod was damaged in some way and the guy insisted on continuing to use it even though it was sparking when he took a hit... sheesh.
    1 point
  17. Interesting. It's a brave new world that we're living in. I consider myself to be a fairly private person. I recall when I was doing videos with Sean back in the day, someone stopped by the house to say "hey." Keep in mind this was when my daughter was just born. (Why would anyone think this was ok?) Needless to say, I wasn't too friendly. He found my address online and thought he could come hang out lol. (Save it for the VT office)
    1 point
  18. Puttin on the ritz! Kinda like a bling thing. Sir Tarot. Black with gun metal trim and a marble inlay. Complete with a crown on his head. Oh my!
    1 point
  19. Walt

    Drip Tips

    @Adversarious1 I'm thinkin you're right! I'm just a vapin and a smilin about everything that goes into this. The end result is simply, WoW!
    1 point
  20. Adversarious1

    Drip Tips

    Something tells me @Waltis as fascinated by the science behind vaping as I am.
    1 point
  21. One of these days I'll get back to the San Diego area, it's been too long since I've been there. Used to live in Imperial Beach once upon a time. Miss the warm weather though not the Santa Ana winds. Colorado in the summer is amazing...
    1 point
  22. I think some are. Even some of the reviewers I have seen on YT don't convince me that they understand what they are playing with. These are wonderful devices but they demand respect.
    1 point
  23. Thank you @Edna for posting this.
    1 point
  24. Welcome back @Adversarious1 I hope you had a great vacation!
    1 point
  25. Bebop

    Vaping Technique skills?

    More clouds = more ejuice Using higher VG content ejuice will help produce more cloud, however, higher VG juice requires a setup that can wick high VG AND, in my experience higher VG juice (and sweeter juices) tend to foul coils quicker which means more coil costs. I want to point out that AIRFLOW is key to maximizing clouds too so your set up should include adjustable airflow as a way to maximize cloud production. Still, the bottom line is, you want clouds, you need ejuice. It's just like your car - you want speed, ya gotta step on the gas.
    1 point
  26. Your posts are refreshing...Yep, I was there just 7 months ago and I still share your enthusiasm ....watch out or you'll wind up buying vape gear for everyone you know who still smokes analogs to get them to share your success . So far I've converted both of my sons, my daughter in law and a couple of neighbors and currently I'm working on my sisters boyfriend LOL Congratulations on your vape-a-versary
    1 point
  27. Another consideration is battery life. The lower the resistance the greater the current flow. In an evening of blowing clouds vaping under .5ohm, I can go through an 18650 pretty fast. Good to have another battery on the charger. When I'm out and about this is a consideration.
    1 point
  28. Today is an anniversary of sorts. One month vaping with two weeks analog free. Cravings are few and far between. Easy to dismiss as the memory of all the problems with that habit are still fresh. I have learned a lot in the last month. Greatly due to you folks here. It's hard to imagine myself as an analog user as my thoughts have shifted to the next flavor, mod, etc. I would like to try. The frequency of epiphanies are slowing down as well. I have also discovered that I am rather proud of my new habit, to the point of being eager to show off my equipment. That sounded lewd, lol, but you folks know what I mean.
    1 point
  29. Yep, sad but true...The higher the wattage the more juice you blow through. @Adversarious1 can tell you about the baby beast tank and higher wattage set ups. From his posts he says the coils last quite awhile but it does go through the juice if I remember right. Personally, I prefer to sub-ohm, but I build my coils most of the time, keeping them around the 0.3- 0.5ohm range, and vape around 35W. You can opt for temp control and keep it cooler. No matter what though you're going to have to adjust your juice budget if you're going for your current sub-ohm upgrade. I have an AIO that I use to run to the grocery store with and it uses very little juice compared to my other tanks. For juice, I prefer either 70vg/30pg or max VG juices and go through about 30-40ml a week , more if I'm stressed or bored as I tend to grab my mod more... and yes it can fog up the office in record time if I'm chain vaping LOL I think you'll enjoy the SMOK 45 and Cubis pro tank, it's sort of a "middle of the road" set up and the cubis pre-made coils in SS have good flavor have different wattage options so you can experiment. No matter what...Just have fun with it
    1 point
  30. If you're going to produce more vapor, you will go through more eliquid. There's no way around that. Me, personally, I prefer not to sub-ohm because I don't care for the warmer vapor. My coil resistance of choice is a 1.8 ohm coil in an Aspire Triton 2. The eliquid I use is 40 PG/60 VG and makes enough clouds to fog up a small home office when I'm chain vaping. That said, when I create that much vapor, it stands to reason that I'm going through much more juice than "normal."
    1 point
  31. I started this thread because I didn't want to highjack Christopher's "What are you vaping" thread anymore than had already been done. Maybe I'm alone in my thinking, but to me there is a difference between "wide bore" and "wide mouth" when it comes to drip tips. People tend to use the term "wide bore" to describe any drip tip that is wider than than a standard 510 base. To me, "wide bore" means anything with an inside diameter that is wider than the inside diameter of a standard 510 drip tip. Yes, some "510" drip tip bases have a slightly wider bore than others, but where I see most people using the term "wide bore" is when they describe the mouth end of the tip. The following pics are of two of my "wide bore" drip tips. The tip on the top is a SS tip from a Subtank Mmini, the tip on the bottom is a delrin tip from a TFV8 Baby Beast. This first pic shows the tips from the top, or mouth end. As you can see, the business end does indeed have a wider bore than something like a KPT tip or a Lemo tip. This second pic shows both tips from the "510" end that actually connects to the tank or RDA. As you can see, the bore is a lot smaller than the mouth end. This ultimately changes how a tip performs. Yes, the delrin tip does have a slightly larger bore than the SS tip in this particular comparison, but that isn't always the case. For the record, the ID measurements of the 510 ends and the mouth ends of each tip are as follows: SS tip 510 ID: 4.5mm; mouth ID: 7.9mm Delrin 510 ID: 5.7mm; mouth ID: 9.5mm So yes, in this case the delrin tip does have a slightly wider bore at the connector end and the wider bore is definitely going to have an effect on vape performance. In both cases, though, I consider these "wide mouth" vs "wide bore, because the full bore of the tips is not consistent all the way through. Now, by comparison, the following is a picture of the delrin drip tip from my TM RDA: This is what I consider to be a true "wide bore" vs "wide mouth" drip tip. As you can see, the bore is wide and consistent all the way through. For the record, this inside diameter is approximately 12mm. That is a HUGE difference compared to the other "510" drip tips. This is primarily for airflow and thus bigger clouds. But you can still get a ton of flavor through these as well. It's all in how you build your coils when it comes to something like that. Obviously these are only my opinions, but I think I make a pretty good argument for why we should differentiate between them. Wide mouth does not necessarily mean you are going to have more airflow when it comes to a 510 drip tip, because the flow of vapor is still ultimately going to depend on the bore of the actual 510 portion of the drip tip.
    1 point
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