For right now... Don't Panic to the point where you'll spend hundreds of dollars and stock up on things you'll not need, or still be able to get for the next 2-3 years. Yes, juice left in the freezer will last beyond two-years, but why panic-buy $500 of juice you may not even enjoy the taste of six months from now? Sure, if there is something you've had your eye on for a while... buying it now is not a bad thing, but there's no need to stockpile like it's the end of the world.
The market for hardware and juices will be relatively stable for the next two years, and quite possibly beyond then. Some of the boutique companies (that were only out to make $ on vaping) might disappear, but most of the large companies will still be around, especially hardware manufacturers such as Kangertech, Aspire, Joyetech, Smok, eLeaf, etc. In a year or two, juices may become higher priced and harder to find flavors/companies you currently use, but if Congress will do their job (putting a boot to the FDA's throat) by forcing the grandfather date to change... we'll all breath easier, at least for now, because what is on the market will be allowed to STAY on the market without going through the retroactive approval process.
Personally, I did buy a couple of mods and a couple of Subtank Mini's... Yes, I was going to buy them ANYWAY, but went ahead and pulled the trigger on them because I found them on sale. I DIY juice, but I'm not going to go crazy stocking up on Nicotine, PG, VG, or flavorings until someone says "on X-date, Nicotine sales will be restricted to licensed buyers"... or "On X-date, flavoring prices will be taxed at 300%". Until there is definitive proof and a set-date for things to go pear-shaped, I'll just buy what I need, when I need it. BTW, I have nearly a liter of 10% Nicotine, gallons of VG/PG, and a shelf in my freezer full of flavorings... but I like to have that much on hand anyway!