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  1. Everybody has different vaping styles. Or different vaping techniques. All of these variations lead to different performance. Different flavor. Different coil life. I have pretty good working hypothesis on this. My wife and I use the same coils and tanks. We both vape a variety of juices. She goes thru coils twice as fast as I do. Sometimes we even use pre made coils but most of the time we use coils I make myself. She says to me, "can you check my coils?" I take a hit off her rig. GAUGH!!! Terrible! I just made these coils a few days ago. My coils last 2 weeks sometimes with just a drop off on flavor but nothing close to burnt. How is that possible? We have completely different vaping styles. I like LOTS of airflow. I take relatively quick, hard pulls with lots of airflow. On a cool coil I take a couple primer puffs just as I fire the mod, not inhaling. Then, I do a nice deep and brisk pull. I get lots of flavor and vapor. I vape higher wattage than she does. Yet, my coils last twice as long. My wife, on the other hand, fires her mod then starts to nurse her hits. These long, gentle draws. You can hear the juice cooking on the coil. She gets way less vapor. The contrast to our styles is either end of a broad spectrum. I'm sure everyone varies between these extremes and some fall outside of these extremes. but I'm pretty sure that coil longevity is tied to juice flow rate and airflow. there's a good chance that if you are prematurely burning coils up, then your airflow rate is too low for your wattage setting and the juice is just sitting there cooking on the coil. I'm not really saying it's wrong or right to vape one way or another. But I do think it explains why different people have different results to the same coil. Not all coils are the same, for sure. I think most experienced vapers develop a sense for how much air to cpull over that coil. There's a little sweet spot in there you can feel and hear. And any "low watt" vaper probably has experienced the sensation of pulling too much air over a coil too which can be pretty unsatisfying as well. Just lots of air. just my thoughts on it
    5 points
  2. FXRich

    Chris's Corner

    God made some men big, and other men small, but Samuel Colt made all men equal.
    3 points
  3. cany

    Herakes RTA-2

    I got this tank to try my luck with building my own Clapton coils with pre wrapped wire My first attempt failed miserably which ed me too buying another Herakles 2 tank. With this tank I did a 22G 3mm 8 wrap ohms out around ,25. First run It flood alot but that was my fault I didnt close off the juice flow while refilling (self inflicted wounds always the worst). So After I got that straightened out I gotta say this is one awesome RTA awesome flavor and Clouds that kick azz. If your looking for a good RTA Id give this a try.. It is a juice hog with the buid I have but I DIY so its all good
    2 points
  4. Welcome to VT. Be prepared for lots of questions, lots of advice and lots of recommendations. As @Tam mentioned, you may just need to mix up your juice flavors. For some people a single flavor works, for others, we need a variety. As @FXRich mentioned, darker and/or sweeter juices can be rough on coils. If you truly want to upgrade to something else, then I can make some recommendations, but those recommendations would depend on what a reasonable price is to you. What I find reasonable may not be reasonable to you, or your limit may be higher than I find reasonable. Kanger makes fine products. I started with a Kanger EMOW kit and own a couple of Kanger tanks. There are several Kanger products that might interest you in the Vapor Talk store. Personally, though, I am partial to Sigelei regulated box mods. I currently own four of them; an older Sigelei 100+ and three Sigelei Fuchai 213's. They don't, however, come bundled with a tank (though you might find a vendor that has a "package deal"). For tanks, I have been vaping on the SMOK TFV8 Cloud Beasts and Baby Beasts. The flavor production of the Baby Beast is nothing short of phenomenal, but it only has a 3ml capacity, which doesn't work for a lot of people (in fact, as a daily driver it doesn't work for me, either). That being said, I went through more tanks than I bothered to count on the Baby Beast before I had to change a coil,. The reason I had to change the coils wasn't because it lost it's luster. The reason was because during a rather intoxicating chain vaping session, I let it go dry and burned the cotton. I have no doubt I would have gotten several more tanks before the coil absolutely had to be changed. That was with dark juices, light juices, sweet juices, not so sweet juices, fruity flavors and dessert flavors. Alternatively, SMOK also just released the "Alien Kit", which includes their new Alien 220 watt regulated mod and a Baby Beast for about $60 (shop around).
    2 points
  5. What's face blotting papers? I have heard about blondes using white out on computer screens. I have used cellucotton from Sally's Beauty supply for wicking, and it works pretty good too.
    2 points
  6. Adversarious1

