Hypothyroidism is a natural condition as we age, and he says himself in the video... "I sit around on my a## all day"... Lack of exercise, poor eating habits, lack of Iodine in your diet, and the simple fact of AGE all contribute to hypothyroidism. I personally think he's doing a great disservice to everyone in the vaping community by saying it's a "side effect of vaping", because it clearly is NOT. Nothing in the vaping ingredients, nor the volume of water he is taking (or not taking) have to do with his condition.
Oh, BTW, the product he's hocking (Ultima)... is an electrolyte supplement that contains ... you guessed it... IODINE in the sodium content.... Your body needs Iodine to promote a healthy Thyroid gland.
Here's the ingredients: Selenium, Zinc, Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium, chloride, Sodium and Magnesium.
Everything but the chloride content would contribute to fewer muscle cramps, and reduction of his hypothyroid symptoms/condition I also seriously doubt his Doctor's diagnosis of hypothyroidism... Typically, the condition includes greying hair, obesity, jaundice coloring, neck swelling (goiters), and loss of hair (which he obviously does not have an issue with, lol).