More VapeMail today!
Today's arrival from 101Vape:
Six LG HE2 18650's (Battery blow-out deal - $7/pr... I should have bought a few more at those prices?)
Six AA/AAA battery boxes ($0.99/each, so I can organize my loose batteries and my rechargeable AA/AAA's)
50 Kanger BDC 1.2 Ohm ($3.99/box, upgraded OCC) coils for my Aerotanks and KPT3-minis
Three Kayfun Bell Caps ($1.99/each, because they were cheaper than replacement acrylic center rings)
One DOD Stainless drip-tip ($3.49, just to try it out)... it's similar to the ones shipped with Orchids
One black Sigelei Vr2 50W Mod ($19.99 on clearance, bought for the SO... she thought it was "pretty", lol)
From 101Vape back-order:
My Orange Cloupor Mini Plus finally arrived on Friday last week.... Now I have three (blue, black, and orange)!
My thoughts on the Sigelei... this thing is bulky, even compared to my IPV-minis, and the "box" design is just not nearly as comfortable as my Cloupor Minis (because it is HUGE compared to them). I'm also not thrilled about the silicone cover either... it's thin, and white, which ruins the look of the MOD, IMO... why can't they send black? The MOD itself, looks good, and works as it should, but not exactly my cup-o-tea, and not exactly sure the SO will really like it due to size? If nothing else, it's a good spare, $20 50W mod, and should be another reliable addition to the collection