    Coils and Stuff

    Your mech mods are going to be limited by the batteries you use in them in conjunction with the way you build your coils. It isn't that your mech mod "handles" certain ohms, it's that batteries have a limit. I have seen guys build as low as .05 ohms and while I don't recommend it, with the right batteries it can be done. Again, I don't recommend it. Situations like that are why people win the Darwin Award. Check out Steam-Engine like I recommended in my previous post and do some research on Ohm's Law to gain some insight into the relationships between amps, watts and volts. I promise, it will all start to make sense. As @FXRich mentioned in his reply, though, get an ohm meter and don't get a cheap one. "Cheap" is relative, because you can get good ohm meters for $15 to $20. Cheap in this case refers more to poorly made rather than price.
    2 points
  7. Adversarious1

    Coils and Stuff

    Steam-engine is a great resource, not just for learning about making coils, but for general information regarding Ohm's Law, battery safety and other things vape related. Also, if you're an android user, check out Vape Tool, an app available in the Google Play Store. I don't know if it's available for iOS or not.
    2 points
  8. Adversarious1

    Chris's Corner

    Pueblo may have a much lower cost of living than El Cajon, but I think the VA rep you spoke to is either pulling your leg or is living with his head in the clouds where the crime rate is concerned. It is higher than the national average in both violent and property crime rates while El Cajon is lower. In fact, Pueblo has a crime rate more than twice as high as El Cajon. There are going to be trade-offs no matter where you end up.
    2 points
  9. cany

    Chris's Corner

    My next cloud pic might be from the Herakles RTA 2 its kick azz
    1 point
  10. Im on BP and Diabetes too
    1 point
  11. cany

    Chris's Corner

    Bout the same as mine but I have fun making them thats all that maters t
    1 point
  12. 400 mls of Juice from Verde Valley Vapes.. Really liking Lemonheads and Cinnamon Cream..under $40 with shipping.. They got some great deals on quality juice.. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. Tam

    Newbie needs help

    Oh, snap! I was going to suggest the same thing! Also, clean out the center pin area of both the battery/vape pen as well as on your CE4's bottom where they connect with a Q-tip and some vodka. If you don't have vodka, just use plain water -- don't use rubbing alcohol. Check the connection of your charger and make sure that's clean. If it's not making a good connection, it can't charge the battery.
    1 point
  14. FXRich

    Newbie needs help

    Have you tried pulling the center pin on the battery up? sometimes that works.
    1 point
  15. FXRich

    Chris's Corner

    I don't think I have the lung capacity to produce clouds like that, so not even going to try. After 50 years of smoking my lung capacity has gone way down.
    1 point
  16. Adversarious1

    Coils and Stuff

    Hadn't heard about Steam-engine coming down. The way I understood the regs, firmware updates are regulated because they alter the device from its original format. Sort of the same way, in the FDA's view, changing a factory coil for someone else is altering a device. But to regulate software or websites? If that's the case and if Steam-engine is coming down because of FDA regs and if apps fall under FDA regs, then I'm sure it won't be long before someone files a lawsuit against the FDA specifically for infringing on 1st Amendment rights. Regulating vaping software or a website that provides information on how many wraps of a certain gauge wire around a certain diameter bit to create a coil that hits a certain ohm rating (all information that is backed up by science and mathematics, by the way) is akin to trying to regulating CAD/CAM software because an RDA can be made on a CNC machine.
    1 point
  17. Bebop

