Since you prefer SR, I'm going to suggest IkenVape's IKV 901 SR Atomizer 2.5Ω. IkenVape produces some really incredible atties, and are the only place I know of at the moment who have quality SR and HR 901s. The complete IkenVape 901 lineup (LR,SR, & HR) can be found here.
Using an eGo drip shield, I start a fresh 901 atty off by dripping 6-7 drops in, wait about 30 seconds, and add a few more just before vaping. With said shield in place, I usually add 5-6 drops when vapor production starts dropping off.
The 901 is a different beast as it has an air vent hole in it's side, and as you probably already know from your research, the drip shield was invented by Empire Mods specifically for the 901 atty to contain the leaking e-liquid and provide a reserve. The big difference between the 901 and 510s/306s is that the 901 seems to still produces good vapor when it's flooded (coil submerged), where the others don't (in my experience).
Remember to get a couple because for some reason, higher end atties are a little unpredictable as to last one lasted just over 3 weeks, but I think I popped it by accident when I put it on my VV set for a HR atty.
I hope this helps and I'm sure that once you try a good 901, you'll have a hard time going back to anything else. I haven't been able to enjoy my other atties as much since I started using least that's where I am now.