So figuring some things out..... Here in MD our brands of cigarettes run about $7.01 per pack. We each smoked 2 packs a day, so $14.02 each per day. Multiply that by 2, you get $28.04 spent per day in cigarettes. Counting 30 days per month, that's $841.20. Subtract $100 per month for vape supplies (because we are cheap and stick with the same stuff), that brings it to $741.20. Add what we currently pay in rent ($545), and you get $1286.20. My sister in law pays $1300 a month for her house. So instead of renting, we could theoretically be buying a house right now! Granted, we own our mobile home and pay lot rent, but it would be nice to not live where we are living. When we realized this, it made us sick to our stomachs. Smoking not only lowers your quality of health, it also lowers your quality of LIFE! When my husband told his mom, she was sick. But honestly, when you're addicted to something, you don't think about the cost. You only think about the cost once you quit doing what you were doing. And now that we know, I doubt we will EVER go back to analogs.