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  1. Pre-juice is what we call "priming" a coil. To prime, all you have to do is to put some e-liquid onto the wick of your coil before putting it into your tank. Then, once you have it in your tank full of juice, let it sit for a few minutes (I prefer to let it sit for at least 5 minutes or more). This will let the wick get thoroughly soaked in the liquid so you don't get a dry hit and burn up your coil. As for how much power to use, start low -- I would go with 10W and vape. If it's not doing it for you, bump it up a little, vape. Repeat in small increments until you get the vape that works for you. There is also a breaking in period on some coils so once you get the vape you want, vape on it a little until it gets broken in properly. One more thing -- on your tank -- if you're using a high VG liquid, make sure to open up the airflow. If it's not betting enough air, you run the risk of getting dry hits. Good luck and welcome to Vapor Talk.
    1 point
  2. Like most things in vaping, it depends. Use Ohm's law to calculate how much draw you are pulling from your battery, and if is below the CDR (Continuous Discharge Rate) you will be fine. Here is an example: If you atomizer is .5 ohms and your battery is fully charged you will be putting 35 watts to the coil, and drawing 8 amps from the battery. If you are running a 20 watt or better battery you will be fine. Don't go by the numbers written on the battery to determine what it's CDR is, most are wrong. Also don't take anyone at a vape shop, or forums word for what the capacity, only trust the testers. Here is a link to the best battery guy in the vape world: Mooch's blog - picking a safe battery. Another thing that worries me is if your battery will be able to move only running one battery. If it flops around it could short on something in the box and it could be disastrous. You should not put a dead battery with a good one to fill the space as it will cause even more problems. CAUTION! unsolicited advice follows: Save up some money, and pick up a good regulated dual 18650 mod and a couple new batteries from LG, HG, or Samsung. Good mods can be bought for less than $50 and batteries around $7/each. You will be much more happy with the additional power and stability of a regulated mod, and you will be much safer at the same time.
    1 point
  3. Tam

    Trying this out

    What Bebop said is spot on. You'll need to try several different things until you hit on the right combination of battery, tank, flavor of e-liquid, nic level (depending on the tank and coil resistence), and a few other things. Vaping is so subjective that what's right for one person will not work for another, only you will be able to tell what's right for you. One piece of advice we give to everyone -- and nearly everyone ignores until it happens to them -- is to get back ups. Get back ups for your back ups and back ups for those. Seriously, you'll never have too many back ups. I once went through four batteries, a couple of tanks and several new coils while I was out and about. Thankfully I had one rig that worked until I got home and that was just for a two hour trip. It's a great piece of mind if you don't need them and a means to stay off cigarettes or chew when you do.
    1 point
  4. Don't forget to prime your coils when you're putting your tank together! There's no shortage of youtube vids on how to prime the coils, and it is key! (otherwise you'll burn the coil up) It's also wise to do a few pulls on the tank without hitting the fire button and to let the tank sit a few min once you've got juice in it. You want the juice to wick as well as you can get it to.
    1 point
  5. According to what I see in the specs, yes it'll work, but the 40w cap in my opinion would be pretty low. The downsides of one of those for me is the internal battery, so if the battery goes, the mod is bricked, unless you can find a way to replace the battery, and I'm not sure if they have countermeasures for that. I tend to prefer external batteries, that way if a battery goes south, I can just replace them. That being said, it is advised that if you get a 2 battery mod, you marry the batteries, always use the same 2 at a time, charge them together, use them together, not actually take them to the courthouse... lol All that being said, I know that brand to be well spoken of, but I personally haven't laid hands on any. The pricepoint is pretty good compared to going the route of the cuboid which would be around (mod 40+2 batteries 13+ 2 bay charger 20) ~70bux. Features and Specs: 510 Threaded Dimensions: 3-1/16"L x 1-3/8"W x 7/8"D Size: 36.2mm*22.3mm*77.3mm Capacity: 2600mAh Rated output wattage: 1-40W Rated resistance range: 0.05-1ohm (TC mode), 0.15-3.5ohm (VW mode) Temperature range: 100-315℃/200-600℉ (TC mode) Clear OLED display Accurate reading of resistance: The reading of resistance becomes more accurate with the number down to the second decimal point. Stainless steel threads and spring connector Micro USB Charging Port You know it's time for a coil change when you notice a drastic change in flavor, less vapor, and a burnt cotton taste. Many things will effect this, I'm killing coils every 3 days here lately, and I'm down to 2 reasons. Bum coils, or my juice source. I'm getting ready to re-order some coils and get juice from mt baker vs my local source and see if there is a difference...
    1 point
  6. x2. .5 and .2 coils will need more wattage to function properly, as I've learned. Thats not to say that a 30w won't run a .5 because our kanger subvod's can run .5 coils. What is key is that more/adjustable wattage gives you more flavor, and vapor production. Depending on your juice source, you'll find yourself hunting flavor in different ranges. The kanger subvods tap out at (iirc) 45w with a .5 coil. Same juice in a different tank with more wattage provided better flavor on a .5 coil. Right now I'm running a few setups. I have a .2 kanthal in one triforce at 60-65w. A .14 ni200 coil in another triforce at 65w, and a .33 kanthal coil in my RBA running at 55w. All juices from the same source, 20pg 80vg 3nic. Point being, experiences may vary. lol but for that tank I would suggest a regulated mod vs a battery type device. A good cheap one I could suggest would be a cuboid, you can get them for less than 40 bux. (but would be wise to get at least 4 batteries and a decent charger)
    1 point
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