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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Uma

    Flavors research

    Dr. Farsalinos, of Onassis Kennedy Research Center, who has devoted his expertise to researching the eCig, has recently submitted his findings for publishment. He wills notify us all as soon as he has a link. In the meantime, there is a fear mongering campaign being led by the ANTZ lab teams. (Talbot,etc). Here is a note from Dr. Farsalinos correcting the ANTZ lies. Take note of the benefits of cinnamon, at the end. . http://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/index.php/2013-04-07-09-50-07/138-cinnamon-flavours-in-e-cigarettes Details Created on Thursday, 21 November 2013 17:51 Cinnamon flavours in e-cigarettes: how inappropriate research can misinform the public and the (amateur) professionals By Dr Farsalinos Considerable debate has been focused on the issue of cinnamon flavors after a study was published in a toxicology journal declaring that such flavored liquids are cytotoxic. Just one month ago, a study published by our group also found that a cinnamon-flavored liquid was slightly cytotoxic (although still 10 times less toxic that tobacco smoke). I have already sent a letter to the editor of Toxicology in Vitro raising concerns about the latest study they published on cinnamon, however due to significant misinformation spread throughout the social media, I decided to publish this comment. First of all, it was surprising to see a vendor removing cinnamon flavors from his sales list. According to a well-known e-cigarette activist, When a juice maker that fills thousands of bottles a day does this - you should listen. My response to this is: If the juice maker who fills thousands of bottles a day knew what he was doing, he should have found out about it before any research was published. What I mean is that makers have no idea about the cytotoxicity of their products. They are doing no research, so how would they know? But it is even worse that they are making such moves (to remove cinnamon flavors) without even reading (or understanding) the research they quote. Let me explain. The latest study by Talbots group discussed about the cytotoxicity of cinnamon flavors in e-cigarette. Interestingly however, IF SOMEONE READS THE PAPER, he will find that the researchers never used any e-cigarette. Moreover, they never produced vapor! They tested the liquids in liquid form, not in vapor. How can you support that the results have implications for e-cigarette users when no e-cigarette was used and no vapor was produced? However, there is a bigger mistake. The authors mentioned that they tested 8 refill liquids with cinnamon flavor. They mention the names of the liquids and the companies they got them from. After personally searching on the internet and communicating with some companies, I found out that 4 of the samples were concentrated flavors, not refills. The authors themselves found cinnamaldehyde (the substance giving the cinnamon flavor in the liquid) at levels that differed between samples by up to 100 times. This confirms what I found: some of their samples were concentrated flavors. Finally, there is still another problem in their study. They tested the substance itself (cinnamaldehyde) to see how toxic it is. They found it toxic at levels 400 times lower than currently approved for food use. This is a very strange result and it is hard to explain how regulatory authorities have accepted cinnamaldehyde to be available at such high levels (of course, before the approval, several tests were performed and it was not found toxic).The authors have to explain why their findings contradict previous research. As I mentioned above, a letter to the editor has been sent and is currently evaluated for publication. In short, the results of this study have nothing to do with e-cigarette use and are more applicable to cinnamon use in food (since they tested the liquid in liquid form and they used several concentrated samples). Besides that, the reactions from manufacturers show that, unfortunately, they cannot accept their ignorance and instead of asking an expert so that they get informed, they react in a way that produces panic to vapers, does nothing to protect consumers and only results in a game of public relations tactics. This is even more unfortunate than the mistakes in the research protocol. As a final note, let's not forget that research has shown cinnamon to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and maybe anti-cancer properties...
    2 points
  2. wizard46304


    Are we married to the same woman? LOL
    2 points
  3. Mrwaylon

    No room! No room!

    They have this case at Walmart and maybe other places I picked it up for under ten dollars and wasn't a bed deal I use it all the time. Edit: they have it where they sell the diabetic supplies at.
    2 points
  4. 600 batteries! I am the most powerful Vaper in New England!
    1 point
  5. HelloMiakoda

    Harm Reduction

    I like this video, points out that cars and sex have risk too, but we can reduce But we can reduce the harm. Just stick vape where they say snus.
    1 point
  6. Got 2 Shields ordered, and had to order an adapter to use them on the magneto
    1 point
  7. That's fine, I've been considering the PT3 anyways.
    1 point
  8. Bebop


    I wonder how much they pay a QC vaper. You know, a juice tester who makes sure it's all good before it goes out the door? Some guy to stand there at the door and say "how come this juice, which has always been amber is suddenly clear?" I don't know. It seems like an obvious function at a company to me. Jared doesn't appear to address any possible changes or malfunctions at all. That's not right, right?
    1 point
  9. Compenstine


    I chain vape so I get it. My wife was always (not so much now) getting on me for vaping to much. saying "You always have that with you and you use it constantly, you use it more than ever did cigarettes." My response, "I can always go buy a pack and be done with it..." the answer would always be te same, "No." LOL so yeah vape away and leave the guilt behind.
    1 point
  10. Havamal


    lol... I kind of know what you mean. I started vaping with the intent to quit smoking and then wean off nic and then stop vaping. However, now I find myself enjoying vaping so much, I can't see stopping any time soon! Even if I drop the nic! As a result I find myself questioning what I am doing when I vape a lot. BTW... you seem to refer to being nuts as a bad thing... I beg to differ. Its all good, that's what makes people interesting !!
    1 point
  11. With those types of batteries I'm not sure what kind of drip shield would be ideal for you. If you contact Keith, owner of Empire Mods, he'll be able to steer you in the right direction. Not only are his drip shields functional, they're also pieces of art and hand machined.
    1 point
  12. 2 custom HH .357 Cisco spec hybrids @ 2.0 ohms
    1 point
  13. Whoop, there went $53, I'll just blame Tam for that one.
    1 point
  14. Today got my Mad Murdock's Pluid and Mellow Melange. And one more package from fast tech due at my mail box tomorrow.
    1 point
  15. Good luck getting that powder to dissolve in pg/vg!
    1 point
  16. About time someone came up with a waterproof device.
    1 point
  17. rcoe

    Desert Island Vape

    Keep me on mind y'all!! Just sitting by this here palm tree...WITH ALL OF THE BOOZE!!!!
    1 point
  18. Havamal

    Vision Aurora BFT

    I seem to remember reading somewhere else on here that the Tickle Me Tam Doll also comes in a version with a coconut bikini!
    1 point
  19. Got my Magneto V2 today, real nice mod.
    1 point
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