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  1. Welcome to Vapor Talk! The Aspire Archon has TCR mode so you can use Kanthal and Nichrome in TC-mode, but dialing them in is kinda finicky because you have to know the Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) value of the wire you are using... Once you have that, you can put the MOD into TCR mode, key in the TCR value, and vape happy (once you dial in the temperature, that is). Length of wire, coil size, micro/macro coil, etc. will also affect the TCR value, but it should be minimal. Here are some TCR values I've used with success ... Ni200: "0600" [0.00600] (According to Steam-Engine.org) TitaniumGrade1: "0366" [0.00366] (According to Steam-Engine.org) SS316L: "0088" [0.000879] (According to Steam-Engine) SS317L: "0094" [0.00094] (According to Steam-Engine.org) Nichrome: 0.00040 (According to DJLsbVapes) Nichrome N60 (C): 0.000178 Nichrome N80 (A): 0.000112 Kanthal NiFe70: 0.0052 By no means assume these are absolute values! You'll need to play around with your MOD and the settings to fine-tune it, but these should give you a good starting point?
    3 points
  2. Earthling789

    cotton candy taste.

    Most flavorings I mix are at 10-20% total volume... I would assume your Cotton Candy flavor is 10%, but that is just a guess. Some flavorings are stronger than others, so you use less of them in a mixture, so @Tam suggestion of trial-and-error method of adding a few drops at a time to 10ml is a good way to start. Depending on the specific gravity of the flavoring... it may take more or less drops to make 1ml... but the general rule of thumb is 20 drops equals one milliliter. Another way to see what works is to almost fill your tank with your base (3ml is a good place to start), and add a drop or two of flavoring, shake well, and vape... If after 5 minutes, it is not strong enough, add a another drop... repeat... until you get what you want in flavor. After you get a flavor you like... say 4 drops in a 3ml tank... from there it's just math to mix larger batches... e.g. 40 drops of flavor per 30ml of base (roughly 32ml total)... and you may actually find 45 drops may be necessary for the larger batch? Or, the way I'd prefer to mix it would be put the 40-drops (2ml) in a 30ml bottle, and then add 28ml of base to make exactly 30ml... This is just an example/suggestion on how to fine-tune it, but you can see how the method can be applied, starting with small batch and then working it up to larger batches. But, even larger batches may need fine-tuning... of more or less flavoring... usually less for most flavors as they become stronger as they steep and mix with the base.
    2 points
  3. The factory SMOK TVF8 coils are all kanthal. I've heard rumors of SS coils coming, but to this point they are just rumors. And I agree on the Hohm mods. I have the Hohm Slice. Loving the ability to run my baby beasts in TC mode.
    1 point
  4. Tam


    We've all been there and are very happy to help. Just give us details and information... chances are very good that we'll have alternatives for you to try. Ask questions. Lots of questions. We welcome those who are wanting to learn. You'll probably get more answers than you want, but then that's the nature of vaping, it's a very personal thing. Everyone is different and will experience vaping in a different way so it's up to us to give you choices, up to you to discover what works for you. It's a fun challenge.
    1 point
  5. Sorry to hear about your aunt, and I can definitely relate, being diagnosed with COPD a year ago. I was able to stop smoking for about as long as it took me to walk from the doctors office and back out to the car. I continued to smoke and struggle with the COPD episodes and inhalers 4 times a day until this past August, when I started my research on vaping. I stopped by the local vape shop and got started with an eleaf istick nano 40. I was able to cut back on the cigs to about 5 - 10 a day and was using the heck out of the eleaf. Wasn't happy with the eleaf as it seemed to leak, and being new to vaping, didn't care for the oily touch after charging being it has to be laid on it's side to charge. A few weeks later I picked up a Smoktech osub as I was determined to get away from the smokes. I thought, "Yeah, Buddy", now I think I'm getting somewhere. Within a week I was down to 1 or 2 in the morning only and the Smok for the rest of the day. I should add that I smoked nothing but menthol and have been vaping the same. By the second week of November I was off the cigs completely, however, my wife thought it was a good idea and confiscated my Smok. She's off the cigs now and on the Smok, so I picked up an Aspire Archon 150 and topped it off with a Crown tank. Am off the cigs, only using my inhaler once a day, and doing a lot better with very few, if any so far, COPD episodes. Nic 6 juice (menthol) is working fine for me, but that's just me. Believe me, if I could put those things down, I believe anyone can. This is just the route I took to do it.
    1 point
  6. See! Now it's nice and customized. +XP (experience points)
    1 point
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