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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2012 in all areas

  1. mega

    Lighted Ce2

    got a bit bored just a min ago and came up with this...
    2 points
  2. While i generally only visit this forum, with such a potentially negative Ecig story out there, i have been looking at other forums as well trying to gather information. First, I will commend the moderators here for not closing or deleting this thread (as has been done on other forums), I think it is important that real information is shared as well as having the ability to share our own concerns with fellow vapers. That being said, I would like to share a quote posted on that 'other' forum from a registered vendor (saveasmoker.com). Since I cannot personally attest to the validity of the post, the moderators are welcome to delete or alter my post if needed. The quote from 'MaxxVapor' was "I just spoke to the Chief at North Bay Fire District in Niceville. The incident happened 2/13/12. The battery that failed was unrecognizable but they found several 3.0v (Cr123a) lithium ion batteries and a recharger so it strongly appears the man was using a MOD." If this is accurate information, it should help give peace of mind to some. I am by no means an expert in batteries or battery safety, but I am certainly comfortable continuing to use both my Egos and my Provari without fear. After all, there is almost a certainty that analogs would have eventually killed me and if there is a one in a million chance of injury using my Ecig, it is a risk I happily take. I agree with a poster on another thread that a negative incident such as this could 'undo' a lot of the positive steps the ecig industry and vapers in general have been doing at bringing vaping closer to public acceptance. I have had several friends ask me about the story and have shared that anytime a battery is used, there is a potential danger, but that I personally know over 100 vapers who have been vaping for a long time and never know of a similar accident. I hope that accurate information will be collected and shared as time goes on, but I am highly doubtful that this will come from the 'sound byte media' as they will likely only look at this as another opportunity to slam Ecigs without concrete information to back it up....surprise, surprise. Lastly, my thoughts and prayers go out to Tom and his family and i wish him a speedy and complete recovery.
    2 points
  3. I have owned the Ego-C for about 45 days now. I own a VVTube mod, and use that for dripping when I am at home, and I have realized...that besides testing juices out rapidly. There is no real point in using my VVtube. I get the same flavor from my Ego-C. While the Ego-C is a static voltage device, the LR attys allow you to get a very warm and flavorful vapor, with all the flavor and deliciousness of dripping. WITHOUT ACTUALLY DRIPPING! I love it. I know everyone has used a carto for about a week or two and you just keep using it even though the draw gets a little tight, or the flavor mutes out a bit, to save money. After all, why throw away something that works right? With the Ego c, after filling and assmbling the very easy to use Ego-C cone assembly. it works just as a cartomizer or flux or whatever other cartidge you stick on the end of your EGO style battery. But it works BETTER. With a huge tank, 1 mL is the volume I am able to fit into my tanks. I just want to do a quick comparision to a few cartos I have used and let you know of the flavor difference and what other things I have noticed. All are used on the same Ego 5 click battery. About 25 charging cycles, after fully charging to save from voltage drop off differences. I used a very flavorful juice that I love dripping with. Atomic Cinnacide, at 24mg, 70/20 PG/VG. Cartos were used about 1 week total, and upon writing this I sat down, vaped on it for about 20 minutes, and wrote my exact experience based on how I felt the vape was for the past 20 minutes. I took a 10 minute break between the vapes, and randomly decided which was next with blindfold and grab technique. Delivery Device Ressurector, 1.7 ohm - Flavorful, convienient, I love the after taste when I chain vape for about 2 minutes and let the carto get a little hot. Lots of vapor, lots of flavor. Flavor- 7, Throat hit- 7, Vapor production- 7 Dripping with VVtube at 4.8 with 3 ohm 510 atty- Lots of flavor, PITA, had to change my atty I was using due to a previous flavor that remained. New atty is great. Love the huge Throat hit and the amazing vapor production, dry hits pretty often...flooding...get me a napkin. Flavor-10 when it hits well, -2 when I get a dry hit, Throat hit- 10, Vapor production- 9. Very warm and delicious vape Ego-C, LR atty- Solid vapor production. Very flavorful. Simple. French Vape is super fun with the warm vapor (up through the nose after in mouth). Consistent, delicious, warm, and easy. Lots of flavor and vapor. Flavor-10, Throat hit- 10, Vapor production-10. So consistent it is rediculous. Ego mega dual coil carto 1.5 LR- Excellent vapor production, but noticable less flavor than the Ego-C attachment. Kind of dissappointed. Flavor is there, but below what it was with the Ego-C. Flavor-7 (could be more if I wasn't coming off of the Ego-C. If i was previously using a 510 1.5 it might be higher...hard to be 100% sure) Throat hit-8, Vapor Production- 9 Very solid vape. All in all, the Ego-C is just like a carto, at a slightly higher pricetag to get started. about 15 bucks for the cone, and then 5 bucks an atty, with the platic tank expense still to be mentioned at about .50-.70 cents a pop. When you do a carto, if you pay 6 bucks for a single carto you better be getting the BEST DAMN VAPE OF YOUR LIFE! and honestly. I can say that with the Ego-C it is close. If you are an Ego user. If you vape at 7.4 you can honestly forget it But for someone who just likes simple, standard, and easy. Pick up a cone, a set of LR attys, and a 5 pack of tanks and get rocking. For about 50 bucks you can try this setup out...which is a standard MOD pricetag, but you will fall in love with it. If price points are your concern, stick with the Boge2.0, EMDCC, or res you are using, but if you want DD flavor and production, without the hassle. I don't know what you are waiting for. #getatit.
    1 point
  4. Same for me. I have used 6 V for a very, very short time....killer. I like the 4.7-5 range. I use 5V for a dying atty to get a few more days out of it.
    1 point
  5. Yes! I love that batteries are starting to just come as passthroughs instead of needing to pick an extra one up. Most kits still contain the standard non-passthrough variety. But it is COMING!
    1 point
  6. Thanks for that bit of investigative Facebooking, Vacker! Nicely done! This is the type of story that is so frustrating to deal with. The event is described in a horrific way, yet there are absolutely no real details that could be of use to anyone. Will those details be forthcoming? In today's news-bite media environment, it seems unlikely. Now I just want to know more. JeffB assumes the gentleman was stacking his batteries. The news report says he has been using an e-cig for 2 years, so it's possible he's been around them enough to become interested in using mods, but perhaps ignored some important safety guidelines. It does seem highly unlikely that he was using an off the shelf model, even though what Vacker turned up points in that direction. I'd also like to know a great deal more about batteries exploding: Why it happens, how to prevent it, could such an explosion cause the injuries described in these articles? Any medical folks out there on VT? I know none of us wants to even consider the idea of something like this happening to us.
    1 point
  7. The flavor usually decreases with higher voltages- but it does depends on the juice and atty resistance. The benefit of higher voltage is that you don't have to pull on the pv as long- it gets the job done quicker. The hits can be warmer, more vapor and also more TH. You'd have to find your sweet spot to figure out what voltage is for you- but between 4.2-5v on an LR atty is pleasant IMO. Any higher and you should be using a SR atty and you might want more volts than 5v with SR. Again- it depends on your sweet spot.
    1 point
  8. TroopX


    1 point
  9. After hearing about a guys face being blown off I ain't building a mod cutting a wire or doing anything to these devices that wasn't originally manufactured!
    1 point
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