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  1. I would say 100mils is always a good starting point for juice stocking. I vape 3-5 mils a day and currently have about 400 mils of juice on hand. You will find that when you first start you will be spending a lot of money but just remember one thing...WHO CARES! lol You are quiting smoking and will eventually notice huge improvements to the quality of your life. If it cost me 5 times more to vape than it did for me to smoke it would still be worth it. You will not spend nearly that though(unless you get a mod habit). I would say once you have a device that works and have found the right couple of juices for you you can get away with spending $100 or so a month on supplies. Don't worry about the money right now...just remember that you would have spent that much in 3 weeks if you would have kept smoking and trust me...by then you will be breathing easier and actually tasting food again. If you have any other questions feel free. sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet
    2 points
  2. Keep in mind, most every thing we eat, drink and breathe is slowly killing us in one way or another....My goal is to enjoy what ever time I've got !!!
    2 points
  3. I have owned the Ego-C for about 45 days now. I own a VVTube mod, and use that for dripping when I am at home, and I have realized...that besides testing juices out rapidly. There is no real point in using my VVtube. I get the same flavor from my Ego-C. While the Ego-C is a static voltage device, the LR attys allow you to get a very warm and flavorful vapor, with all the flavor and deliciousness of dripping. WITHOUT ACTUALLY DRIPPING! I love it. I know everyone has used a carto for about a week or two and you just keep using it even though the draw gets a little tight, or the flavor mutes out a bit, to save money. After all, why throw away something that works right? With the Ego c, after filling and assmbling the very easy to use Ego-C cone assembly. it works just as a cartomizer or flux or whatever other cartidge you stick on the end of your EGO style battery. But it works BETTER. With a huge tank, 1 mL is the volume I am able to fit into my tanks. I just want to do a quick comparision to a few cartos I have used and let you know of the flavor difference and what other things I have noticed. All are used on the same Ego 5 click battery. About 25 charging cycles, after fully charging to save from voltage drop off differences. I used a very flavorful juice that I love dripping with. Atomic Cinnacide, at 24mg, 70/20 PG/VG. Cartos were used about 1 week total, and upon writing this I sat down, vaped on it for about 20 minutes, and wrote my exact experience based on how I felt the vape was for the past 20 minutes. I took a 10 minute break between the vapes, and randomly decided which was next with blindfold and grab technique. Delivery Device Ressurector, 1.7 ohm - Flavorful, convienient, I love the after taste when I chain vape for about 2 minutes and let the carto get a little hot. Lots of vapor, lots of flavor. Flavor- 7, Throat hit- 7, Vapor production- 7 Dripping with VVtube at 4.8 with 3 ohm 510 atty- Lots of flavor, PITA, had to change my atty I was using due to a previous flavor that remained. New atty is great. Love the huge Throat hit and the amazing vapor production, dry hits pretty often...flooding...get me a napkin. Flavor-10 when it hits well, -2 when I get a dry hit, Throat hit- 10, Vapor production- 9. Very warm and delicious vape Ego-C, LR atty- Solid vapor production. Very flavorful. Simple. French Vape is super fun with the warm vapor (up through the nose after in mouth). Consistent, delicious, warm, and easy. Lots of flavor and vapor. Flavor-10, Throat hit- 10, Vapor production-10. So consistent it is rediculous. Ego mega dual coil carto 1.5 LR- Excellent vapor production, but noticable less flavor than the Ego-C attachment. Kind of dissappointed. Flavor is there, but below what it was with the Ego-C. Flavor-7 (could be more if I wasn't coming off of the Ego-C. If i was previously using a 510 1.5 it might be higher...hard to be 100% sure) Throat hit-8, Vapor Production- 9 Very solid vape. All in all, the Ego-C is just like a carto, at a slightly higher pricetag to get started. about 15 bucks for the cone, and then 5 bucks an atty, with the platic tank expense still to be mentioned at about .50-.70 cents a pop. When you do a carto, if you pay 6 bucks for a single carto you better be getting the BEST DAMN VAPE OF YOUR LIFE! and honestly. I can say that with the Ego-C it is close. If you are an Ego user. If you vape at 7.4 you can honestly forget it But for someone who just likes simple, standard, and easy. Pick up a cone, a set of LR attys, and a 5 pack of tanks and get rocking. For about 50 bucks you can try this setup out...which is a standard MOD pricetag, but you will fall in love with it. If price points are your concern, stick with the Boge2.0, EMDCC, or res you are using, but if you want DD flavor and production, without the hassle. I don't know what you are waiting for. #getatit.
    1 point
  4. The prevailing trend in medicine these days is to attribute smoking as the cause of death to any smoker. Even if they are 90 years old, and their body in general was dying out. If they smoked, and that at all contributed to their body failing, then smoking is the cause. Period. Forget the fact that they still lived a full and generally healthy life. I take health warnings (especially the dire ones) regarding smoking with a grain of salt. It is politically fashionable to demonize smokers, and everything related to it. Is smoking dangerous? Absolutely. But the fact is, some people's bodies can process the garbage, and some can't. If you live to 90, and smoked your whole life, and eventually died from lung cancer ... I don't count that as smoking killing you. Something else probably would have a week later if the lung cancer didn't get you. Is second hand smoke deadly? Unless you are in an enclosed space with a smoker with no ventilation days on end, no, it doesn't. Car exhaust is more harmful, and people don't die young because of their daily commute. Smoking is bad, and there are a lot of things in cigarettes which could kill you. But the dire warnings about particular ingredients are sensational, and overkill. You could pick apart everything we are exposed to in life, and find something about it that might eventually cause some kind of health problem if exposed in high enough doses. Remember - they determine these ingredients are potentially dangerous by giving tiny animals doses hundreds of times greater than anything you will ever be exposed to, and seeing what happens.
    1 point
  5. http://innokin.com/product/detail.php/id-80.html
    1 point
  6. You could always try one of these.....small, portable backup battery charger....I couldn't survive without mine these days...mostly use it for my phone/ipod on long plane trips. Would work for any type of USB device. http://www.amazon.com/New-Trent-IMP500-External-Blackberry/dp/B0013G8PTS/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1329931867&sr=8-3 http://www.amazon.com/Satechi-Portable-Extended-Blackberry-Playbook/dp/B005HJU068/ref=sr_1_23?ie=UTF8&qid=1329932146&sr=8-23 http://www.amazon.com/Original-High-capacity-Portable-Ericsson-Blackberry/dp/B006M8K89W/ref=sr_1_45?ie=UTF8&qid=1329932266&sr=8-45
    1 point
  7. blucavvy