    Chris's Corner

    nice.... Notice the remnants of his primer puffs, heating that coil up, behind him. Then a thick, rich cloud. Sweet. Im not a cloud chaser myself but I can appreciate them haha.
    1 point
  18. Good to know,I think I will be happy, based on the one I bought at the vapeshop,and the ones I bought, here,it is like combining the good features of both,if that makes sense,lol.just realized I ordered two of the ming wooden tips,which is good,because I plan on picking up another crown 2,so I can run a separate tank for the stainless and kanthal coils....yes laziness,lol.I want one tank solely for tc haha.I will also be picking up the new 80 watt tc eleaf mod,internal battery,as my new back up for when I am charging my batteries,as I have kind of outgrown my istick 40 watt,and it doesn't support the stainless coils,life will be ever so much easier!of course I will keep all of my back ups,lol you never know!
    1 point
  19. Edna

    Chris's Corner

    Rats, I always thought it was John Browning
    1 point
  20. X2 on the smok kit with baby beast. I'm looking to pick that setup up here soon. The tfv8 is a great tank too, but like all my other flavor chasing cloud making tanks, coils just don't seem to last. I had high hopes for the tfv8,but alas I'm burning thru coils every other day it seems. I have 2 triforce tanks and the tfv8 blows them away for both flavor and production but the coils have the same short lifespan. I had a tfv4 and traded it off because of short coil life. I can't speak to the coil life on the baby beast, I can't see myself using it much as it's too small for my chain vaping self. I've tried changing juices up, still short coil life. I maitre mine with the puff counters, which kinda sucks cause one tank trends to ride the same mod all the time. Lol But I've accepted this as vape life. My tanks drink juice, but flavor is what I'm after.
    1 point
  21. I have a couple of Subvods, depending on the juice the coils can last a couple of weeks sometimes. the darker the juice the shorter the coil life, also sweeter juices can gunk up a coil pretty fast. One flavor I vape is a coffee flavor, and I usually only get 2 tanks max on a coil.
    1 point
  22. Do you vape the same flavor all day or do you change flavors a couple times a day? If you vape/chain vape the same flavor for too long, your tongue will lose the ability to taste that eliquid. If you change your flavors, for example you're vaping a fruit flavor, change to something completely different like apple pie (bakery) for a little while then go back to the fruit flavor and you should be able to taste it again. It might not be your coils...
    1 point
  23. face blotting papers are as thin as tracing paper,you blot your face with them if you're a girl and you want to absorb oil without face powder,I never liked face make up.it was funny because imagine trying to wick with something thinner than tracing paper,lol.a blonde *might* screw that up a touch lmao!
    1 point
  24. Different people like different kinds of wire, some prefer Kanthal, others prefer Nichrome, personally I prefer SS 316L, but that's me. Basically what you need to get started is a coil winding tool, I like Coil Master, others may like something else, and you will need a good ohmmeter, don't go cheap on the ohmmeter. And you will need wire, the gauge wire depends on your target ohms.
    1 point
  25. Adversarious1

    Chris's Corner

    Well, at least the "trigger happy cop" had a guy move into a shooting stance and point something at him in a threatening manner prior to making the decision to defend himself by pulling the trigger...unlike the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department sergeant who was shot execution style yesterday by some dirtbag and wasn't given an opportunity to defend himself.
    1 point
  26. Got a Kanger 160w Dripbox, and 2 LG HG2 batteries from the VT store today, don't know yet whether I'll like it or not, its my first dripper.
    1 point
  27. BirdDog

    Chris's Corner

    It is a process for drilling or extracting oil from rock or shale using water pressure. It is becoming more common and is very controversial in the part of Colorado that I live in. There have been court cases and public votes to block fracking. The oil companies says it is safe but there are many sites that have drilled and contaminated the local water source. People have reported water from their faucets actually becoming flammable. Pretty scary in my opinion. It has been said that fracking causes earth quakes. I live no where near the southern part of Colorado (Pueblo/Colo Springs). Visited there several times, nice area. I prefer to live farther north of Denver.
    1 point
  28. I never had spitback until I used that tip:(we'll see I ordered a wooden one,and the big Ming here,they are a little bit wider.
    1 point
  29. I get spit back from the Cleito tank and RDA, but after the coil warms up it stops. I don't have any spit back from my iSub tank, the coils have a screen at the top. Spit back never bothered me. Probably got used to it from using 510 cartomizers and dripping atomizers. I have been doing this way to long.
    1 point
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