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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2012 in all areas

  1. Yes !!!!! 1000+ days to prove it. Never quit for more than a few weeks before I found the wonderful world of vaping
    2 points
  2. blucavvy

    Boiling Cartos

    btw, welcome to vaportalk and if you have any other questions please feel free to ask, it's a very helpful community!
    1 point
  3. 5 years 4 months clean and sober. Guess I should give myself a break about it. Smoked for 37 years but at least now I have a solution for that too.
    1 point
  4. It took about 8-10 months before I stopped having any cravings. Early on, they were pretty mild, but after vaping for about two months, the cravings got bad. That's what took me down the high voltage path. I was alway able to vape heavily and get though the cravings.
    1 point
  5. mcquinn

    Favorite E-Liquids?

    Actually at first I was disapointed none tasted like smoking so I used frooty flavors.Then after about a year I revisited the tobacco's and now that is all I vape.Menthol liquids were all menthol and no tobacco to me ,a few drops in some CML or USA Red would be better.
    1 point
  6. I just put up a review of this juice. Www.vaporheads.net tobacco Europe vt3 is the most solid straight tobacco vape i have ever tried. Bobas is better IMO but if you areblooking for an analog replacement this is the closest i have found., sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet
    1 point
  7. Mike

    Health Observation

    I can understand some concerns because long term tests (10-20yrs) can't posiblly be done or even started yet. But I agree that our own personal findings and beliefs should out-weigh what others have no experience in(MYOB). I am another person who quit quitting until stumbling into vaping. I'm another 27 year smoker who could be dead right now from suicide because of Chantix, which BTW doesn't work. Another 2 year example of how vapor has had no ill effects and too many positives to list. To the FDA and/or whoever else that have concerns: Thanks for looking over my shoulder and keeping an eye out for potentionally hazardous things but until you walk 27 miles uphill in my shoes and 2 miles back down you're opinions mean very little to me.
    1 point
  8. Mike

    Favorite E-Liquids?

    555(from anyone), Torque 56(Halo), Peanut Butter(Wordup-ecig), Have been my all day vapes mostly. I haven't used 555 or Torque for a long time and I'm on the last bottle of Peanut Butter also. After several months of the same main vape I need to move on. My advice is to keep trying different things and when you find one you really like you'll know it and then you might want to buy a bigger bottle.
    1 point
  9. It might be helpful if you describe your withdrawals. May help. For example, does something feel wrong when you are vaping? You might not think about it, but the action of flicking an ash off a cigarette can create a Pavlovian response. Your body starts to associate that action with the intake of nicotine, and when you are vaping, you don't have that. You are getting the drug, but the ritual aspect is gone, and it feels somehow wrong to you. Or are you having a more physical response?
    1 point
  10. The Last juice i got was 555, this is the one i got 30ml of, and i am very happy for that . The flavor on this is very, very good. Probably the best tobacco flavored juice i've ever tried. I can't really pick up all the flavors going on in it but it is a thick, but sweet tobacco flavor. So far very impressed. Oh, and since i haven't mentioned it already all these juices are being tested in 2.8ohm vertical coil carto's on an 808 threaded 5volt passthru. Flavor= 8/8.5 Throat Hit= 8/8.5 (throat hit seems to be slightly better on this one than the others, maybe the tobacco flavor?) Vapor= 9 (again, the vapor on this stuff is outstanding, you could choke a squirrel with it it's so thick) Overall, i'm very pleased with my order from the vapor room. The french vanilla leaves something to be desired, but who knows that may just need a lower voltage battery....Can't wait to order from this site again.
    1 point
  11. So the forum rules don't work???? ANARCHY!!!!!!! sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet
    1 point
  12. That will probably never happen, and I don't want it to happen. In order for it to happen, PVs would have to require a prescription, meaning the powers that be determine whether we're allowed to use them or not. That should NEVER happen. Doctors won't ever tell you to do anything that's cheap. I can't remember the last time a doctor actually told me to eat an orange, drink orange juice, take zinc, or any vitamin/mineral, for that matter. It's always robitussin, nyquil, or some stupid prescription drug. They never promote cheap health aids, and they never promote preventive healthcare anymore. It's really very sad... Don't get me wrong. It would be very cool for them to suggest vaping to help fight/prevent colds and flus, but NOT if it's done by prescription only, and it's very doubtful that this will ever happen.
    1 point
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