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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2016 in all areas

  1. Two more articles from this week that I wouldn't have seen if it hadn't been for the NBS group on Facebook. The first is an article that was published in the LA Times on December 12, 2016 and focuses on the most recent annual survey of 8th, 10th and 12th graders and their use of various substances to include e-cigs. The results from the 2016 survey show a decline from 2015 in almost every category the survey focuses on, including the use of e-cigs. Teens are cutting back on drugs, alcohol, smoking and even electronic cigarettes, study finds. The second one is an opinion piece by a physician that appeared on Slate.com of all places...another source I would never go to under normal circumstances. Honestly, the only reason I went ahead and clicked the link was because of the title of the article: E-Cigarettes Might Be the Best Addiction to Have. The piece is mostly positive and is actually one of the few recent articles I have seen that openly admits there isn't enough data to justify the FDA's actions in regards to the deeming regulations. E-Cigarettes Might Be the Best Addiction to Have.
    3 points
  2. What I've done in a pinch is to remove the O-rings from the drip tip, wind some regular dental floss around the base where the O-rings go, put the O-rings back on. The dental floss helps to make the O-rings more snug until you can get bigger diameter ones.
    2 points
  3. Well, I don't know if using dental floss on a drip tip can be considered in that category, Bebop, but thank you anyway!
    1 point
  4. I finally redeemed some of my points at a local B&M for a Christmas present for myself. They offer different vaping kits and this was the one I chose: It contains a Wisemec 2/3 (cyan was my choice) An EHPRO Billow V3 Rdta, 6 Samsung 18650 batteries and 2 cases, A Nitecore D2 digicharger , 48 prebuilt coils by demon killer (in various ohm levels) A packet of organic cotton A pair of ceramic tweezers and a pair of plato wire cutters. They also had 30% off on my favorite juice so I picked up 250ml of it for only $26 and for $1 each I got two trial 5ml bottles of juices I wanted to try.
    1 point
  5. I didnt know you were a MacGyver Tam! That is awesome.
    1 point
  6. By far, this is the best, most powerful paragraph in the article... and what many of us (including myself) have been saying since they first began talking about "vaping regulations".... "The potential harm of misguided e-cigarette regulation is magnified by the fact that powerful special interests seek to manipulate such regulation for their benefit. As my co-authors and I discuss in this new article from the Yale Journal on Regulation, current e-cigarette regulation is a product of a “Baptist & Bootlegger” coalition of well-intentioned health activists and tobacco companies. E-cigarette policy is also shaped by pharmaceutical companies, which see vaping products as a source of competition for their (largely ineffective) tobacco cessation products. I discuss these dynamics further here. "
    1 point
  7. Earthling789

    Vape health

    And the ingredient list in my DIY e-liquids: Vegetable Glycerine (USP food grade certified, 99.7% purity certified) Propylene Glycol (USP food grade certified, 99.7% purity certified) Distilled Water Natural and Artificial Flavorings (food-grade-certified, water soluble, no oils) Nicotine (lab-certified 99.9% pure, in VG base)
    1 point
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