I agree, that discretion is important. But making Vapers hide or feel like junkies is total hogwash. Smokers have a right to see the alternatives to smoking T-cigs, Children also are the biggest spokesmen ever for getting their parents and peers off T-cigs and when they notice a E-cig, they immediately ask questions in hopes of helping their loved ones to switch over too. Children are smarter than grown-ups apparently, because they know that reducing or omitting the TAR and TOXINS and CRAP from T-cigs has GOT to be 99% healthier.
But then, if the E-cigs are forever hidden from view, and nobody knows there is an alternative, then big pharma can't push their Chill Pills when somebody needs a calming dose of nicotine.
If Big Pharma goes broke, so do the many organizations that were formed to get us to quit "smoking T-cigs.
Even so, discretion should be advised no matter if we're vaping an e-cig or mixing a drink. Just don't make us HIDE like Criminals.