LOL! Ok.. The flavors are muted. You'll find that a lot of people concede to that one... However, some people disagree. I wish I disagreed.. but, I don't. The flavors are muted, imho. Fine. The dry scratchy throat hit, however... well, all I can gather on that one is either you are not allowing your wick to absorb the juice fully or that your wick isn't absorbing the juice properly (someone punched a few small holes in it and said it worked great). Mine didn't need that.. but I have the ego elegance without the new adaptation (no metal spout in mine).. don't know if that makes a difference.
As for the wicking issue... someone described it pretty well.. the juices darken in the 'tank'.. perhaps because the wick has difficulty absorbing all the elements of the juice simultaneously. All that said, the device works adequately. I like mine.. I put Bobas Bounty in there.. it never clogs. I've had it for over a month and use it every day; it's still going strong. I am not a great fan of the molasses flavor in the Bobas, but I like the tobacco flavor.. so, to me.. the ego elegance (Vision Ego Transparent Clearomizer) works fine. Is it as good as your standard boge lr 2.0? Such a hard question to answer...