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  1. The 80W only needs to be charged once every 4 - 5 days depending on how I vape. Sometimes it lasts even longer. I finally found something that I like even better than the 50W.
    2 points
  2. Guess Im gonna have to order one tomorrow after I get paid
    2 points
  3. Hey guys, So the other day I got this email from Uwell about Ceramic coils. What do you guys think? The Truth and Science behind Ceramic Coils Customers have asked why Uwell doesn’t makes ceramic coils since the ceramic coil has a longer life compared with the Crown 2 coil and some ceramic coils even have better taste. The article followed contains some researches and analysis of how ceramic coils affect vapers’ health and it may help to answer the question. Uwell realizes the short life of the Crown 2 coil and we are developing coils to taste better and last longer. The latest version has increased life time and is now on the market. The good news is that there is positive response. Figure 1 shows three kinds of ceramic coils on the market (#1, #2, and #3 stands for three different brands, respectively). For #1, there is a layer of cotton between the ceramic and the coil. This design is lower in strength and makes the ceramic fragile. For example, the ceramic coil breaks apart when pinched and tiny powders fall off and stick onto the cotton. It is also hard to distinguish the cotton and the ceramic material since they are both white. In the case of #2 and #3, the ceramic material and the coil are heated up together to be made into one piece. However, the melting point of the coil is lower than the ceramic material so this causes the surface of the coil to be loose and porous. This makes the coil have low durability, is fragile, and has powders falling off. Figure 2 shows partial end surface microstructure of #1, #2, and #3. All three ceramic coils appear translucent with a glasslike exterior. Visible light can be reflected and scattered by pores inside the ceramic material. This is what makes it a translucent surface. The ceramic coil is made from silica similar to glass. Therefore, the ceramic coil appears as a glasslike surface. Many impurities can be seen at a magnification of 100X from a microscope and they appear as black spots. The glasslike particles are not uniform and appear to be uneven and chaotic. The tiny glass pieces have sharp surfaces that can scratch the trachea and alveoli when used. The black spots could also be unrefined toxic material that could have impurities. Figure 3 shows partial cross section surface microstructure of #1, #2 and #3. After breaking the material for the cross section, we can see glasslike particles with sharp surfaces. The glasslike particles are clearly visible at the magnification of 100X. Figure 4 shows partial edge surface microstructure of #1, #2, and #3. Some parts have defects and some parts have sharp edges. This comes from two steps in making the ceramic coil. In the first step, the friction causes defects and coarse edges when samples are removed from the mold. In the second step, the surface of the ceramic coil is loose from the friction between the ceramic powders and the mold. The loose powders cannot be heated up and molded onto a dense body. The ceramic powders also stick to the surface of the ceramic coil. This process also makes the ceramic powders fall off easily. Figure 5 shows ceramic powders falling off microstructure #1, #2, and #3. When the ceramic powder is touched, the powder sticks onto that surface. All these powders are glasslike pieces with sharp edges mentioned above in the optical microscope. The size of the ceramic powder is distributed between 30120 micrometers which is too tiny to be seen by the human eye. Figure 6 shows the microscope image on the contact segment between ceramic and coil. Number #1 does not compare with others since its coil does not come in contact with the ceramic material. Many ceramic powders gather at the position near coil. The first reason is that the coil cannot be easily compressed into a ceramic material when the ceramic material is molded. This is because the cross section of the coil is circular. The second reason is that powders are produced after taking the coil off of the mold. It is impossible to clean the powders stuck to the inner surface of the ceramic coil. There are ceramic powders on the inside of all ceramic coils on the market. Finally, ceramic coils may cause death. Making the ceramic material The ceramic coil is made from inorganic porous ceramic material. There are tiny pores inside the ceramic material that cannot be seen. Pores play an important role in wicking. In order to produce a porous ceramic material, raw materials such as silica powders and poreforming materials like starch or other organic polymers are needed. Then they are mixed and put into a mold with high pressure. Samples are obtained with a fixed shape. The samples are put into a furnace and set to a high temperature. Pores are formed while the poreforming agent combusts and escapes. This kind of pore plays an important role by introducing eliquid into your vape. However, to make enough pores, the temperature to stick the materials together is lower which causes low tensile and compressive strength. The powders fall off or crack when the ceramic coil is touched or shaken. All the powders can be introduced into the lung by air which is dangerous (the speed of air can reach 223mph when we are vaping). Vaping Ceramic coils will absorb more eliquid. Eliquid is vaporized and evaporated when the coil is working. High pressure from the vapor will expand and damage the structure of the porous ceramic material. Loose powders will fall off and go into the lung. Causing death Silicosis is a form of occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust. Symptoms are inflammation and scarring in the form of nodular lesions in the upper lobes of the lungs. This is a type of pneumoconiosis. Silicosis can be complicated by the development of severe scarring, where small nodules gradually merge together, reaching a size of 1cm or greater. Progressive massive fibrosis is associated with more severe symptoms and respiratory impairment. Silicosis can also be complicated by other lung diseases such tuberculosis, nontuberculous mycobacterial infection, and fungal infection, certain autoimmune diseases, and lung cancer ("Silicosis." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2016.)(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicosis). In conclusion, ceramic coils are not healthy. First, a ceramic coil is made from silica similar to glass. Second, ceramic powders or glasslike pieces easily fall off. Finally, silica powders may cause death. Uwell is working hard to develop a better ceramic coil. However, it is impossible to continue with current technology. Therefore, Uwell will put making a ceramic coil on hold. Uwell wants to tell customers the truth. Uwell will never produce a product that causes death. Would you buy a coil that lasts longer at the cost of your life?
    1 point
  4. Got a Kanger 160w Dripbox, and 2 LG HG2 batteries from the VT store today, don't know yet whether I'll like it or not, its my first dripper.
    1 point
  5. smacksy

