When I bought my juices from the shops or online, I found the only way to vape less was to go to a higher Nicotine level, but that's not a good idea if you're using sub-ohm coils
Now that I mix my own, I just mix what I need, when I want it... and I buy all my materials in BULK, lol. It takes a few bucks to get started (about $50 to get bare minimums... $150 to get your own mini-lab, lol), but in the long-run, you'll save a fortune and have full control of what you vape.
Just today, I mixed 1200ml of our ADV (600ml of mine and 600ml for my GF), and have maybe $20-25 in those two 600ml batches? We each vape about 40-50ml/week of our favorite flavors, so this will keep us vaping for another 3+ months! Paying vape-shop prices, that would run us $20 per person, per WEEK, instead of $3-4 per person, per MONTH... so you see the savings almost immediately when you mix your own juices
Yeah... I'm an advocate for mixing your own