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  1. To keep bugs out of the juice. Actually it eliminates spitback, I sometimes cut a small piece of SS mesh to put under the drip tip, but having it built into the drip tip is easier.
    2 points
  2. Biggest deck I have to build on is a Subtank mini RBA, tried building a dual coil, but not enough room. Been thinking about a 160w dripbox, but haven't got there yet. (waiting to see if Chris is going to get any) I have 2 of those dedicated ohmmeters, one don't work and the other one is very inaccurate. I also have a Fluke multimeter, which is very accurate but only reads down to 1/10 of a ohm, but it does read the same as my mods if I deduct the .3 ohm lead resistance.
    1 point
  3. Im trying to learn LOL
    1 point
  4. So I had the good fortune of acquiring these 3 flavors, so I figured I'd pass on my thoughts. I used my rx 2/3 with a 2 post centurion (likely clone) RDA with some fancy wrapped flat coils (can't remember the specs) made of Stainless steel. Adam's apple was the favorite, but not by much, it just barely edged King of churn. The flavor was fantastic, good mix of apple and watermelon, by smell you would figure to get a strong flavor of green apple, but that doesn't come thru flavor wise, it's nice and balanced. King of churn came in 2nd (think butterscotch). Flavor was fantastic, well balanced, it was just all around yummy. The only reason Adams apple edged this one was the aftertaste. It wasn't offputting, but it was odd. It had the perfect level of sweetness for butterscotch. Crown Jewels came in 3rd, I started this one, had to put it down for a few days, and come back to it. The flavor profile states it's sweet and tart. Now in all fairness I had tried another juice (local source) that had the same flavor profile, and had the same effects, so it could just be my tongue. I just couldn't get with the flavor, it struck me as either dishsoap, or potpourri. I did warm to it by the end of the bottle, but it was an acquired taste. I'm not saying it was a bad flavor, but just not my thing. At the end of the day, I suggest trying them! They were well packaged, labels could be read, and the dripper was flawlessly functional. The mix is good at 35pg/65vg, which put plenty of flavor on the palate, and no shortage of vapor production. The nic level was slightly higher than what I vape daily, so I got quite the nic buzz on it, but thats not a bad thing really for me. lol And the price compared to others is a deal!
    1 point
  5. Okay, yeah, backwash is what we called it, too. So do you just do a search for drip tips? I hate navigating Fast Tech's website, you always get a million hits for searches.
    1 point
  6. @spydre No, I believe you can only get them from Fasttech at least that's the only place I've ever seen them and yes, spit-back is when juice comes out of the drip tip. The stuff with soda is backwash at least that's what we always called it Pretty
    1 point
  7. Pink, lavender, red, blue, black and black and white marbled.
    1 point
  8. Right now I'm working on a coil that I made using 4 strands of 30g kanthal twisted together, kind of looks like a Clapton coil. Don't know what the resistance will be but I guess I'll find out when I put it in a RBA.
    1 point
  9. What FXRich said. I like not having to use an extra long drip tip just so I don't wind up with juice in my mouth. The screen stops it nicely.
    1 point
  10. Six new drip tips finally came in from SlowTech today. These are the ones with the screen in them (in various colors) that @Edna got me hooked on. They work so well! Thanks, Edna.
    1 point
  11. Dont think I will lol and I saw your post It was kinda what I expected I think I might too I dunno why I try new things I love my simple build in me subtank mini in TC
    1 point
  12. Here it is As it came in the boxCoil assembly has to be taken out for filling..might be hard to see but this thing does not sit flush on any of my mods (6 I've tried) Airflow is a restrictive lung hit, and vapor production is so-so at best.. Being a Genesis style wick that lives in the juice I have to vape it horizontally to avoid a dry hit.. Flavor is no better than I get on my subtanks or dual coil RTAs.. It's really not my style of vaping but for $17 what the hell..it vapes, and no leaks so far.. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. It's not exactly VAPE mail, but with three output ports, this will be helpful for my mod and my cell phone, I just got a 10,000 mah external battery charger (the thing is a monster). So if I take enough cords with me when I go to my mom's when my SO and son are working on the brush pile over there, I don't have to worry about running out of power for my mod, my phone, or my tablet, lol. It ouputs 1000 mah from each ouput port, but the thing is MONSTROUSLY large. Sort of like a brick. The goal was one for my phone, but my SO went overboard on Amazon. Maybe he wanted to donate that much more money to the National MS Association through Amazon Smile, lol. Speaking of which, @Christopher, it would mean the world to me if you would carry the .25 ohm Uwell Crown 2 coils - right now you only carry the .5. I've experienced better flavor, and the reviews I've read, with the .25 coils than with the .5 coils. When you get them, you get one of each, and I liked the .25's so much that my next order for coils was .25. Plus, the good flavor lasts longer with the .25's, rather than the steep drop off you get with the .5's, obviously from another site where I paid more for them. And I can't remember if you were out of Herekles + SS or if you don't carry them. Okay, that's my request for the day
    1 point
  14. Adversarious1

    528 Goon Rda...

    I tend to avoid clones, but I don't avoid them due to quality. I tend to avoid them because of personal views on cloning, (I'll leave my opinions out of this, as I am pretty sure I have posted my opinions on clones elsewhere in the forums). That being said, there are many clones out there that vape as good as (and in some cases better) than authentics. Depending on the company that is doing the cloning, you also run the risk of getting a far inferior product, though. Do you already have a specific clone your're looking at? I know Tobeco makes a clone Goon RDA, but I think there are a couple of others out there as well. For what it's worth, again...personal opinions of cloned products aside, Tobeco tends to make really good clones from what I hear. I'm sure there must be a comparison or at least a review of that particular version somewhere out there. As far as vape quality, with a good quality clone you probably aren't going to notice the difference between it and an authentic. You might even find yourself being completely satisfied with the clone and not even bother with an authentic.
    1 point
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