Just wanted to drop a few lines about my thoughts on temperature control and nickel wire as of late. I've been using a Heatvape Invader Mini 50W with an eGo ONE 1.8ml tank (rebuilt .15Ω Ni200 coil/JOC wick) as my ADV for about 6 weeks now, and it's been a great setup for me. This is the best vape I've had to date because now, every time I hit the fire button, I get a consistent, satisfying vape. I've not had a single dry hit (even when accidentally running my tank bone-dry a few times), and I've also not noticed any "coloring" of my juices' flavor from the nickel coils (tastes like chicken...er, Kanthal). In addition, the sheer number of coil-wraps required to meet my mod's minimum TC load using such a low-resistance wire makes for a coil with a lot of surface area from which to provide vapor. Nickel coil resistances can be a little dodgy from build to build, but that's easily compensated for by increases/decreases in the power and temperature settings of the TC mod. I can pretty much adjust the mod's settings to make each new build perform like the last build, so nickel's (apparent) inconsistency is not really that much of an issue. For rebuilding my eGo ONE's coil head, I make 12 wraps of 28g Ni200 around a 3mm Kuro coiler, and then tug a little on the leads to get a slight space between the wraps. That usually puts me in the vicinity of .15Ω, which is comfortably above the .1Ω minimum TC resistance of my mod. Vaping with temperature control technology has been pleasurable for me at least, and as more and more reasonably-priced and reliable devices pop up on the scene, I feel like it might just change the way vapers enjoy vapor... ...but that's just my opinion...what's yours?