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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2012 in all areas

  1. So as some of you may know i recently bought a lemon on ecf. I bought a Saber Touch that is pretty much useless. It has been nothing but a pain in the Butt(lol...why did spell check capitalize Butt?...haha it did it again!)since i got it. It had battery issues when i started to use it. I was so focused on not working I didn't even notice the incredibly horrible 510 connection! This thing literally moves an inch back and forth. When i tighten an Atty or carto down on it all the way it still moves and will not fire! I have to loosen it to the point of nearly falling off it get it to work and its really not worth it. So...on to dayvape being awesome and how this might benefit you. I have been wanting a Saber Touch for a LONNNNG time. Their are 3 mods i love...any notcigs PV, the GLV, and the saber touch. I have been so bummed out by this whole experience that dayvape was kind enough to PM and offer his unused working g saber tocuh free of charge . If that wasn't an amazing thing to do i don't know what is! I wanted to publicly thank him for being a nice enough person to offer a bummed out Vaper a free mod! Now on to how this may benefit you! I have been talking g with sir Lawrence(maker of the saber touch)and i am going to have the connection fixed. So...i will have 2 working saber touches!!! Well...not for long. I have decided that once this baby is all fixed up and working properly i am going to give it away on vapor talk. The only stipulation is you can not own any high voltage mods to enter. I would like to give this away to someone who has just gotten into vaping and has never experienced using a mod before. I will have more details once the saber is fixed and ready to be given away. This thing vapes like a champ when it's working! Contest to come in a week or so! Don't thank me...thank dayvape for being an awesome dude! sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet
    2 points
  2. I think one of the best parts of vaping is the variety. There is a vaping setup for everybody. We may not all agree on the ideal setup, but we do agree that vaping is an amazing journey.
    2 points
  3. Dripping Rocks !!!!! Just takes a certain skill......
    2 points
  4. Guess what two items I got in the mail today? Despite my negative first reaction to dripping (well, the latest first reaction) I decided to try the dripping atty again. I also ordered some of the MDCCs. Since I've moved to the Ipro as my primary vaper, I've tended towards regular 510 cartos in a J Tank or a Submarine tank. I've been using my LEO again a lot, and miss the big old fatty cartos, so I thought I'd try these again. First thing I did was try out the dripper on my IPro. Not terrible, but even at low voltage it made the atty, drip shield, and the top of my IPro really, really hot! So I unscrewed it (proved difficult), and moved it to my ego 18650 tube mod. That improved things - the flavor was a bit better, but the vapor production on both was kind of sorry. Plus, the occasional super-hot-juice squirting in my mouth wasn't the best... I had to be way too careful when drawing to keep that from happening. And the sudden fowl taste when the atty runs dry... ugh... So then I loaded up one of the MDCCs with the same juice, and screwed it onto my Ipro. Uh oh... doesn't screw down. The skirt just wasn't long enough! Then I remembered I bought one of those 510-510 connectors from my last dripping experiment, and it was still there, unopened. Did the trick. Outstanding. Flavor was a little less than the dripping, but the extra vapor more than made up for it. I tried it on the tube mod, and the results were the same. And the rubber drip tip! Identical to the Boge LEO DCCs! My favorite! Maybe I am just not made for dripping! Hell, the MDCC was so good I will probably be using a lot less of my Jtanks to boot... It also occurs to me that I have way too much vaping ****. The fact that I did all of that just when a shipment came in... that I actually had it all on hand? WTF?
    1 point
  5. ashora

    Its Here! Its Here!

    my kgo is here! got a batt charging now. cant wait to try it! the blue color is so awesome looking too!
    1 point
  6. And right there lies the problem. I am most likely to drip at my desk - where I am working on something. When I am at my desk working on something, I chain vape. Hell, I chain vape most of the time, but there it is particularly bad. Looks like I need to buy another damned atty. Damn it!
    1 point
  7. i am just so blown away by this that i am almost at a loss for words right now. i dont see things like this happen at all really and well yeah they never happen to me so gratz that you found someone awesome enuff to be so cool to you. and as for dryvape remember dude not that i think you care. but good things happen to people that do good things sir!
    1 point
  8. OK cool. As kitsune just said don't drip into a drip tip with a carto. Gurgle/juice in the mouth city. sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet
    1 point
  9. Drip shields work - I can say that much. Inside there is a leaky mess, but nothing gets out.
    1 point
  10. kitsune

    Its Here! Its Here!

    Very glad you have you KGO !!! Sounds like you are off to a very great start. with the drip tip, you can go either way....don't have to pull it off, but the liquid does have a tendency to run down the center of the carto....best to top off on the sides onto the filler. happy Vaping !!
    1 point
  11. Breal

    Ego Elegance Clearomizer

    Ok, I don't Have to tip the elegance clearomizer for it to wick, but when there's only a few drops left, I Want to tip. That's just me. I like that I can tip it in any which fashion I want to without any danger whatsoever of it leaking. I've even dropped the thing a few times and not a scratch. It's a good little device. I do have to use a lower voltage on the fruity flavors, though. But, I do that anyway--something about fruity flavors and lower voltage. meh About the Bobas... I let it steep. It's amazing. Initially, I had this taste of molasses and tobacco--not a great fan of molasses. That, combined with tobacco, really put me off of tobacco. But now, wow. The molasses kind of taste is still there, but only as an augment of the mild tobacco flavor--like a natural sweetener. It's like an ultra ultra ultra light cigarette with a tobacco aftertaste. Amazing. It just about satisfies my craving for a cigarette. I don't feel like I have to vape all day or that I'm missing something. I think that is what I was missing and wonder if anyone has ever tried to put menthol in it. Still no clogging on the clearomizer, even though it's 100% VG. Nice throat hit. I didn't think there was supposed to be a throat hit with 100% VG. Just needs that little bit of menthol and, to me, it'll feel like an actual cigarette. Promising. Very promising.
    1 point
  12. Great I will give this a try. Did not realize you could do that. Again Thanks so much. 46 days and counting, however my wife just took my credit card. Kept buying new toys every day. Wish I would have found this site before I wasted soooooo much on things I did not need.
    1 point
  13. the post on either the battery or the clearo may need to be GENTLY pried up a hair to make contact. also make sure all contact points (threads, battery post, etc...) are clean.
    1 point
  14. I just use the lowest strength I can get away with.Thinking makes my hjead hurt.
    1 point
  15. The density of nicotine is 1.01 grams per 1 ml. 24mg div 1000 = .024 grams per ml. 0.024 grams X the density of 1.01 = 0.024, or 2.4%. Not sure that's 100% correct, but sounds good.
    1 point
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