    Chris's Corner

    Fracking is a technique for oil companies to get more oil out of an existing well.. they usually pump high pressure water and air into the well to force the oil out from what I understand Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. BirdDog

    Chris's Corner

    Have family in Charleston. They didn't evacuate. Not surprised they are staying put. Family in Florida are on the other coast and not in any danger. We have had some minor earthquakes in CO lately. It is a bit unusual. There is a lot of fracking going on in this state. Not buying into the fracking causes earthquakes theory just yet. I do believe fracking contaminates the water table here. We are more at risk from flooding, high winds and tornadoes.
    1 point
  7. The 80w is nice here it is next to a similar device Evic VT2 which also has an internal batt..I like em both for easy of use..grab & go! My Reign Has Just Begun My Reign Has Just Begun
    1 point
  8. Welcome lady,you have found a fellow southern belle!I hope you like it here!people here are really great,kind and knowledgeable! !congratulations on being smoke free two years,me too!
    1 point
  9. FXRich

    Chris's Corner

    Actually the largest earthquakes in North America didn't happen in Cal. The largest one recorded happened in Alaska in 1964, it was a 9.2, and another happened in Missouri in 1812. Scientists believe the one in Missouri may have been bigger than the one in Alaska, but that was before they were able to measure them.
    1 point
  10. FXRich

    Chris's Corner

    Maybe Vegas will have beach front property. This planet has been changing for millions of years, mother nature is going to do what it wants to do. Nothing we can do about it. I talked to a geologist a few years ago, he said a couple of thousand years ago this was wetlands where I live, now its called a desert.
    1 point
  11. Christopher

    Chris's Corner

    Guess I'll finally get that beach front property Guess I'll finally get that beach front property
    1 point
  12. Adversarious1

