Well today marks two years since a nasty analog touched my lips. I like others have said sort of see this as the last major milestone in my journey to leave tobacco behind. It's no longer a struggle it's simply a way of life at this point.
I thought instead of patting myself on the back I might share a few things I have learned and realized:
Backups for backups on tanks, batteries and coils are key to success. You spent hundreds of dollars a month on analogs for one months investment you can be set for a year and never be in a bad spot.
Vaping can save you money if you keep it simple. I mean spend what you want it's your money lol, but for me saving money was a motivating factor and at this point including the cost of equipment and supplies it has cost me about $1.60 per day to vape. Compared to about $7-8 a day on analogs or more when you consider how many people bummed them off you haha that is considerable savings. If it's a hobby for you awesome but keeping up with the next guy will result in less savings or even more cost when in reality a simple battery, tank, coil and liquid will get it done lol.
Do not hide the fact you vape in fact do the opposite just do it in a respectful way considerate of others. In restaurants and places that it is not openly accepted step into the bathroom stall and stealth vape, have done this since day 1. I refuse to go to a "smoking area. I do not smoke. On that same note, please do not hold yourself to be a spectacle. Please do not participate in making vaping a sport with cloud competitions and walking around in public blowing giant clouds. Our fate WILL be decided by those who will not be impressed by those activities but rather the opposite. Some do not understand we are in a fight right now to not be doomed to $10 cigalikes made with God knows what in them by big tobacco. Just remember it's not what we vapers think that really will decide policy, it's the public perception that will be the deciding factor. If you want to blow giant clouds and build .00000001 ohm coils and push the limits go for it just do it safely and equally importantly do it in an appropriate place. Our future is in our own hands, lets preserve it not harm it!
Lastly thank you to those on here that have been by my side since day one. It's you that gave me the education that has yielded this result. It's a debt that can never be repaid, it saved my life very literally. From myself and the loved ones in my life, my gratitude will be there the rest of my days!