So I get home from work today and find that my healthcabin order had arrived before halloween which I doubted would happen. Anyway I got 2 ego mega batteries, 2 510 mega batteries, 2 low res. attys, 2 mega attys, a 5 pack of ego mega cartos, a drip tip, and a ego battery button protector! That's a lot but my battery issues should be nonexistent for a while esp. with the pt I now have (which is not faulty-see shocking pt thread)
Plus I am about to make a couple of customized pvs. One will be Cobra Commander's PV (Gi-Joe) One will be a Slytherin electronic wand, one a Green Lantern...Lantern(?).
That sound funny? Just wait and I'll post pics! I just gotta find some little plastic crystals or gems that will fit 510 battery. I have everything else I need...mmwwa ha! Ha! Ha!
Vaping is good.