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  1. I know I'm in the minority here but I just started vaping to try and quit chewing tobacco(dip) ive been dipping for 10 years now and have turned to ecigs to hopefully finally quit. a good friend of mine who owns a vape shop got me set up with a evod batt with aspire bdc tank. I'm currently using five pawns gambit 6ml and wake & vape 18ml. I use the 18ml throughout the day and the 6ml gambit at night as a "flavor treat" so far my dipping has been less but I'm still having cravings. has anyone else used vaping for chewing tobacco replacement? so far I love the ecig and have really enjoyed it , I'm just hoping I can quit the dip all together and spend my extra $ on ecig related purchases. I already am wanting to upgrade my ecig but am trying to wait until my goal is reached so it will be a "reward"
    1 point
  2. FXRich


    Some juices will pop and sizzle more than others, especially if they have water in it In another post you said you have a Kanger dripbox, You might be pumping too much juice and flooding it, that can cause popping too.
    1 point
  3. brijmin

    Jargon For Noobs

    Sometime the vets on the forums tend to use terms and slag for some of the most common items, methods and hardware for vaping. This is not the ultimate guide but should make some of the terms a little clearer. (I hope)... Basic Jargon Vapor - Vapor is the substance exhaled when using an electronic cigarette which may look similar to cigarette smoke. Vaping - The act of using an Electronic Cigarette (as opposed to "smoking", as the device creates a vapor rather than smoke). Vape - Used often in place of the word smoke. I vape, I'm vaping. Batt - Battery. Atty - Electronic component that turns the eJuice into vapor. Cartridge or Cart - The part of a three piece electronic cigarette which contains the liquid. These come blank (with no liquid), or prefilled. Cartomizer or Carto - The part of a two piece electronic cigarette which contains the liquid. These come blank (with no liquid), or prefilled. Analog - Traditional tobacco cigarette. DIY - Do It Yourself. Dripping - To place a few drops of liquid directly onto the atomizer instead of using a cartridge. Drip Tip or DT - A special attachment used to make it easier to drip eliquid directly onto the atomizer. Mod - Modified (custom built) e-cigarette. TH - Throat Hit a strong feeling in the back of the throat when vaping. Primer Puff - A short, quick mouth inhale on the electronic cigarette similar to the action when smoking a pipe or cigar. This heats up the atomizer before a full draw. PV or Personal Vaporiser - An electronic cigarette. Some prefer to use this term as the word 'cigarette' has a lot of negative connotations associated with it that do not apply to PVs. PCC - Personal Charging Case / Portable Charger Case. Passthrough or PT - A USB adapter for the Electronic Cigarette which screws onto the atomizer like a battery, but draws power from a USB port. E-Liquid / E-Juice E-Liquid / E-Juice - A Flavored or unflavored liquid for use in an electronic cigarette, usually (but not always) containing nicotine. VG - Vegetable Glycerin PG - Propylene Glycol PEG - Propylethylene Glycol PGA - Pure Grain Alcohol NPG - Not containing Propylene Glycol. Sometimes used as a synonym to Vegetable Glycerin. Nic - Nicotine Cartridge Related Filler - The clump of fibers that hold the liquid in the cartridge. Stuffing - Another term for filler. BFM - Blue Foam Mod. (cart filler material) Dripping - To place a few drops of liquid directly onto the atomizer instead of using a cartridge. Dry Smoking - Same thing as dripping, referring to the fact that the cartridge us usually not filled, therefore dry. Tailpiping - Vaping directly from the atomizer without using a mouthpiece/cartridge. Drip Tip or DT A special attachment used to make it easier to drip eliquid directly onto the atomizer. Topping Up/Off - To add a few drops of liquid to a partially used cartridge to prolong its use. Measurements LR - Low Resistance HV - High Voltage (typically a 5 or 6 volt ecigarette) IMR - A battery with lower internal resistance and a high discharge rate, good for high drain applications like ecigarettes. in - inch (also abbreviated ") (1 inch = 25.4 mm) mm - millimeter (1 mm = 0.039 inch) cm - centimeter (1 cm = 0.394 inch) oz - ounce (1 fluid oz = 29.5 ml) ml - milliliter (1 ml = 0.034 fluid ounce) cc - cubic centimeter (1 cc = 1 ml) mg - milligram (often used as measure of nicotine per ml of eliquid) mA - milliamp (often used as a measure of available power) mAh - milliamp hour (often used as a measure of battery capacity/duration Forum Phrases PM - Private Message Troll - Somebody who makes a statement with the intention of annoying or angering other posters. This person usually ends up banned.
    1 point
  4. I used Copenhagen for 30 Years and actually stopped by accident. I was the type that never spit and swallowed the juice so my nic needs were high. One day I tried a Blu cig as I like new things and tried vapingfor enjoyment. At that time I did the Blu and chew with no issues. But my aunt told me about her new vapor setup from a new shop that opened locally. Know my nic needs I went with 24mg juice, I LOVED VAPING with a good spinner and evod. My problem started soon after as chewing and vaping 24mg juice started making me nauseous. I enjoyed the vaping more so I didn't need the chew almost immediately. That was about 1 year ago and I don't miss the Cope at all. From what I've read a can of chew has about 4 packs of smokes nicotine in it, swallow it and it's even more. I don't want to suggest you should get the strongest juice you can and vape to the point you can't chew anymore. But that's what worked for me. I had a chew in my mouth anytime I was awake except for eating and sleeping. My vaping is the same way in that my PV lives in my hand and I pretty much chain vape. Good luck, even tho my stopping was by accident I think it would be much harder to purposely try and stop.
    1 point
  5. My son in law used vaping to quit dipping with good results.Once you find a liquid you like it gets easier.
    1 point
  6. You're having cravings because your nicotine levels are too low. My SO chews and he says the amount of nic he gets from his Skoal is so much more than a regular cigarette. I'd go with 24 mg of nic juice for during the day. Even when I was smoking (Marlboro Lights), I needed the extra nic to get totally off the cigarettes so I started with 24 mg and worked my way down when I was ready. Maybe give it a try?
    1 point
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