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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2013 in all areas

  1. Jeffb

    Hey From Chicago!

    Welcome to Vapor Talk. Please give everyone free juice.
    5 points
  2. Lyrical

    One month milestone!

    One month today! Okay, so it's a short month, February only had 28 days, but I'm taking it! I never would have believed I could do this - but I AM!
    2 points
  3. Rixter

    Kanger T3 Dry Hit Fix

    I posted this earlier in a thread called "", but I figured it would do more good in a thread by itself. For those of you T3 users experiencing dry hits, try this advice from Steve K from his "Kanger T3 Bottom Coil eGo Clearomizer Review" : "I found in pretty short order, the T3 would give dry hits if I didn’t wait a sufficient amount of time for the coil to re-wick. This was frustrating as I tend to prefer to vape several times in a row. Fortunately, it turns out there’s a pretty simple modification that can be made to the gaskets to improve liquid absorption and eliminate much of the dry hits. I can’t take credit for this one, a hat tip goes to the good folks over on Reddit. Unscrew the bottom cap. Remove the gasket that sits on the top of the atomizer, flip the gasket over so the flat side is covering the wicks and replace the gasket. Apparently the gasket in the stock configuration compresses the wicks when the two parts are screwed together. Flipping the gasket keeps it from moving down over the wicks and does not appear to cause additional leaking problems. Once the hack was in place, I found the T3 much more tolerant to chain vaping. Occasionally, I had to slow down and wait for a few bubbles to appear from the atomizer area. However, those moments were fairly few and far between. Vapor production was already very good, so I can’t really tell if there were any improvements there. I also ran into no additional flooding or gurgling problems in this configuration." I hope this helps.
    1 point
  4. At the risk of sounding frugal (which I am ), I'm looking for the least expensive 18650 (or telescopic) mechanical mod available, for use with an AGA-T+ RBA. Thanks in advance.
    1 point
  5. MystyrE

    The Accidental Vaper

    About 6 weeks ago I bought a Fin menthol starter kit at my neighborhood WalMart. I was not looking to quit smoking, just save some money. As a guy that went through a carton every two weeks for 12 years, this was a heck of a deal. On my way home I thought "I think I may have just quit smoking... but that's crazy." I woke up the next morning wanting my coffee any my morning smoke... but not a smoke I wanted my Fin. I had quit smoking, more or less accidentally. Two weeks later I went into a local specialty store (Vaporescence) not havng any idea what to expect, and walked out with an eGo starter kit. Two weeks after that I was injecting eliquid into my dead Fin carts with a syringe because I'm clearly nuts. Yes, I realize this may have been a bad idea. I also already burned out one eGo T battery using the wrong charger. I can't help but experament with this stuff. I already want an eGo twist set up. The hobbyist side of vaping has clearly hooked me. It's been six weeks since my last true tobacco-and-fire type cig. My last pack with my last six cigarettes and lighter is sitting on a bookshelf and unlikely to do anything other than collect dust. So now I'm here. Looking to connect with other enthusiasts and learn more about what is apparently my new hobby. I guess you'll be seeing me around.
    1 point
  6. This one is under 50 bucks, (not the cheapest by any means, but the cheapest are usually found in coops throughout the various forums). I'm not sure if all 3 tubes are included or not... so it might be more. Shoot, I'm not even sure if it's the change-a-tube style or a true telescopic spinning style. But, it looks kinda cool. You'll have to research it, of course. http://www.gotvapes.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1467 Unless the true spinning telescopic style one has a battery end cap (like the Roller),or a removable top cap (like Super-T's new one), they're a pain in the hiney to change the batteries out. Just a heads up in case you weren't aware. (they should call them "twist a thousand times" mods lol). If I run into more, I'll drop a post.
    1 point
  7. kitsune

    One month milestone!

    Congrats !!! I love the feeling of being a non-smoker
    1 point
  8. robinl

    One month milestone!

    Congrats to you! Been 3 months for me and I'll never look back. Keep it going!
    1 point
  9. Uma

    One month milestone!

    WTG!!!! A big hearty CONGRATS to you!!! Isn't this exciting!! Whodathunk we'd ever be able to go without a T-cig. Now they're soooooo gross!! and it was so easy to vape through the cravings. Gotta love it.
    1 point
  10. hdryder

    rebuildable atomizer

    Been doing the vaping thing for awhile now and would like to get some input on the rebuildable attys out there....tired of not having enough laying around when I need them.. Would be alot easier just to rebuild them... thanks ...
    1 point
  11. Rixter

    Aga-T+ (Aka V2)

    @Uma - I decided to give the braided (twisted) Kanthal method you described a try. Wow! The flavor boost is unbelievable, and no hot spots, either! The resistance on my 5/4 twisted coil is a good bit lower than with untwisted 32g Kanthal (a steady 1.3Ω vs. a fluctuating 1.7 - 2.4Ω), but surprisingly, the Sigelei ZMAX doesn't seem to have a problem with it. I've been vaping with it at 9 watts for a couple of hours now, so I think we have a winner! Thank you. I suggest every RBA user try this out. I know...the coils look a tad loose around the wick, but it's vaping so perfectly that I ain't messin' with it!
    1 point
  12. Mark

    One month milestone!

    1 point
  13. Cotton Candy is my current favorite. I just picked up some green apple that isn't bad. I'll try it for a few days to see if I want to keep it in my rotation.
    1 point
  14. DIYFlavorShack.com sells Gooey Butter Cake and Butter Cream Frosting. Mix them with some Strawberry and we call it: Strawberry Cupcake.
    1 point
  15. Jeffb

    Need Ry4 Help!

    So your first post is to complain about a thread thats a year old?? ......
    1 point
  16. As for cleaning (and filling) cartos, try The Plunger from My Freedom Smokes.
    1 point
  17. Nice work Break!
    1 point
  18. brijmin

    Gotvapes Ultimo?

    Hi, I feel it time for a upgrade. I am looking at the GotVapes Ultimo. Also these FLüXOMIZER Cartomizer also seem like the best thing since sliced bread. Long time dripping, eGo fan, but the mess is starting to get to me. Normal Cartos just taste off to me somehow. Still rock'in the eGo. Anyone have one of these devices? I am not looking for a review really just a thums up or down on your opinion (if you have one). A device that is, not thumbs... ;-) Just kidding, you know what I mean...
    1 point
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