This happened this week for me (Tuesday). The lady who cuts my hair was making fun of my setup. (Zero 60watt TC clone, with a Subtank mini .16ohm Ni200 coil) She is using an iClear 16 and an eGo style battery and still smoking 1/2 pack a day. I ran out to the car and got my backup rig, a Sigelei Mini 30watt, and another Subtank mini (1.2 factory coil) and put a few mils of her juice in it and set it to 18 watts. She coughed terribly and said her juice didn't taste good that high. So we rinsed the tank our and filled it with some 18mg Frutti Tutti and told her just to use it. She returned it to my doorstep this morning with a note that she went and got her a subtank mini, iStick 50 and some 18mg juice. I could tell from talking to her that the lower mg juice and restrictive tank wasn't working for her. I really hope she sticks with it!