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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2012 in all areas


    Dripping For Dummies

    Most everyone here knows that I used to be a die-hard carto user! I mean, I used to be 'anti-atty' for the most part, and I wasn't about to start using atty's again! Well, things have obviously changed for me, and I couldn't be happier about it. It didn't necessarily happen with me on my first or second attempt... but the fact is, it DID end up working and it's just another great way to enjoy vaping for me now. So, I will still say to you, I honestly still feel that if you were to keep trying different things something would eventually click for you. I know, you say you are totally happy with cartos and that you don't really care for atty's, and that may very well be the way it is for you. It was certainly like that for me for a long time actually... until I basically just got bored with cartos and felt like giving 'dripping' a go again. I am certainly happy that I did too... because it is my 'go to' thing now at home. That is not something you would have heard me say 3-4 months ago either! I don't know but with the new stuff that has come out lately like variable voltage, dripping atty's, drip shields, and drip tips(The Universal)... once I found the right combination of them it all just came together. I honestly DO NOT ever worry about flooding an atty anymore with my setup... and that is probably the thing that bugged me the most about dripping... never knowing how much juice was there or what was needed, and having juice spit back into my mouth while vaping. Now, I honestly drip 6-8 drops, and have enough vaping with that to satisfy me until I'm ready to pick it up again and repeat! Simple as that... no flooding or no dratty! Not no more! Once again... You may be a carto user for life... but I too was one not so long ago and things have changed. Just keep that in mind, lol.
    1 point
  2. I assume I am sol, as I pulled the thing apart. And I did the procedure correctly. In truth, while thus taste was better, having to add more juice constantly is not worth it. Cargoes sacrifice a tiny bit of taste for a lot of convienence... Sent using tapatalk... so if something looks wrong, blame Autocorrect.
    1 point
  3. I put mine in a plastic project box and put a USB jack on the side so I can plug in cell phones or passthroughs.I had a 18 volt wall wart on it at first but since I keep it dialed down to 4 or 5 volts it got pretty hot so I switched to the 6 volt wall wart and it works very good.It is supposed to get hot that is why the heat sink is on it but heat means wasted electricity.You could also plug it into the 12 volt conveinience outlet in your vehicle with a lighter adapter.
    1 point
  4. lacy

    Forever Upping The Nicotine

    Today has been very stressful at work. I would have smoked I do believe if i had had a analog .Got home and my boge 3ohm were here. Punched my first hole , filled my tank, got a cup of coffee and kicked back, I'm going to be ok.
    1 point
  5. Jeffb

    Smoke Free Counter

    Click on my banner, insert your info, cut and paste BB Code into your signature on your Profile page.
    1 point
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