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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2012 in all areas

  1. Breal

    Study On Ecig Vs Cigarettes

    I thought it was fascinating, especially about the nicotine absorption of e-liquid as opposed to cigarettes and the amount of time it takes for nicotine to enter the bloodstream when vaping vs, smoking. I also thought it was interesting that the cardiologist and his world colleagues toted nicotine replacement products, such as the patch, as completely ineffectual--a veritable failure--and how the United States seems to be the few, if not the only, holdout as far as that is concerned. I'm glad I never went down that road. He also debunked the theory that e-cigarettes contain carcinogens. He was quite dismissive on that score. Goodness, there was so much information. I truly recommend you sit through every last minute.
    1 point
  2. i tend to keep to my analog sched when im out n about. i take my kgo in stores and what not but i always forget to pull it out! lol i dont really like vaping in restaurants cuz i grew up in a no smoking state where if they serve food you cant smoke. gues its ingrained... but movie theaters store so on and so forth. but like padave said IM PROUD TO BE A VAPER! ITS SAVED MY LIFE!
    1 point
  3. blucavvy

    Carto Question

    actually what drains your battery is a low resistance cartomizer. whether it's dual or single coil or not has nothing to do with it. it's the total resistance that tells you whether or not your battery is going to work hard. for example, a 1.5ohm single coil carto will drain your battery faster than a 1.7ohm dual coil carto. and actually, dual coil's do not necessarily burn hotter than a single coil, here's how a dual coils resistance is figured. if you have a 1.5ohm dual coil carto that means that you have two 3.0ohm coils running in parallel for a total resistance of 1.5ohms. 3.0ohm coils do not burn hot unless it's on a higher voltage device, but you can't really run 1.5ohms on a 5v battery (very effectively anyways), so at 3.7v (which is what a 1.5ohm carto should run at) the vapor from a dual coil 1.5ohm carto is really just like sucking in the vapor from 2 3.0ohm coils which is not hot at all. the advantage of dual coils is not that they produce warm vapor, it's that because they have more "coil surface" they produce more vapor. if you want lots of vapor on a low voltage device use a dual coil carto. if you want warm vapor (and a decent amount of vapor) on a low voltage device, use a single coil carto with low resistance. hope that clears it up for ya.
    1 point
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