    Chris's Corner

    My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone in the way, but hurricanes are a classic example of why I live in Southern California. I'll take wildfires and earthquakes any day over the wrath of a hurricane or flooding...or both. Sent from my heart using the Vapor Talk App. OK...OK...I'm kidding. I have no heart. But I did use the Vapor Talk Mobile App.
    1 point
  13. Yeah,I don't foresee a drop until the crazypants fairy decides to leave my life alone with her mean,mean wand,HahahA. Thanks for the encouragement, it really does help!
    1 point
  14. I feel you on the steel,I hated the one on my crown 2.I thought my coils were going bad and it was a funky metallic taste from the steel.plus it was way too wide for my mouth,I prefer long and curved,I've discovered,I picked one like that up from my local vape shop and fell in love!not only was it more comfortable for me,it keeps my lipstick off the tank and I think the flavor is better.I have just ordered a really nice polished Ming wood tip from the store here,also the big Ming tip,that is plastic.I ordered some tips here similar but not quite the same and had some spitback,but I think that will resolve at a higher wattage.where did you pick up the jade?that just sounds delightful !
    1 point
  15. I received this email as well and was planning to post it this evening. I'm going to pin this topic.
    1 point
  16. Spitback can be caused by using too LOW of wattage not completely vaporizing all the juice in the coil/wick.. spitback occurs occasionally with me so I bump up wattage in 5w increments until it magically disappears, lol Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Interesting read, Thank you for posting this.
    1 point
  18. @Foofightervapegirl I just added an 80w TC eleaf to my collection. Love it. Mainly got it so I could try out SS Temp Control. But Im diggin the battery life, wow. It's very smartly designed and has a clean look and feel. It was a good choice for me.
    1 point
  19. The Baby Beast is absolutely awesome in both flavor and vapor production. In spite of it's small capacity (3 ml), it is probably my favorite tank to date. I have 2 of them, in fact.
    1 point
  20. Me too!I have to get a more powerful back up mid first,outgrown my istick 40 watts battery life,tired of having to charge it all the time,lol.getting the new eleaf 80 watt tc with the internal 5000 mah battery.as soon as I get paid,with Christmas coming up I'm going to have to be frugal,but they are both on my list for sure!
    1 point
  21. smacksy

    Chris's Corner

    Hurricane Matthew looks bad for Florida..Reminds me when we had to evacuate New Orleans in 2005 before Katrina made landfall Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. Adversarious1


    Make sure you do your research if you don't currently use an RDA and have only had minimal experience with them. Safety first. Good batteries, an ohm meter and some basic knowledge of Ohm's Law are all musts when using RDA's, even if those RDA's are on regulated mods the coils are pre-made coils. Blatant disregard for vaping safety is most likely the leading cause of people ending up on the news after they have a battery go boom in their mod, in their pocket, in their hand bag or in their backpack. There are many of us around here who are more than happy to chime in and talk you through things. Of course, if you DO have experience with RDA's (beyond simply trying a friends), then hopefully you have already done your research and know the safety aspects.
    1 point
  23. Adversarious1


    Almost any Mini RDA is going to give you great taste because of the shortened height of the cap. That being said there are going to be a couple of things that come into play with the recommendations you are going to receive: 1 - "Inexpensive" is subjective. What is inexpensive to me may not be what you consider inexpensive or vice versa. 2 - "Great taste performance" is also subjective. What one person may think is great may only be so-so at best to the next person. But again, almost any mini is going to give you a good flavor with the right build. 3 - Some people may make recommendations purely based on their preferred post design - 2, 3 or 4. The number of posts may ultimately play a role in which atty you go for as well. If you are looking for a mini RDA that will give you the mechanical performance of something like the Derringer or Stro while providing great flavor, I would recommend taking a look at the following: Freakshow mini, REMatty or Royal Hunter (both the regular and the mini on the RH - the Stro is very similar to the RH full size). The Freakshow and REMatty are both 3 post, the RH and RH mini are both 4 post. All of them are under the $40 price range for authentics. If you shop around, you can probably find all of them for under $30.
    1 point
  24. Hi and welcome to Vapor Talk! The website is www.eleafus.com and they have their contact information on that maybe they can help you that way.
    1 point
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