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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2012 in all areas

  1. I don't think I would be dripping if I could only drip 2-3 drops at a time... no way! Now, thanks to the 'drip shield'..... I drip 6-8 drops and then I can vape away for a good long while.... what seems to me about like the time it took me to smoke an analog. That was the main thing I hated about dripping back in the day when I first started vaping... I could really only drip 2-3 drops at a time or it would just start leaking out the damn bottom! And then, even with a drip tip, I would always get juice spitting up and in to my mouth... and I hated that! So, I gave up on atty's totally and switched to Boge 2.0 cartos for months and months, and was happy with them the whole time actually. That was until I got a bit bored and tried direct dripping again... only this time I happened to have a 'drip shield' and a little thing made by Cherry-Vape called 'The Universal'. Well.... it totally changed my view on dripping... and for the better! And, even after being a die-hard carto freak for months, I can now say I am loving Dripping again... well, until the next great thing comes out I suppose. They both have their place... don't get me wrong... but there is something about the pureness of dripping that has a hold on me again. It may be because I don't have to worry about when that dreaded 'dry hit' is coming... because it pretty much did every time I tried to drip. It's crazy how just a couple of little additions to my overall setup have totally changed how I prefer to vape now! I would have never guessed that was going to happen! Hell, I pretty much thought I was a carto-guy for life!
    3 points
  2. If new vaping products (pv's and atty's/carto's) stopped coming out would you be satisfied with what's currently available? What i'm asking is if no new products came out and everything stayed just as it was, would you be ok with it? Are we doomed to chase the "perfect vape"? I for one would be 100% content. I absolutely love carto's, i'm starting to love dripping, i even liked atty/tanks. Haven't tried carto/tanks yet but i'm excited to. That pretty much covers the delivery systems, what about batteries.....I don't have a lot of experience in the world of batteries. I've stuck mainly to the proprietary battery of the Boge/Innokin LEO and the kr808. I love both. I'm ok with having a small battery that needs charging every few hours, because well, i know that it serves it's purpose. Same with the LEO, i couldn't ask for much more than an 800 or 1,000mah battery like the LEO. The fact that there needs to be a 1300mah or 2000mah battery seems a little absurd to me..... Vaping has completely demolished the desire to smoke for me, which is what this was all about originally right? Was just a crutch to get off of cigarettes. Why do we "need" something more than that? Why is it that as people, we always have the desire to make things bigger, faster, stronger etc.... I dunno, for me, since about a month in or so i realized that if vaping stayed just as it was i would be 100% satisfied. Sure i love trying new things, but what's the point really? With an endless amount of juice combinations, why does the actual hardware need to get any better? There's already a plethora of choices for batteries and delivery systems, why more? Ok, there's my drunk post for the night. endrant/
    1 point
  3. So I have tried several different 'carto tanks' since they first arrived on the vape scene... and I never really could get them to pull in the perfect amount of juice to properly soak the filler. Well, I have been playing around with one tonight and tried something random with it... and it works like a champ now! I mean, it literally draws in the perfect amount of juice as I vape normally... finally a happy day with a carto tank. I did something so ridiculously simple that I'm nearly embarrassed to say what it was! So, I started off using a carto with a single punched hole, and it never really was consistent. After making the hole a bit larger, I would have to take several hard drags w/o firing the device, just to get a tiny bubble to appear showing me that juice was in fact now entering the carto. I then grabbed a sewing needle and simply poked it into the hole right about an 1/8" - 1/4" deep. Let me just tell you... folks, this has completely solved any and all problems I was having before. I am getting the perfect amount of juice drawn in now... it's amazing what a little prick of a needle can do. I'm sure this 'secret' has been discovered long ago... but I never read up enough to run across it anywhere. So, it is with much debate, that I decide to share this with any fellow vapers that give a crap! Who knows... maybe you are one those people that is having the same issue that I was, and if so you should give this a shot. LOL.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. whokrz

    Wood Tube Mod

    I turned three more on Thursday. Top-left is a XL3 variable voltage 18650 in maple Top-right is a XL3 mini VV 18350 in brown ebony Center is E-power 14650 tube and cone in redwood burl
    1 point
  6. BirdDog

    Ughhhhh So True

    That is why I don't bother with it. My cars are too old for it to make a difference anyways.
    1 point
  7. Well, seems i'm getting a fairly consistent 7-8 hits now between refills. Drip on 2 drops and it's good to go for another 8 hits. This vapor is THICK. Flavor is outstanding, it's like i'm tasting 555 for the first time........and it's GOOD Throat hit is good, no different really than a LR carto All in all, i'm enjoying dripping a lot. We'll see first off how long the atty lasts, and how much of a pita i consider it to have to always have a bottle of juice next to me in order to add more. I've been a little spoiled as i've been using 4ml carto's for the LEO for months now, so topping off was basically a thing of the past. I only needed to do it about once every 4 or 5 hours. Not ever once every 4 or 5 minutes lol. It's comparable to a good lr carto for me right now, i won't say better but comparable as far as the vape experience goes.
    1 point
  8. Mike

    Mega's Mad Science

    I didn't see it there and I gave him a list of flavors to stock up on that weren't on the shelf. They won't be there for a couple of weeks but I got flavorart, flavor west, capella and PA coming by the mailman soon!
    1 point
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