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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Going well, I am completely tobacco free and have been since a few days after my first post here. I am now down to 16mg of nicotine and could probably drop down lower if I really wanted to. How about you? Are you still dip free?
    2 points
  2. @Walt Was the juice freshly made in the shop? It might need some steeping time. I usually let juice sit for a week or so if it's freshly made. Don't throw it out or give up until you've given it some time. I have had some flavors taste like cr@p and left them alone for a week or month and revisited them and found that they taste great after sitting. Make sure you shake them every once and awhile too so the flavors blend while they're steeping.
    1 point
  3. Edna

    Popping like that cereal....

    I got some cotton from a different source than normal and all of a sudden it seems every build (no matter the ohms) pops like the dickens I even tried different juices. The coils are the same build that I have been using for months and it just started... Is a there a cotton that's more prone to this than others? Ideas..Suggestions.... I already ordered my normal cotton but in the mean time I'm curious. I hate to get rid of it but I'm about to put in my teenagers bathroom for makeup removal it's making me that crazy.
    1 point
  4. FXRich

    American-made Sub-Ω Tanks?

    The reason tanks aren't made in US is because of cost. The average wage for a CNC operator in US is about $20 per hour, don't know what the cost is in China, but I'm guessing about $2 per hour is probably top wage there. As far as price goes US made products can't compete with Chinese made stuff. I have the machinery to produce a limited production sub ohm tank, but not the massive amount of coils that would be needed. Another reason I don't want to attempt to produce a tank is because of the FDA regs, and other problems with the regs from other government agencies. A lot of people don't know what a employee actually costs, if someone gets $20 per hour, it costs the company $30 - $40 per hour, depending on the benefits, and state where located. Bottom line is US manufacturers can't make a tank that competes with the Chinese without loosing money.
    1 point
  5. Sounds like the cotton is over-wicking and flooding the coil? You might try re-wicking with a thicker piece... one that fits more snug in the coil and that might slow the wicking process (and the popping) because it is tighter in the coil? Also, if the "wings" of the wick are causing the issue, using a thinner piece of cotton may do the trick as well... so there is less surface area of cotton and therefore less wicking on the sides. Different brands of cotton wick differently... faster, slower, hold more per cubic-centimeter, etc.... so when you use a different brand, you have to play with the amount you use and the way you wick your coils. Out of curiosity, what brand of cotton is giving you the issue?
    1 point
  6. Bebop

    no taste

    If you're chain vaping and also not changing coils then I'd say it's a bit of both. Crossing flavors on a single coil tends to mute out the flavors more quickly. Fresh coils make for best flavor if you can afford it. There's no hope for the chain vaper. Haha
    1 point
  7. cany

    no taste

    I do the same thing I hardly ever change coils for a different flavor I vape mostly the same type of flavors so it doesent really effect the flavor of the new juice
    1 point
  8. Are there any American players in this game? Christopher might know... Seems dominated by chinese manufacturers. I've never really looked...
    1 point
  9. My last dip was 31 days ago. I started with 24mg of juice and am already down to 6mg. The first 3 days were hard but once I found "the right flavor" of juice it got easier. I rarely crave dip now and when I do I just hit my vape and know I'm getting the nicotine I need and the craving goes away. Ps I tried everything to quit dipping with no luck. Vaping has literally been a life saver to me!
    1 point
  10. My suggestion would be for you to find a vape store that gives a rats-*** about you and understands the value of customer service for building repeat customers. Evidently the sales guy just wanted to sell you something with no regard for your lack of experience. E-cigarette aren't rocket science, but there is a small learning curve. The above also is directly related to your desire, or lack of, to give up cigarettes. If your goal is to drop cigarettes, then start with an inexpensive entry level rig, learn what's going on and proceed from there. Don't allow yourself to be talked into getting the latest 'n greatest cloud chaser equipment. You've already discovered how expensive and discouraging that experience can be. There are some of us in the vaping community who are still using pretty basic equipment ..... and are quite satisfied. Many vape shops just want your money and send you on your way. Finding the right vape store can be tough, sometimes.
    1 point
  11. Hi folks, Since I'm not ordering from Juicy Vapor anymore (if you don't know, the co-owner was arrested and charged with some pretty abhorrent crimes. I'm an attorney and I resolutely believe in innocent-before-proven-guilty, but if he turns out to be guilty, I don't want to be funding his legal defense), I've been hunting for a good Caramel Macchiato or equivalent. I've tried: Vapor Talk (of course) - sorry Chris, maybe I got a bad batch, but it doesn't taste good and I don't want to bother you with a support ticket. Virgin Vapor's "Organic Caramel Kona Milkshake" - the best so far, but a strong alcohol flavor mixed in that I'm getting tired of. DIY Flavor Shack - tastes like burnt coffee, no caramel flavor at all. Any other Caramel Macchiato lovers out there? Where can I find a good one? Thanks in advance!
    1 point
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