I just had another thought. Quitting smoking is really now fun! I've never let myself even dare to think this. I am so OCD about smoking and I don't ever want to go back to it, but I've never really allowed myself to think of vaping as fun. If, in my warped mind, I actually enjoy it, maybe I'll feel the need to go back to damaging myself. Intellectually, this makes no sense at all, but somehow it seems risky to get too comfortable, as you never know what's sneaking up on you. But after I really enjoyed chatting with people while waiting my turn at the bank, and getting back in the car and happily spying my vaping stuff, and then taking a few enjoyable (not craved) hits I suddenly realized I'm actually having fun and pleasure with this. If quitting had been this easy years ago, or governments had spent to develop an actually functional quitting device, I'd have quit then. To quote the ubiquitous McDonald's, " I'm lovin' it".