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  1. Guys , close your ears a sec.I'm either going to have to have a uterine ablation , or possibly a complete hysterectomy.I wasn't having kids anyway my tubes are cut tied and burnt,that's not an issue.my doctors are very much on board with my vaping,I smoked after all my other surgeries.I'm just curious if I'll have to quit 2days in advance like when I was on cigs.
    1 point
  2. This isn't a full review of the Hohm Slice, just some first impressions formatted into a mini-faq of sorts. A full review will be coming along in a couple of weeks. What is it? – In a nutshell the Hohm Slice is a single 26650 101 watt regulated box mod with temp control. What sets it apart from other TC mods? It can be used with nickel, titanium, stainless steel (all types), nichrome, tungsten (used with ceramic wicks) and Kanthal A1. Yes, temp control for Kanthal. It also seems to be a bit more user friendly than other TC mods I own or have used, but again, I have spent most of my time with it in power mode. In power mode it works as just well as any other regulated mod I have. Does the temp control really work with Kanthal? Yep, it sure does. For the most part far I have been using it power mode with a TFV8 Baby Beast using the Baby T8 coil at 90 watts, but I did play around with the same tank and same coil in TC mode so I can verify that temp control does indeed work with Kanthal. I need to play around with it a little bit more when I have time to actually sit, dive in deep and really get it dialed in. I also want to use it with my own Kanthal coils rather than drop in coils. How does it perform with other wire types? So far the only other wire type I've used is 316L Stainless Steel. It performed flawlessly at 40 watts and 480 degrees. Even though I have switched to SS almost exclusively for temp control vaping I do still have some nickel drop-in coils and I still have some titanium wire so I plan on checking it out with those as well. I don't and won't use coils with ceramic wicks and I don't have any nichrome, so I probably won't be checking temp control performance with either of those unless I decide to buy some nichrome wire. How does it look and feel? The actual mod casing is very sturdy feeling, but the buttons rattle. They rattle more than just a little. I have had mods with buttons that rattle a bit in the past, but picking this up and shaking it almost sounds like you're shaking a maraca. Okay, slight exaggeration there, but only slight. The button issue has also been noted by guys who have reviewed this mod on YouTube. The battery cover is held on with four strong magnets. The finish is baked on ceramic rather than being painted or powder coated, so it should hold up well under normal use. Its shape, size and weight with a 26650 in it feel good in my hand. It is roughly the same size as one of my Sigelei 213s or a Reauleaux 2/3 in 2 battery mode. I have another mod I'm getting ready to run through some testing, but I hope to have the full review of this mod done within the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask and I will answer.
    1 point
  3. In a galaxy far, far way?
    1 point
  4. From the tanks that I use now, I still find the coils that come with the tanks to be... less than the quality I find in a 5-pack. To this day I just put those aside for a rainy day should I need some coils and not have any new ones available.
    1 point
  5. By far, this is the best, most powerful paragraph in the article... and what many of us (including myself) have been saying since they first began talking about "vaping regulations".... "The potential harm of misguided e-cigarette regulation is magnified by the fact that powerful special interests seek to manipulate such regulation for their benefit. As my co-authors and I discuss in this new article from the Yale Journal on Regulation, current e-cigarette regulation is a product of a “Baptist & Bootlegger” coalition of well-intentioned health activists and tobacco companies. E-cigarette policy is also shaped by pharmaceutical companies, which see vaping products as a source of competition for their (largely ineffective) tobacco cessation products. I discuss these dynamics further here. "
    1 point
  6. If you are looking at tanks to use on the Pico, then aesthetically the Toptank mini is going to look better. The Pico is 23mm wide. The TFV4 is 24.5mm in diameter, so there will be overhang. The Toptank mini is 22mm in diameter. They are really very different tanks. However, if aesthetics don't really matter to you, then some of the things to consider are: The TFV4 is a larger tank, both in physical dimensions and in capacity. The standard single coil RBA deck that comes with it is larger than the Toptank mini RBA deck. I don't have a Toptank mini, but I do have a couple of Subtank minis and personally I hate building on those RBA decks. I find the TFV4's method for filling to be more convenient. The top simply swings on a hinge. On the Toptank mini the entire top needs to be unscrewed and removed. On the flip side, the TFV4 is prone to leaking whereas I have rarely experienced a leak issue with my Kanger tanks that wasn't caused by atmospheric conditions, such as extremely warm weather. Replacement coils for the Subtank mini are cheaper, but the TFV4 has many more coil options. The TFV4 coils also seem to last longer, so depending on your vaping style, you would likely find yourself changing coils less frequently. If that's the case, then the higher cost combined with the longevity is basically a trade-off. Most (but not all) of the TFV4 coils are really meant for sub-ohm vaping. They do have a couple of 1.5 ohm coil options, though. The TFV4 is really geared toward DTL (direct to lung) vapers where the Toptank mini can be used for MTL (mouth to lung) vaping. So again, it really comes down to what your preferences and what you think will fit your personal vaping style the best. If you are dead set on one of those two tanks, then I would recommend making a trip to a B&M that carries both tanks to see if they have one of each you can physically compare side-by-side.
    1 point
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