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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/2016 in all areas

  1. EMusic

    Hey. I'm new here!

    I recently bought my first vaporizer - the Kangertech Subvod-C. I didn't want to be a cigarette smoker anymore and decided to switch to vaping. The difference is unbelievable! I was a 10+ year heavy smoker and just could not find a way to quit or even just to slow down. Once I started vaping, I literally stopped thinking about - and craving - cigarettes. Vaping is so much more enjoyable, and that's just one benefit amongst so many others. For the first time ever, I've been off cigarettes for an extended amount of time (and based on how I'm doing so far, I'm not worried about ever going back to them!). I am now 3 weeks cig-free. See you all in the forums! -Sean
    4 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. So I was thinking, coming up this December marks 8 years smoke free for me. (Time really does fly!) I'll be honest, I did cheat once if I recall in 2009 but other than that I haven't touched a cigarette since. As a pack a day smoker I always assumed I'd probably smoke most of my life. How long have you been Smoke Free?
    1 point
  5. Sanch

    new to the forum

    hey from TN, been vaping for umm I dunno 5 or 6 years started with a blu garbage then went to Genesis style mods now I am vaping sub ohm comp mech mods, and series mech mods.
    1 point
  6. I am registered with uwell,I got an email that they were coming out with a new tank,the crown mini and that they were giving 1,000 away.well I got one!!!so excited.they start shipping them out Nov 22,I will keep you posted ! !
    1 point
  7. Jeffb

    Hey. I'm new here!

    Welcome to VT.
    1 point
  8. Congratulations on being smoke-free! I'm 3 weeks clean of analog cigarettes since switching to vaping. I was a 10+ year seeming lifetime heavy smoker and vaping has definitely saved me from that fate. Congratulations to all who have been able to stay away from analog cigarettes for any amount of time! -Sean
    1 point
  9. Adversarious1

    Hey. I'm new here!

    Welcome to VT, Sean. And congrats on getting off the analogs. Don't be a stranger. Sent from my heart using the Vapor Talk App. OK...OK...I'm kidding. I have no heart. But I did use the Vapor Talk Mobile App.
    1 point
  10. Adversarious1

    new to the forum

    Welcome to VT. Pay no attention to the double posts from@Christopher. He likes to see himself post. Thinks he's the Godfather or something like that. Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. March will be 6 years for me.
    1 point
  12. The TFV8 is most defiantly a direct lung hit tank
    1 point
  13. Just from reading your posts, I can tell you what you didn't like about the Triton (both the version 1 and 2). The airflow would be too restrictive for you. For the most part, the Triton tanks are better for mouth to lung vapers rather than direct lung. That's why I love them so much but it probably won't work as well for you. @Earthling789, @Adversarious1, @jasonculp Any of these three guys might have some good recommendations for your style of vaping. They're also very, very good at helping you shop...
    1 point
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