Yes and No. Depends who's running the system and I find if the first statement of Linux is followed by because it's so secure, usually means that persons system, isn't that secure. Someone said it pretty well once that it's like comparing air travel to car travel. Planes have a better safety rating in part because they're operated by professionals vs your avg person. Cars on the other hand are operated by people with widely varied levels of skill and experience. Linux in general has been successful as a server OS (what we use to run Vapor Talk ) so those who run it tend to be more tech savvy.
Linux has a huge dedicated user base of experienced people and because it's open source, the bugs can usually be fixed quickly but that's not to say Windows isn't secure, it's very secure and a fantastic platform when set up and used correctly. I guarantee you if your avg person ran and installed Linux on a spare box in there home, at least while learning, someone on my dev team would find a way in just as easily as they would on a windows box.