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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2016 in all areas

  1. Bebop

    Lock Your Mod!

    You guys are the best! Misery loves company.
    3 points
  2. Tam

    Lock Your Mod!

    Actually, I really haven't had this experience. Whenever I put my mod in my pocket or purse (a dedicated pocket in my purse), I turn it off first. Other than at home, I always turn off my mod when not in use. Now that I've said this, I'm sure I'll get caught not turning off the mod or locking the buttons.
    2 points
  3. Adversarious1

    Lock Your Mod!

    I've never experienced such a thing. I always remember to lock my buttons before I put a mod in my pocket. You guys aren't buying that, are you? Okay...okay...been there, done that as well. Like @smacksy, I now make sure there is nothing in the same pocket as my mod. But I do TRY to remember to lock buttons on whatever mod I'm using.
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. Okay, here goes some facts... (and it will depend on the type of lift surgery they are doing)... If you are having implants, they make a tiny incision, work the implant into position and inflate it. It is non-invasive, but you will be very sore and bruised. If you are having any reduction (removal of skin), then it is a more invasive surgery and you should definitely avoid food, alcohol, and Nicotine 12-hours before surgery, and you should avoid any stimulant, alcohol, etc. for several days after surgery. Fact 1: (most) Doctors hate the idea of anyone smoking or vaping... so they want you to stop (period). Many doctors also have deals with Big Pharma and get kick-backs from prescribing medications such as Chantix, Nicotine inhalers, or patches (even though you can buy them OTC). So, if you are "self-medicating" with a vaporizer... you're taking money from their pockets! Fact 2: Hospitals have deals with Big Pharma to provide you with Nicotine patches (whether you want them or not) at the price of about $100/patch... billed to your insurance company. This is the way hospitals "control" Nicotine inside their walls. If Nicotine were a bad thing, they wouldn't hand them out like candy to all patients who use Nicotine... yeah, think about that one for a while.... Fact 3: Nicotine is a stimulant which raises your heart-rate... not a good thing right before invasive surgery Fact 4: Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor which increases blood pressure (slightly)... not a good thing right before invasive surgery It won't kill you to go without Nicotine for a day or two... especially if you are having an invasive procedure, you won't even want food/water for a day or two. If you are having a standard "lift", you'll be home and doing your daily routine after a few hours, and you should be perfectly safe to continue vaping a few hours after surgery. It won't kill you, nor will it have any adverse affects to the implants, incision, etc. As @Tam said, however, speak truthfully with your doctor before the procedure to know how it will affect you, and what you have to do to heal properly. But, take his advice on all the evils of vaping with a cautious and skeptical ear.
    1 point
  6. Tam

    Lock Your Mod!

    I'm just glad you're safe and all you got was a harsh vape.
    1 point
  7. jasonculp

    Lock Your Mod!

    I hate to say I do this all of the time. You would think I would figure it out! I normally leave my NEBOX in the truck, but I will throw it in my pocket when I go to eat, or check into a hotel. I normally run 25 watts and it will be on 40+. It will knock the top of your head off!
    1 point
  8. Squid

    Lock Your Mod!

    I have had that happen too. But what gets me often is my mod for work. It sets the wattage to what it thinks is right for the coil everytime it powers up, like when you change the batt. Apparenly some engineer some whee thinks 18w is good for a 1.2 ohm coil. Just a bit hot. Gets me about once a week.
    1 point
  9. It should just cycle thru the options with the same method for putting it in TC mode. You're looking for the initials to change in the window (in your pic the "NC") will change thru the various ccoil materials)
    1 point
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