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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2016 in all areas

  1. Squid

    Cloud comp

    Sorry to say, but cloud comps are hurting people that vape responsibly, IMO. I like a good cloud myself, but I generally use a rig and juice that don't produce clouds unless I am home. I used to smoke cigars, and could produce clouds very comparable to those pictured, granted a different technique. Vaping IMO is meant to get people away from smoking and the stigma attached to it. Most nonsmokers see vaping exactly the same as they do smoking due to the visual clouds. I can get my nic fix with barley any visual evidence, and no smell offensive to most. I vape a coffee flavor when at work as there is always a coffee maker or someone with a cup close, and make sure I am not around anyone that minds the minor cloud I make. To each their own, not judging, but had to comment.
    3 points
  2. Who has awesome writing skills here? Vapor Talk - Let's make a religion called Vapor so we can talk about it. Boom tax exempt. Black Label will of course be our holy water.
    2 points
  3. Bebop

    Watch what you vape

    I follow a simple rule for myself. I don't vape anything that I have any kind of reaction to.....even if that reaction is "huh...this doesn't taste right".
    2 points
  4. Which kbox and which istick are you using? Having that information will improve the recommendations. Without that information, though, I would start at about 35 watts and bump it up half a watt at a time. As you bump it up, you will get closer to your "sweet spot" (that point where you like the balance between flavor, vapor production and the vape isn't too warm or too cool). You will know when you get past that sweet spot because the flavor won't be what you like, the vapor production won't be what you like or it will be too warm (or a combination of all three). Once you hit that point, back it off to the last spot you really liked. Basically, as long as you adhere to battery safety there isn't a specific wattage you should be vaping at. The right wattage is whatever wattage creates your sweet spot, and that is different for everybody. For some of us, that wattage may be higher because we like a warmer vape, for others it may be lower because we like a cooler vape. And for many of us, we will find that we run the exact same tank with the exact same coil at slightly different wattages based on the e-liquid we are vaping at the time because different PG/VG blends and different flavors react differently at different wattages.
    1 point
  5. Welcome to VT! I have several charts with resistance/wattage, and there are hundreds on the Internet... What exactly are you looking for? I mean, are you looking for sweet-spots or are you looking for specific coil's range of Wattage? If the latter, you'll not find anything for that because the juice you use (PG/VG ratios and flavors) will affect how the coil performs, as well as the tank style... what tastes great in one tank/coil configuration may taste like wet socks in another tank/coil combo at the same Wattage setting... Every tank/coil/mod/juice combo has their sweet-spot, but they differ from person to person, even then, because all tastes are subjective
    1 point
  6. Foofightervapegirl

    Cloud comp

    That's funny,I was in my therapists office the other day,he is all for me vaping,but had a friend at his bar who vapes and said she turned the place into '' a huge fog of vanilla death".now I have no problem with people blowing huge clouds , but they have their place,just like everything else.you wouldn't turn up a fifth of vodka in a doctor's office would you ? in the same manner of you are going to blow huge clouds ,go for it!but do it responsibly
    1 point
  7. Ah... I see. So you get her new tanks to try but you get them when she decides they're not for her. Clever boy! Just kidding, but the idea has merit, yes?
    1 point
  8. I'm with @Adversarious1... My first box-mod was the MPV, and after about 18 months it just wouldn't hold a charge more than a few hours I was kinda upset about that, since it still looks like new, and is not much more than a paperweight at the moment... After that disappointment, I decided it is more economical and efficient to buy mods that use 18650 or 26650 batteries, and replace batteries, rather than buy a whole mod just because the battery went bad... kinda like having to buy a new car just because the battery needs replacing.... My go-to brands are Samsung and LG... and my #1 preference is the Samsung 25R-5 (green) and 25R-2 (blue) because they just last and last and last! LG HE2 (red) have served me well, but they seem to diminish their charge capacity after about 200 charges, whereas the Samsung I've been running for nearly 2 years are still working like new ones. I've also bought some Samsung 30Q (pink) and LG HG2 (brown)... So far they are working well and holding their charge like new... but none of those 3000mAh batteries have passed 100 recharges yet
    1 point
  9. It will be three years in june!I smoked for 15 years.vaping was the only way I could quit.I only had one slip up,it was this year,and it had to do with a quadruple ton of stress and running out of eliquid.I picked some up as soon as I finished the stinky,even though I was super strapped for cash.paid Mark up at the vape shop,it was (the ciggie) so terrible I didn't mind the mark up!mouthwash and tooth work for twenty minutes!!!congrats to all of you on being smoke free!
    1 point
  10. My go to is my istick 40 watt tc!but when I use my rx200,I use Samsung , and I have never had a problem;)
    1 point
  11. It will be 3 years for me in February next year. Never thought I'd ever be able to give the stinkies up. Then a friend at work introduced me to vaping and WOW, within 2 weeks was smoke free. Got on that train and ain't looking back.
    1 point
  12. Jeffb

    What's your go-to battery?

    Vision Spinner
    1 point
  13. Morning I'm vaping on some Adam's Apple 6mg in my Nautilus. I've also got a fresh cup of Twinings and some breakfast burritos my wife made. Yum.
    1 point
  14. Awesome! I think I located your order (almost missed it today, just stopped by the desk before heading out) Going to add in some Black Label for you
    1 point
  15. Adversarious1

    Hi new here

    Coils are going to play a large part in your flavor experience, but coils are only one piece of the puzzle. The good new is yes, there are other tanks that use those coils. @Tam and a couple of others might weigh in on which other tanks that use them. As far as flavor being muted, though, that is a subjective opinion. What one person thinks is muted another may think is out of this world. Take any advice or comments like that with a grain of salt, (including from me, as I am guilty of inserting my own subjective opinion). If you are happy with the flavor then that's what matters. However, trying new tanks never hurts. You may stumble upon one you like even more. Sent from my heart using the Vapor Talk App. OK...OK...I'm kidding. I have no heart. But I did use the Vapor Talk Mobile App.
    1 point
  16. Just from reading your posts, I can tell you what you didn't like about the Triton (both the version 1 and 2). The airflow would be too restrictive for you. For the most part, the Triton tanks are better for mouth to lung vapers rather than direct lung. That's why I love them so much but it probably won't work as well for you. @Earthling789, @Adversarious1, @jasonculp Any of these three guys might have some good recommendations for your style of vaping. They're also very, very good at helping you shop...
    1 point
  17. Christopher

    To hot to hit

    Sounds like you need to..... oh wait Adver nailed this topic with another great answer. I'll just run along....
    1 point
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