I only paid $36.49. I bought lot of other stuff too so despite the wait, I hope it pays off in the end. (It rarely has for me) I wouldn't order off shore to save $10, but I bought 6 mods and had a discount code. They ended up costing an average of $31 each, shipped. I got another NEBOX, (2) Wisemec 75TC, (2) VTC mini, and the RX200.
I have been in hoarding mode lately. I got the 6 devices coming, 2 spools of wire (430SS and 317L SS), and DIY juice supplies. I am still shopping for tanks. I just don't have one that I trust to buy mutiples of. I am looking at the TFV4 mini, the Crown, and the TritonV2. I just have not pulled the trigger yet.