    Noob Greetings

    the lower the resistance of a carto/atty the more power it draws from the battery. a lower resistance carto/atty will give you a warmer, thicker vapor so if you like the vape your'e getting from it stick with it. personally i prefer lr carto's as opposed to sr (standard resistance) ones on a lower voltage battery. you'll get a good thick, warm vapor from the lr carto's but yes since they draw more power they will run through more juice than a sr carto. kind of a double edged sword but worth it in my opinion.
    1 point
  8. Love the Ego-C tank system. Flavor of dripping, simplicity of the cartos. This is what I do most of the time. My preferred. I use DD when I am running though flavors quickly, trying out a new sampler or something of the like. I have recently been burning though my EMDCC's...and by burning I mean using...have only had to put one in alcohol so far to clean it due to build up and burnt taste...So 4 more to kill...I am vaping so much to get back to my Ego-C, but I want to try everything, and it is such a shame to waste a full carto...
    1 point
  9. That's your problem. I wouldn't run that thing that high. If you're going to stack batteries be careful. Use 3volt batteries ffor 6 volts. If you stack 2 freshly charged 3.7volt batteries you are not only going to pop a lot of attys...you are going to get incredibly burnt crappy taste. Also in light of recent events i am not going t reccomend stacking battries in it period. If it can fit an 18650 or 17670 grab one of those and some LR atty's. sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet
    1 point
  10. bobthesalesclerk

    Noob Greetings

    I get about a week per carto but i use reallllly thick juice(100%VG). The ammount of time a carto lasts depends on a few things 1. Quality of the cartomizer - my rule of thumb is if the connection is silver its good lol. I have gotten 2 packs of cartos with gold or copper ends and they were TERRIBLE 2. Juice thickness - the thicker the juice the more gunked up they get 3. How wet you keep it- the higher the voltage the quicker they dry out. I top off my cartos constantly and get good life. If the filler on top is dry add 4-6 more drops around the edges of the carto...try not to get juice in the center tube but if you do no biggie. Cartos can last a few days or a few weeks depending on how you use them. If the draw starts to get bad or the flavor is off toss it. I have successfully cleaned cartos by boiling them but they need atleast 2 days to dry and its more of a pain than its worth. sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet
    1 point
  11. not overkill 6 batteries will prolly last 6-7 days i could picture it now you hiking down a trail with a huge backpack just with e cig stuff and a small bag with a tent and bag lol.
    1 point
  12. So, observation: After relatively dealing with addictives in cigarettes other than nicotine, I find a new addiction creeping up. It's a tad concerning. Cumin. Yep, Cumin. I had chicken soup at lunch, today, and I decided that it would be nice to have cumin in my chicken soup. Pretty lame a discussion, I know, but.... wait for it! Cumin. The kitchen didn't have ground cumin but they did have cumin seeds, so I decided to put the whole darned seeds in my chicken soup -- *dribble. You know in that movie Castaway where Tom Hanks finally manages to make fire, well, yeah.. He says, "I have made FIRE!, Yes I have made FIRE!!... " I felt like walking up and down the hallway yelling, "I, yes, I have CUMIN!..", etc It was amazing. So, I thought,.. it's time for a 7-day hiking excursion... and, then, PANIC. I can't charge my e-cigs on the trail. Uh Oh.
    1 point
  13. 5 years 4 months clean and sober. Guess I should give myself a break about it. Smoked for 37 years but at least now I have a solution for that too.
    1 point
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