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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2016 in all areas

  1. Rubbing alcohol also has a corrosive property to it, you might want to remove the seal rings asap so they don't get damaged. I don't drink either but I keep a cheap bottle of vodka around to soak my tanks. You might want to consider that as an alternative. I think I paid about $6 for it and it's 6 months old, I still have about 3/4's of the bottle left. It's worth the price for cleaning your expensive tanks without damage.
    3 points
  2. Welcome to VT Don't know about having more experience, because I'm not familiar with your hardware either. I started vaping after having a couple of stent implants in February of 09 (can't believe its been that long). I started with a Volt setup, and quickly moved on to a better setup when they became available, now I use mostly subtanks, and turned my habit into a hobby, I traded smoking for shinyitus, better for my health, but not for the wallet. In my opinion the hand to mouth habit is just as hard to kick as the nicotine habit. Some vaping hardware is better quality than others, you may have to get better hardware before you can completely kick the ciggy habit. I'm not going to suggest what you should buy, because only you know what you need and want. There are plenty of other people here that will help you spend your life savings on quality vape gear.
    2 points
  3. What Ohm's are you going for? Single or dual coil? Knowing what you're after will help you get suggestions. If you need a guide I recommend using Steam Engine coil calculator Here: http://www.steam-engine.org/coil.asp
    2 points
  4. Depending on how computer savvy you are, you may be able to run a Windows VM on a Mac and accomplish firmware updates that way, though I've never tried. Otherwise, it might be time to become best friends with a PC user. I completely agree with the sentiment that firmware updates should work cross platform, though.
    1 point
  5. Use water rather than rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol leaves a residue that's hard to get out.
    1 point
  6. As long as the "alcohol" is something like Vodka or Everclear, it should be fine. I wouldn't, however, use rubbing alcohol.
    1 point
  7. As Bebop said, the button may be dirty or have juice dried inside it. Try dipping a Q-tip into some rubbing alcohol (not so much that it's dripping, just enough to wet the tip), and give the button and the area around it a good cleaning. I would also clean the 510 connection between the mod and the tank. That's a very popular place for extra juice to accumulate.
    1 point
  8. No problem, I moved it to General Vaping Discussion.
    1 point
  9. I have the Beast and Herk RTA-2 for all of that
    1 point
  10. I use 6 Kanger Subtank minis in rotation, and use the RBA exclusively in all of them. Never had one leak that was not user error, or when I left it in a hot car. They have been a good tank for me.
    1 point
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