I had several teeth extracted a few years ago, and vaped without any issues afterwards, but I changed from mouth-to-lung airflow to a more open direct-to-lung airflow, which reduced the chances for getting a dry socket.
As a side-note... a lot of dentists don't know the facts on vaping, and will tell you false info regarding how bad it is for your teeth. One of my favorites is that "PG is very bad for your teeth"... ummm... if it were bad for your teeth, it wouldn't be a chief ingredient in mouthwash and toothpaste, lol. Another biggie is "All those sweet flavors in vape are like sucking on sugar all day"... ummm... no, that is also false because while there are sweet flavors and sweeteners in some vape flavors, they are not nearly as bad as drinking a cola or eating a candy bar. Also, since I started vaping, my hygienist and dentist could not be happier with my check-ups. Vape does not stain my teeth like tobacco (or coffee) did, and my cleanings take 10 min! My dentist has also said my teeth and gums are healthier now than they were 5 years ago.